Was Lazarus A 'Bum'?


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He's talking about spiritual food!
Or ......

James 2:16 KJV
(16) And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?


Well-known member
Sure, I might.

If I give some money to somebody who looks like they need it, how do I know whether they can't work or won't work?

It's up to you to discern which is which. But again...it's your money.

Cue news footage of famous local panhandlers walking a couple blocks away with a day's haul from charitable drivers, getting into an Escalade and driving home.


James was written to the twelve tribes of Israel.

James doesn't make a command, he makes a declarative statement of fact- works without faith is a dead faith.

It is something that applies to all, because it is a reality.

See how that works? This is the pitfall of you all's theology, GM.


Well-known member
Well, you don't.

I think the passage in Thessalonians is really meant to vindicate a person who chooses not to give what they know to be false charity- if the same person comes to you and asks you for money or food, and you know that the person is simply choosing not to help their self, than you aren't obligated to keep helping them.

I've been on both sides of the fence- I've been homeless, and I've helped homeless people. Even with my experience, you can't judge based off of one account with a person, and the Thessalonians didn't do that. It's something that anyone who makes use of the verse 'ye who do not work shall not eat' should be wary of- it's not a 'ignore those in need' card.

I'm sorry you were homeless, it must have been awful.

My husband had nowhere to live at one time through no fault of his own. And a man he hardly knew took him in, and gave him a place to stay until he found somewhere to live. He was like the good Samaritan.

The man didn't live in the flat that my husband stayed in, and one night the electric went out, and my husband hadn't been paid from work, he had no money and he only had the light from the street lamp outside for light. In the light he saw a bible sitting in the flat which the outside light when it shone in showed up. He opened up randomly at Luke 14. He didn't know God, and he hadn't really heard much about God in his life. But after reading Luke he prayed to God. And he asked for help. I too had been praying for help at that time. Not long after that, we met each other. He lived 70 miles away from me, but after losing his job he had to work in my town, a week after he started work, I lost my job and got work where he worked. That was over 20 years ago. And I know that God blessed us. And we both love God from our hearts and we know that he has blessed us.

When I see someone homeless and hungry, I just think that they have feelings like I do. And it must be so hard to live like that, especially in the cold. God moves my heart, because without him I would walk past. I know what my flesh is like. But with him and because of Christ's example, I help. I'm not perfect, I know that it's only God changing my heart. Without God I would be a disgrace.

When I see someone homeless I think of my husband's heart, and how kind and gentle he is. And how through no fault of his own he became homeless. And how we could easily walk past someone like him. I believe that if we can help, then it's good to do so. God has blessed me with a roof over my head, food, water, warmth and a family. The least I can do is give back by helping those I see in need if I can.

I believe that we are judged on what we do, I can't judge others as I don't know their life. So it's best to give if we can, even just enough for a bit of food. It's not much to us, but it might be all they eat that day.


Well-known member
Or ......

James 2:16 KJV
(16) And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?
I totally agree, we should help in whichever way we can, naturally and spiritually :)


Well-known member
Everyone is influenced to some degree by some church, denomination or movement. The honest ones admit it. The dishonest ones hide it.
Well what can i say, we go to a house meeting and read the Bible together and share the word of God. What denomination is that?

What denomination of the church was Jesus?


Well-known member
How can we know as we walk past and they are on the street? Would you question each person you see before helping them?

Yes I would.

We were driving back from my parents in Illinois last month and were gassing up in Tennessee. An older black woman approached me at the pump and said she was trying to get to Tallahassee but was out of gas, did I have money to spare? I told her I did not (and I didn't) but I would put some gas in her tank on my card. She thanked me when I did so and went on her way. Was she lying? I don't think so but God knows, and that's fine with me.

I mention that to say I've had prior encounters where I was asked for cash for someone to buy gas (usually women, for some reason). When I offered to put it on plastic, they said no thanks and walked off. They were drunks or addicts, but I could tell that the moment I saw them.


Well-known member
You have nothing to spiritually feed anyone except honeyed ashes that will send them - and you - to the Lake of Fire.

Ohhhh still sending me to the lake of fire, even though you are in sinful flesh yourself?

One day you might realise, that it's not for you to decide who's going where, even though you seem to get enjoyment at the thought of others burning in a lake of fire!

Matthew 7

For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
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Well-known member
Ohhhh still sending me to the like of fire, even though you are in sinful flesh yourself?

God doesn't see me in this flesh. He sees me in Christ. That's what the blessed Pauline doctrine of JUSTIFICATION means...a doctrine you've denied here on TOL more than once, which is a sure sign of your condemnation -- from your own mouth.


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I believe that we are judged on what we do,

Romans 5:18 KJV
(18) Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.

Anyone relying on their righteousness is relying on the wrong one.


Well-known member
God doesn't see me in this flesh. He sees me in Christ. That's what the blessed Pauline doctrine of JUSTIFICATION means...a doctrine you've denied here on TOL more than once, which is a sure sign of your condemnation -- from your own mouth.
If you just think that you can live as you please, judge others and not live by the will of God, then you're in for a shock!


Well-known member
Yes I would.

We were driving back from my parents in Illinois last month and were gassing up in Tennessee. An older black woman approached me at the pump and said she was trying to get to Tallahassee but was out of gas, did I have money to spare? I told her I did not (and I didn't) but I would put some gas in her tank on my card. She thanked me when I did so and went on her way. Was she lying? I don't think so but God knows, and that's fine with me.

I mention that to say I've had prior encounters where I was asked for cash for someone to buy gas (usually women, for some reason). When I offered to put it on plastic, they said no thanks and walked off. They were drunks or addicts, but I could tell that the moment I saw them.
Well at least you helped and you offered to help the others, :) that's great :)

Many wouldn't!


Well-known member

Romans 5:18 KJV
(18) Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.

Anyone relying on their righteousness is relying on the wrong one.
So you believe that you can just live as you please, living by the will of your flesh and God will be ok with that?


Well-known member
If you just think that you can live as you please

And you would know that about me, how? The tone and language I use here on TOL is reserved for enemies of the Cross, just as the apostle Paul did. You are one of them. But you presume much about my personal life, about which you can know NOTHING? It is you who judges falsely, hypocrite.

And let's talk a moment about doing as one pleases, since you brought it up.

YOU are the one who thinks you can believe any good news in the Bible as your own and God is honor bound to give you what you think is yours. You are in for a very sad awakening, at which point it will be too late. Change your mind and believe the only saving Gospel of grace before it's too late.