Victims of MAD

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That's not salvation. Trusting the Lord believing what Christ did in your place is the power of God to save you (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV). When have you ever had a moment in your life when you trusted Him after hearing and believing the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, the gospel of Christ?

Trust was part of that at the time and it wasn't a fleeting 24 hour thing so why don't you tell me if otherwise? You've presumed enough else so if that's it I'll leave the rest of you to squabble.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I understand. I have your number.

It is more "natural" for you to demonically attack a daughter of God, than it is for you to utter God's Name or to openly confess Jesus Christ as your Savior.

You just cannot do it, can you?

No, you have a demon in you.

I have for years, you vile, satanic demon. Don't confuse your drunkenness, thus not being able to read and understand my posts, testimony, with any alleged failure on my part, you nasty perverter.

A daughter of God? Good one, you wicked, Clavinist child of the devil. At least you have a sense of humor, when the LORD God sends you to hell.

"Jesus," you say, demon? Show some respect-it's the Lord Jesus Christ to you. And you, and your lord satan, will eventually confess that, as you both bow down to Him, before He sends you to your "elect" place in hell, as He is not your Saviour.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Confession of the name of Jesus Christ as Savior, cannot pass the lips or issue forth as John W's public testimony.

The official defender of MAD cannot utter the name of the Lord.

What does that say about the MAD movement?

I've done it for years, you vile, nasty witchie poo, and wicked, satanic liar.

Leave this site, demon. We smell your sulfur.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
MADists not only exhibit a shocking lack of expression of love for God and His name, but they show absolutely no love for their fellow man.

Shuck your sorcery, as your "god of fortunes" assigns people randomly to hell, demon, and you call this "good news."

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I am not persuaded by those who quote God's words without any expression of love for the name of God the author, or who harbor selfish motives doing so, that is apart from love for their fellow man.

Such are hypocrites . . .

You vile perverter, "fruit inspector," closet Catholic:

"Dispies don't want to hear this. They are taught to do nothing after salvation.....All men born into this world are obligated to keep the Covenant of Works. The Law and Commands of God, as given to Adam before the fall."-nasty Naggie

"Any person who lives his life wrongly and does not repent of his sins, will be held responsible and judged for breaking God's laws and are justly consigned to death and hell. Sinners only receive what they have earned. Men reap what they sow….Souls can be assured they are in the body of Christ, when the Holy Spirit causes them to hate their sins and to repent of them.Any soul who professes faith in Christ, who continually practices sin without any remorse or evidence of repentance, produces a erroneous witness to the saving grace of God."-nasty Naggie

=I know I'm one of the "elect," by examining my "fruit," my lifestyle.

We are on to you, you evil wolf-ette.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
MADists edify no one . . . they only support and elevate each other, and could care less about the lost of the world.

I am surprised you and others have not become aware of this travesty, supported and purported by TOL.

Care for another glass of "Whine" Nang?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I am not persuaded by those who quote God's words without any expression of love for the name of God the author, or who harbor selfish motives doing so, that is apart from love for their fellow man.

Such are hypocrites . . .

Nah! You're just a cranky/grouchy ol' Misanthrope, aren't ya?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You only use these words of God to elevate yourself and defend your false religion.

But you prove incapable of posting a personal testimony from your heart of a love of the name and Person of Jesus Christ and reliance for everlasting life, based upon His righteousness, alone.

Not one of you MADists can utter a love for His name from your own hearts and lips. For He is not in you.

What ya got planned for Christmas Scroogette?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Is claiming and spouting scripture as mantra, the same as actually confessing the name of Jesus Christ from the heart, with one's own words of professed faith in, and love for His Dear Person and Majesty and Grace?

Ain't nobody on TOL as grouchy as you Nang! You not only
scream at neighbor kids to, "GET OFF MY LAWN!" You also
have turned your front yard into a minefield!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
All kinds of cultists quote scripture.

Confessing faith and giving personal honor and glory to the name of Jesus Christ is better.

And NONE of you MADists want to do that. And I know why . . .

You and your "ILK" are followers of, "John "Killer" Calvin!" He
killed over fifty some people while in his "reign of terror" as the,
"Pope of Geneva!" That was a nickname given to this "notorious
heretic!" Anybody can Google this infamous man's name and
find out about John Calvin (Calvinism) And, you and a few others
here are; Calvinists! Followers of John "Killer" Calvin!


Well-known member
Nobody said you couldn't but since when did that give you the right to be so arrogantly presumptive about another persons beliefs simply because you haven't read some 'personal testimony' or some such? I confessed and repented a long time ago and that would count as being 'saved' for many just on this board no matter what's happened since, and I won't pretend I've led a guilt free life since that point or that my beliefs haven't changed in regards to 'dogma' in the meantime. I don't hold with a lot of 'traditional' theology so there ya go.

You could have just said 'no.'


TOL Subscriber
You vile perverter, "fruit inspector," closet Catholic:

"Dispies don't want to hear this. They are taught to do nothing after salvation.....All men born into this world are obligated to keep the Covenant of Works. The Law and Commands of God, as given to Adam before the fall."-nasty Naggie

"Any person who lives his life wrongly and does not repent of his sins, will be held responsible and judged for breaking God's laws and are justly consigned to death and hell. Sinners only receive what they have earned. Men reap what they sow….Souls can be assured they are in the body of Christ, when the Holy Spirit causes them to hate their sins and to repent of them.Any soul who professes faith in Christ, who continually practices sin without any remorse or evidence of repentance, produces a erroneous witness to the saving grace of God."-nasty Naggie

=I know I'm one of the "elect," by examining my "fruit," my lifestyle.

We are on to you, you evil wolf-ette.
"Isn't she lovely?"~Stevie Wonder