Ukraine Crisis

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
NATO, i. e. the US, is pushing ever harder for nuclear war with Russia. Lithuania has stopped all rail traffic through it, which was guaranteed by formal treaty, to Kaliningrad from Russia. This is an overt act of war. What will Putin do in response? Is he the slobbering mad man the US portrays him as? I don't think so as we would already be looking at the smoldering ruins of DC.

Our leadership is psychopathic as it seems they will stop at nothing short of all out war.

NATO is not the US alone and you are off the planet. If the US wanted nuclear war with Russia it hardly needed the invasion of the Ukraine did it? Have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe you promote bat crazy conspiracy rubbish? Why do you suppose that NATO shied away from enacting a no fly zone over the Ukraine? Could it possibly be because it could easily escalate the situation into all out war?

Gary K

New member
NATO is not the US alone and you are off the planet. If the US wanted nuclear war with Russia it hardly needed the invasion of the Ukraine did it? Have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe you promote bat crazy conspiracy rubbish? Why do you suppose that NATO shied away from enacting a no fly zone over the Ukraine? Could it possibly be because it could easily escalate the situation into all out war?
The US spends more on the NATO budget than the top 10 nations combined. You need to do basic research before you run your mouth. He who has the gold makes the rules.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The US spends more on the NATO budget than the top 10 nations combined. You need to do basic research before you run your mouth. He who has the gold makes the rules.

You need to learn how to do proper research altogether instead of lapping up whatever "news" any given bonkers conspiracy site feeds you. NATO is more than the US, fact. The US is not angling for nuclear war with Russia, also fact. Get a flaming grip.

Gary K

New member
Maybe because it's "a pro-Russian party led by a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, ... Viktor Medvedchuk, a wealthy businessman accused of treason"

No surprise you'd be outraged that Ukraine would ban the invading enemy's party. You're Putin's useful propaganda mouthpiece.
As usual you did very poor research. Zelensky has "accused" Medvedchuck" of treason. Accusations aren't proof of anything. The same goes for the accusations against the OPPL. Zelensky has "accused" the OPPL of being pro Russian along with 11 other opposition parties.


Gary K

New member
That quote was from your link. Oh well.
Here is the story from the notorious right wing conspiracy site known as ALJAZEERA. It contradicts everything you say and backs me up right down the line.

Like I said, you do shoddy research. It's all propaganda.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Here is the story from the notorious right wing conspiracy site known as ALJAZEERA. It contradicts everything you say and backs me up right down the line.

Like I said, you do shoddy research. It's all propaganda.

Says the guy who posits that the US wants nuclear war with Russia. Why did NATO refuse to enact a no fly zone over the Ukraine?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Oh, stop with the silly trigger words. :)
I'm sure The Owners℠
Who owns the United States Constitution Tom? To whom does it belong? Hint, former President Washington got it right, even though he owned people; he knew who owns the Constitution.
There are conspiracies all around you.
Not in or around our government. Are there nepotistic backroom deals made, I'm sure, all the time. I'm equally sure they have no bearing on the laws we make and how they're enforced, nor whether we practice rule of law. This means our regime is not corrupt, and that means, no conspiracy at the level that you and @ffreeloader apparently believe in. Or even seriously entertain.
There's nothing mysterious or secret about that...And people do not need conspiracies to advance their own self-interests or the interests of those who they consider to be part of their coterie and social strata.
Nor are there laws against such activity, and nor would there be in any moral nation under a moral regime.
But don't worry idolater...I'm sure there will be many hands to help you build that tower. ;)
I just need one, to start.

The Constitution's purpose was to secure the peace, the liberty and the safety of all Americans. Right now our 'global disorder' allows for the possibility that one of these suicidal mass murderers winds up with his fingers in reach of one of these buttons, that sets off nuclear guns. We're way too close to this possibility right now. Our confederation model is proven false, dead on arrival. We don't actually have to see WWIII 'triggered' to know this, right now. I know you and Ffreeloader know this, neither of you aren't severely intelligent.

Call it a tower. Call it a seed. But it's got to begin somewhere, this status quo is abominable. It's worth fighting a hot war to achieve this goal, but we do have time still to work diplomatically.

I would love for Canada to be received into the Union. Or Venezuela. Not Puerto Rico, they don't have enough capital to offer. But someplace rich in resources, whether it's oil, or land, or coastline, or just property down near Aruba, because why should the Dutch be getting so much American money?

We just need one country, one nation, to agree to the same thing that the original 13 nations (because they were each sovereign, there's no doubt that today's translation of the ancient 'state' as in 'United States' is 'nation') agreed to in 1787 or 89 or I can never remember which year. The deal's the same now as it was then.

In return for giving up their absolute sovereignty they got to join a nation that has weathered all military storms, where their prior confederation (e.g. the EU, NATO, the UN) would have failed them. America could have never survived under the Articles of Confederation their first regime. That regime was as powerful as those regimes I noted parenthetically above. They barely survived the Revolution, and they for sure would have fallen to the British in 1812 if they had that to do over again.

The Constitution's primary purpose was peace. It, works. The EU, NATO, the UN----we don't know what these regimes can or will do, so far they don't look promising. I think we can say right now that they have all allowed us as a species to get way too close to WWIII, whether or not this currently small fire burning in Eastern Europe goes out, or if it spreads. Either way, they each of them have failed. They have failed to keep us safe. This current disorder is too dangerous. It's too dangerous for our kids, our grandkids, and yes our "coterie and social strata" too.

Nothing like this happens in a generation. It takes centuries for this sort of global ideology to materialize, but it'll go a lot quicker if we start sowing seeds now. Publish it, get it out there, push it, argue for it, take the blinders off peoples' eyes right now.

If there's a better solution, I'm all ears. Right now I've seen enough. The US Constitution's it, until someone successfully persuades me otherwise. And I'm all ears.

Gary K

New member
No, Putin mouthpiece, I'll stick with the quote from your original link, shoddy though you think it may be.
Oh. my original post on Zelensky.You're talking about this one.

In a political move proving his republicanism, Zelensky banned all opposition voices in Ukraine. He has seized control of the media and banned the 2nd largest political party. he took all their assets and transferred them directly to the state.

Ain't he a guy we need to spend billions of our tax dollars propping up? He's Joe Jr.

And here is the original link in which The Conservative Treehouse and Aljazeera agree in every detail. Odd how that fake news site got every detail correct



like marbles on glass
Oh. my original post on Zelensky.You're talking about this one.

And here is the original link in which The Conservative Treehouse and Aljazeera agree in every detail. Odd how that fake news site got every detail correct

The Conservative Treehouse article is a word salad that wanders from Covid restrictions to western governments being "drunk on their new power" to whining that Zelenskyy has silenced a party that is engaged in subverting Ukraine. If you'd looked more closely, you'd realize that the quote I pulled from that poorly-written CT article is from Reuters. CT excerpted it, but left out the part about the party aiding and abetting the enemy:

KYIV (Reuters) - A Ukrainian court has banned a pro-Russian party led by a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the justice ministry said on Monday.​
It said the court in the western city of Lviv had decided to transfer to the state all property, funds and other assets held by the "Opposition Platform - For Life" party led by Viktor Medvedchuk, a wealthy businessman accused of treason.​
The ministry acted under a law passed last month by parliament that enabled it to go to court to seek a ban on parties whose activities are deemed a threat to Ukraine.
Ukraine's national security and defence council had recommended that this definition applied to Medvedchuk's party, the second largest in parliament.
"The court banned the activities of the Opposition Platform - For Life political party. The corresponding claim of the ministry of justice was satisfied by the Eighth Administrative Court of Appeal," the ministry said on Facebook.
The party opposed a decision by parliament to recognise Russia as a state aggressor following Moscow's annexation of the Crimea region in 2014, and supported Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine. Its lawmakers have favoured a return to the Kremlin's patronage over integration with Europe.
Medvedchuk faces up to 15 years in jail if convicted of treason and violating the laws and customs of war. Ukraine's State Bureau of Investigation has completed a pre-trial investigation into Medvedchuk and filed the case to a Kyiv court.​
The investigators' report said Medvedchuk had provided the leadership of Russia with assistance in carrying out subversive activities against Ukraine, including collecting information about the location of military units.
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Gary K

New member
The Conservative Treehouse article is a word salad that wanders from Covid restrictions to western governments being "drunk on their new power" to whining that Zelenskyy has silenced a party that is engaged in subverting Ukraine. If you'd looked more closely, you'd realize that the quote I pulled from that poorly-written CT article is from Reuters. CT excerpted it, but left out the part about the party aiding and abetting the enemy:

KYIV (Reuters) - A Ukrainian court has banned a pro-Russian party led by a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the justice ministry said on Monday.​
It said the court in the western city of Lviv had decided to transfer to the state all property, funds and other assets held by the "Opposition Platform - For Life" party led by Viktor Medvedchuk, a wealthy businessman accused of treason.​
The ministry acted under a law passed last month by parliament that enabled it to go to court to seek a ban on parties whose activities are deemed a threat to Ukraine.
Ukraine's national security and defence council had recommended that this definition applied to Medvedchuk's party, the second largest in parliament.
"The court banned the activities of the Opposition Platform - For Life political party. The corresponding claim of the ministry of justice was satisfied by the Eighth Administrative Court of Appeal," the ministry said on Facebook.
The party opposed a decision by parliament to recognise Russia as a state aggressor following Moscow's annexation of the Crimea region in 2014, and supported Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine. Its lawmakers have favoured a return to the Kremlin's patronage over integration with Europe.
Medvedchuk faces up to 15 years in jail if convicted of treason and violating the laws and customs of war. Ukraine's State Bureau of Investigation has completed a pre-trial investigation into Medvedchuk and filed the case to a Kyiv court.​
The investigators' report said Medvedchuk had provided the leadership of Russia with assistance in carrying out subversive activities against Ukraine, including collecting information about the location of military units.
Nice try but no ceegar.

Here is Anna: Don't look at Aljazeera. Look at my my distraction.

Gary K

New member
Says the guy who posits that the US wants nuclear war with Russia. Why did NATO refuse to enact a no fly zone over the Ukraine?
The economic circumstances have changed. The "west" is now in dire circumstances as these nations are all tottering on the cliff bankruptcy because all their sanctions have backfired on them. They have been badly hurt instead of Russia so must now have a world wide war as that is their only chance to survive so they are turning to the one option that all governments have always turned to which is war.

Russia's economic circumstances have improved greatly. The ruble is at a 7 years high and Russia has better trading partners than they ever had.

Last time I'm answering you, troll.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The economic circumstances have changed. The "west" is now in dire circumstances as these nations are all tottering on the cliff bankruptcy because all their sanctions have backfired on them. They have been badly hurt instead of Russia so must now have a world wide war as that is their only chance to survive so they are turning to the one option that all governments have always turned to which is war.

Russia's economic circumstances have improved greatly. The ruble is at a 7 years high and Russia has better trading partners than they ever had.

Last time I'm answering you, troll.
This is unhinged. The notion that America would want a war with Russia is flat out crazy full stop. Do you understand what a world wide thermonuclear war actually entails? Here's a hint: Global destruction to the point of it being an extinction level event. So, where's the "survival" in that? There isn't. Again, why didn't NATO enact a no fly zone over the Ukraine? If you think that Russia hasn't been hit by sanctions then you are in la la land also.

No great loss AFAIC Ffreeloader.