Ukraine Crisis


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Scriptures make it clear that national sovereignty, including clearly defined borders, is God's idea. In Acts 17:26, we read, "And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place..."

Two things, we are told, are under God's sovereign control: how long a nation lasts, and where its borders are. The verb translated "having determined" is the Greek verb "horizo," from which we get the word "horizon." It means "to mark out, to define." So God has marked out and defined the borders of each country.
What are you arguing here Jefferson? When were the borders clearly defined? Is Russia right now trying to reclaim God's clearly defined borders? or are they defying His borders? What about our Constitution? When it was ratified the national borders of America went from 13 sovereign nations with their own borders to one nation with one border all the way around it; which borders were God's clearly defined borders? And how many nations is the God-ordained right number? Is it 200? 100? Two? Why are you so certain that your interpretation of the Bible is the only correct one?

Your position seems extremely fatalistic, which doesn't seem to mesh with your Open View and Dispensation of Grace theologies. Those theologies seem to promote a lot of latitude in basically all matters, but then this view that having the United States Constitution expanded to engulf the whole politics of the Earth violates God's will is extremely limited and only so, because of a fatalistic reading of the Bible which handcuffs us from making what to me is an obvious rational and responsible choice, in order to prevent us from ever plunging into a nuclear conflict.

It seems like that's exactly what you think that God wants us to be risking right now, and I do not see your case as being all that strong or persuasive or logical.

I'm sorry.

Gary K

New member
Putin's address to SPIEF on western sanctions and how they are destroying the west. He's right on the money as to who is being hurt the most, the common people in the EU and the US.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Merkel adopted a ‘not in my backyard” (NIMBY) approach and increased fossil fuel imports from Russia. Her green policies were a primary driver of President Biden lifting the sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Many, including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, believe Biden caving to Merkel emboldened Russian President Vladimir Putin in his invasion of Ukraine.

Remember what that famous Kenyan said?

Never underestimate Joe's ability to f(oul) things up

Gary K

New member
Merkel adopted a ‘not in my backyard” (NIMBY) approach and increased fossil fuel imports from Russia. Her green policies were a primary driver of President Biden lifting the sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Many, including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, believe Biden caving to Merkel emboldened Russian President Vladimir Putin in his invasion of Ukraine.

Remember what that famous Kenyan said?

Never underestimate Joe's ability to f(oul) things up
Did you mean the behind the scenes cooperation between Biden and Merkel?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Merkel adopted a ‘not in my backyard” (NIMBY) approach and increased fossil fuel imports from Russia. Her green policies were a primary driver of President Biden lifting the sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Many, including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, believe Biden caving to Merkel emboldened Russian President Vladimir Putin in his invasion of Ukraine.

Remember what that famous Kenyan said?

Never underestimate Joe's ability to f(oul) things up
Did you mean the behind the scenes cooperation between Biden and Merkel?
This is why Make America Great Again works for us. Skubalon like this. You can't pretend we're all equal and on equal footing with these other sovereign countries. If they want what we've got, they can join the Union. Other than that, we've got to be looking out for number one. Because nobody else will and nobody else does. And STOP mimicking their infernal policy positions. They're on drugs.


Staff member
Super Moderator
What are you arguing here Jefferson? When were the borders clearly defined? Is Russia right now trying to reclaim God's clearly defined borders? or are they defying His borders? What about our Constitution? When it was ratified the national borders of America went from 13 sovereign nations with their own borders to one nation with one border all the way around it; which borders were God's clearly defined borders? And how many nations is the God-ordained right number? Is it 200? 100? Two? Why are you so certain that your interpretation of the Bible is the only correct one?

Your position seems extremely fatalistic, which doesn't seem to mesh with your Open View and Dispensation of Grace theologies. Those theologies seem to promote a lot of latitude in basically all matters, but then this view that having the United States Constitution expanded to engulf the whole politics of the Earth violates God's will is extremely limited and only so, because of a fatalistic reading of the Bible which handcuffs us from making what to me is an obvious rational and responsible choice, in order to prevent us from ever plunging into a nuclear conflict.

It seems like that's exactly what you think that God wants us to be risking right now, and I do not see your case as being all that strong or persuasive or logical.

I'm sorry.
What part of Acts 17:26 indicates having national borders is sinful?

Gary K

New member
I was going to post this in the bubble has burst thread but it fits just as well here as well in any "vaccine" or covid thread and in any discussion about geoengineering.
Interesting isn't that God described those leaders of Judah in terms equivalent to psychopaths.


like marbles on glass
Putin's address to SPIEF on western sanctions and how they are destroying the west. He's right on the money as to who is being hurt the most, the common people in the EU and the US.

ffreeloader spreading Russian propaganda again.


like marbles on glass
Database of 235 videos exposes the horrors of war in Ukraine

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is one of the most documented wars ever. Citizens, public officials and soldiers have posted videos every day that show the dead bodies in neighborhoods, the trails of missiles streaking through the skies and the smoldering ruins of entire towns.

The Washington Post’s visual forensics team started to verify and catalogue videos from the war the day Russia’s invasion began. This work is now searchable in a database that will be updated. The videos have been uploaded in raw format; graphic content is clearly marked.


A team of reporters at The Washington Post has been monitoring and verifying videos of the war since Feb. 24. To do that, reporters geolocate the video by cross-referencing distinctive landmarks in the footage with reliable source material such as satellite imagery or Google Earth street view. Next, reporters investigate when the video was recorded, checking for metadata and time stamps. Other visuals, official statements, eyewitness testimony and spoken audio provide context that can help corroborate videos. Reporters also review the uploader’s account and try to find the original source for the video. The source links in this database are where reporters discovered the video online, but are not always the original source. Weapons and military equipment can be clues as to what transpired; reporters consult with military experts on that. Some videos in this database were also corroborated by news verification groups such as Storyful or open-source researchers, but all have been independently confirmed by The Post.​
Post reporters also screen for fake videos by examining whether there are jump cuts, interrupted audio, or visuals and audio that don’t match. We also run a reverse-image search and look for other posts on the same topic to make sure it is not an old video — perhaps even from a different conflict — that is recirculating.​
Verification takes rigorous reporting, fact-checking and collaboration across the newsroom. The Post publishes only verified videos.​

Gary K

New member
In a political move proving his republicanism, Zelensky banned all opposition voices in Ukraine. He has seized control of the media and banned the 2nd largest political party. he took all their assets and transferred them directly to the state.

Ain't he a guy we need to spend billions of our tax dollars propping up? He's Joe Jr.


Gary K

New member
NATO, i. e. the US, is pushing ever harder for nuclear war with Russia. Lithuania has stopped all rail traffic through it, which was guaranteed by formal treaty, to Kaliningrad from Russia. This is an overt act of war. What will Putin do in response? Is he the slobbering mad man the US portrays him as? I don't think so as we would already be looking at the smoldering ruins of DC.

Our leadership is psychopathic as it seems they will stop at nothing short of all out war.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
NATO, i. e. the US, is pushing ever harder for nuclear war with Russia. Lithuania has stopped all rail traffic through it, which was guaranteed by formal treaty, to Kaliningrad from Russia. This is an overt act of war. What will Putin do in response? Is he the slobbering mad man the US portrays him as? I don't think so as we would already be looking at the smoldering ruins of DC.

Our leadership is psychopathic as it seems they will stop at nothing short of all out war.
I can't believe that you refuse to put any of the responsibility for Russia invading Ukraine

, on Russia.

There's not a enough cuss words in the dictionary to wake you

from your long and peaceful slumber; meanwhile the world is burning.

Useless! You.


Gary K

New member
I can't believe that you refuse to put any of the responsibility for Russia invading Ukraine

, on Russia.

There's not a enough cuss words in the dictionary to wake you

from your long and peaceful slumber; meanwhile the world is burning.

Useless! You.

Ah yes, swearing, the arguments of the illiterate, thoughtless and crude.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Useless. You.

Oh look at me look how much I trust God and what a faithful Christian I am. You.

I support policies that will lead us into endless war, and keep us there. Also you.



Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Useless. You.

Oh look at me look how much I trust God and what a faithful Christian I am. You.

I support policies that will lead us into endless war, and keep us there. Also you.

I'm sure The Owners℠ consider you to be quite the useful idolater...You must be very proud of your works. :)


like marbles on glass
In a political move proving his republicanism, Zelensky banned all opposition voices in Ukraine. He has seized control of the media and banned the 2nd largest political party. he took all their assets and transferred them directly to the state.

Ain't he a guy we need to spend billions of our tax dollars propping up? He's Joe Jr.

Maybe because it's "a pro-Russian party led by a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, ... Viktor Medvedchuk, a wealthy businessman accused of treason"

No surprise you'd be outraged that Ukraine would ban the invading enemy's party. You're Putin's useful propaganda mouthpiece.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
I never took you for a conspiratorialist before, but here we are.

I'm not proud, I need help.
Oh, stop with the silly trigger words. :)

There are conspiracies all around you. There's nothing mysterious or secret about that...And people do not need conspiracies to advance their own self-interests or the interests of those who they consider to be part of their coterie and social strata.

But don't worry idolater...I'm sure there will be many hands to help you build that tower. ;)