Ukraine Crisis


like marbles on glass
The economic circumstances have changed. The "west" is now in dire circumstances as these nations are all tottering on the cliff bankruptcy because all their sanctions have backfired on them. They have been badly hurt instead of Russia so must now have a world wide war as that is their only chance to survive so they are turning to the one option that all governments have always turned to which is war.

Russia's economic circumstances have improved greatly. The ruble is at a 7 years high and Russia has better trading partners than they ever had.

Last time I'm answering you, troll.

Russian propaganda is working well on you. Arthur isn't the troll here, you are. And if you follow through on your "last time," Arthur is the one who will benefit. :) Feel free to trundle your propaganda onto your own thread, but if you continue here, expect to have your propaganda countered with facts and your Russian mouthpieces called out for what they are.


like marbles on glass

From your link:

Here is a clearer picture of what is going on courtesy of the Russian Minister of Defense:

Igor Konashenkov, spokesman of the Russian Defense Ministry, reported in a video released on Sunday:

How is it not clear to you that Gateway Pundit is just regurgitating Russian propaganda?

And in the comments:

"Russia are the good guys in this fight. They are dealing a critical blow to the globalists/deep state/New World Order. The American MAGA movement will then finish them off. You can thank Vladimir the Great and Donald the Magnificent later."​

MAGA/Putin/Trump/white nationalist/authoritarian/anti-democratic

Gary K

New member
From your link:

How is it not clear to you that Gateway Pundit is just regurgitating Russian propaganda?

And in the comments:

"Russia are the good guys in this fight. They are dealing a critical blow to the globalists/deep state/New World Order. The American MAGA movement will then finish them off. You can thank Vladimir the Great and Donald the Magnificent later."​

MAGA/Putin/Trump/white nationalist/authoritarian/anti-democratic
Then so is Aljazeera.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
From your link:

How is it not clear to you that Gateway Pundit is just regurgitating Russian propaganda?

And in the comments:

"Russia are the good guys in this fight. They are dealing a critical blow to the globalists/deep state/New World Order. The American MAGA movement will then finish them off. You can thank Vladimir the Great and Donald the Magnificent later."​

MAGA/Putin/Trump/white nationalist/authoritarian/anti-democratic
It's still baffling how the far right on here are supporting or making apologies for a communist despot. Bizarre to say the least.

Gary K

New member

Russian Success in the Donbas Accelerates​

When the uber neo-con Institute for the Study of War is conceding, reluctantly, that Russia is carving up the Ukrainians in the Donbas, it is an unmistakable sign that something big is up.



like marbles on glass
Ukraine dropping cluster bombs on Donbas civilians.

Patrick Lancaster, Russian propagandist



Gary K

New member
Patrick Lancaster, Russian propagandist


Smear rather than dispute the facts. The video makes clear what happened and has been happening to Donbas and Lugansk for 8 years.

Nazi apologist.


like marbles on glass
Smear rather than dispute the facts. The video makes clear what happened and has been happening to Donbas and Lugansk for 8 years.

Nazi apologist.

Putin propagandist, you're a liar.

You can't justify your promotion of Russia's invasion of Ukraine or your admiration for Putin, so you lie as a diversion. I don't know how you live with yourself, with your head full of conspiracies and fake news and tacit support for Putin's war crimes.

Gary K

New member
Why didn't Dems mind being on the same side as Russia when they were the communist Soviet Union?
Because their hero Woodrow Wilson helped get the USSR started. He interfered with the Canadians stopping Trotsky from going back to Russia with the $20 million in gold his buddies at the Fed, who got him elected, had loaned to the revolutionists.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Why should I be against a nation that is fighting NAZIs?
The Nazis were expansionists. They were invading other countries. The only one invading another country right now is Russia, not Ukraine. There's no chance Ukraine is Nazi. But Russia might be. Because they're expanding.