Trump's Position On Abortion


New member
As do I.

Which is why I think most women would not seek abortions, if they were made illegal.

The Horn seems to think that women have no regard for the law.
With respect, I think you are a bit too optimistic. In a perfect world, you would be correct. But I do not think that would be case. There would be a decrease, I would imagine, but they would still happen, I am afraid.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison


Well-known member
With respect, I think you are a bit too optimistic. In a perfect world, you would be correct. But I do not think that would be case. There would be a decrease, I would imagine, but they would still happen, I am afraid.

The number of illegal abortions prior to Roe v Wade was about one tenth of the number of legal abortions afterward.

If criminalizing abortion would lead to an immediate 90% decrease, I'd say it was well worth it.


Oh but Catfish, I don't have to look under my bed for homosexuals, they're all around me in pro Trump threads.

Let me explain how debate works:

When I post a link showing that Donald Trump is being sued for RAPING A 13 YEAR OLD GIRL, you're supposed to come up with some kind of evidence showing that the case is fraudulent and shouldn't be given any credence.

See how easy debate can be...if the truth is on your side.

You don't debate.
People: See how he changes the topic from abortion to his sexual perversions? The man is warped. Regardless of the topic, ACW will change it to sex or gay people. ACW is sexualy obsessed in a very sick way. And this he calls debate.

You are a grossly sick person dude. If I knew where you lived I'd notify the authorities. Sexually obsessed sick people like you should be made known to your community.

Surely you Libertarians know that the Supreme Court ruling on 'gay' marriage (Obergefell v Hodges) was based on the same foundation as the abortion ruling (Roe v Wade) : the right to privacy.

Surely you Libertarians know that if the government starts telling a woman what she can and cannot do with her body then that same government will start telling homosexuals that they can't commit acts of sodomy.

Your pro abortion/pro homosexual candidate, while he isn't very smart, knows these things to be true.

The Horn

What if they had given birth, and this children had starved, lived in terrible unheated housing, never got decent medical care or education ? This is exactly what would have happened .
If our government provided better care for the poor and poor pregnant women, made contraceptives easier to get, an enormous number of unwanted pregnancies could have been prevented and there would have been far fewer abortions . But is DOESN'T because of the greedy, callous GOP !


on november 8, one of the following will be elected president:


Correct. And as terrible as Trump may wind up being, there is still an element of uncertainty and surprise with him, we don't really know what he's going to do, but with Clinton there is no mystery, and there is also no mystery that Trump will be better than Clinton.


Well-known member
What if they had given birth, and this children had starved, lived in terrible unheated housing, never got decent medical care or education ?

So every baby born before the 20th century should have been aborted?

Modern medicine and education are the only things that makes life worth living. Right...

It's one thing to decide your own life is not worth living (suicide); it's quite another to look at a child and tell him his life is not worth living (murder).

How ridiculously unjust. And based on what? Your own supposedly superior standard of living? How would you like if a billionaire looked at you and decided that your life was filled with too much suffering, and wasn't worth living? So he killed you.


Correct. And as terrible as Trump may wind up being, there is still an element of uncertainty and surprise with him, we don't really know what he's going to do, but with Clinton there is no mystery, and there is also no mystery that Trump will be better than Clinton.

Clinton is also very secretive. Obama is secretive- you can see it in his eyes every time he speaks, it's not hard to see when someone is hiding something. And with Hillary this is given even without seeing because she's been involved with all matters of things.

Trump, however, is very transparent. What people don't understand in their allegation that he's all about himself, that would simply mean he would brag about something before he swept it under the rug.

It is something that we need right now.

The Horn

Quetzal, I didn't say that . I said, as long a there are so many poor pregnant women who can't provide for children, and most of these have actually been dirt poor MARRIED women, not sexually promiscuous young single women , abortion will be common whether it is legal or not.
Fact : The more poverty in a country, the more abortions. The less poverty, the fewer abortions. This is why the highly prosperous and advanced countries of western Europe and Scandinavia have the world's LOWEST abortion rates . The supposedly wicked, godless, permissive and hedonistic Netherlands is the country with the world's LOWEST abortion rate .
Poor countries where abortion is illegal have much higher abortion states than countries where it is legal . It's illegal in Brazil, which is ironically the world's largest Catholic nation , yet far more abortions happen there every year than in the U.S. The Brazilian government has never been able to enforce the law, because this is simply impossible. It doesn't even pretend to enforce the law .


He'll be great, if given the chance to be. I'd bet my bottom dollar on it.
And of course I'd hope that he would be good also, just as I hoped that President Obama would be good in spite of my misgivings. That's part of being the Church, is always rooting for our civil leaders, because it's rooting for ourselves.

He's been a AAA rating, straight A+ with the highest honors, on the right to keep and bear arms. That's the controlling variable for me in this election, far and away. As long as he doesn't compromise too much on that I'll be happy.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The Brazilian government has never been able to enforce the law, because this is simply impossible. It doesn't even pretend to enforce the law .


Faced with strict laws, Brazilian women keep abortions secret

By Sophie Davies

RIO DE JANEIRO (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Years after giving into family pressure and having an illegal abortion, one Brazilian woman says she is haunted by the secret procedure so taboo that hardly anyone will talk about it.

The woman, who only wants to be identified as F.D., went to a clinic hidden away in the southern state of Paraná for an abortion when she was a student.

Ordered by her family to keep silent, F.D. says the secrecy and shame has stayed with her.

"For me it was something very violent, very aggressive and terrible," she said.

Roughly one million women each year seek abortions to end unwanted pregnancies in Brazil, where abortion is illegal except in cases of rape or incest or if the life of the mother is in danger.

Brazil has raided and closed down hundreds of secret abortion clinics across the country over the last decade.



