Trump's Position On Abortion

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
What if they had given birth, and this children had starved, lived in terrible unheated housing, never got decent medical care or education ?.........
So you are in favor of murdering people to stop them from experiencing starvation, terrible unheated housing, and bad medical care. Then I suppose you want to sweep across the planet and murder a few billion people right? Is that right, you half-witted imbecile?

.....The Brazilian government has never been able to enforce the law.....
Who gives a crap what Brazil can and cannot do. What a stupid, irrelevant comment.

For everyone else: "National Right to Life" is the nation's oldest & largest pro-life organization. Here is their paper on the candidates:

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A woman deserves to be ashamed if she gets an abortion. This is ultimately where the liberal side of it falls apart- they expect that a woman should have dignity in doing such a thing. I don't see a single thing wrong with the notion that if a woman wants an abortion, she can do it herself. Let her own blood be upon her and not by someone else.

From a certain perspective, most pro-choice supporters are lunatics. That's something that occurred to me one day a long time ago.
It's sad that society ever came to this way of thinking where abortion should be acceptable.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
a woman deserves to be executed if she murders her child

Well now, in fairness... America you can get anything from probation to death, and anything in between, for killing somebody. Murder 1, Murder 2, Manslaughter, Negligent Homicide.. ...there are many different charges, then of course the killer's state of mind is also a factor; mental defect and that sort of thing (yes I watch Law & Order).

I think that if a young girl were convicted of the Crime of Abortion, if she were distraught and under great family pressure and other stuff, those mitigating factors would be taken into account regarding the charge and sentence. We want abortion to be illegal, but at the same time we don't really want to strap every troubled young girl to the electric chair.

But now, I'm cool with the death penalty for someone like this:



a woman deserves to be executed if she murders her child


I believe abortion is a mortal sin, being in violation of the Adamic laws of nature. It's comparable to cannibalism. But to call it 'murder' is dishonest as far as I'm concerned.

If you had to choose between a born son and an unborn fetus, you would choose the born son. Why? Because it's self-evident to mankind which one is more deserving of human rights.
If it were truly murder, one would be incapable of choosing.

"The light of day"
You'll see that more than a few times in scripture concerning the unborn. There is far more to rule from the Bible that life doesn't begin until the fetus is halfway out of the birth canal.
That has always been what the Jews assumed, which is why they are not nearly as concerned as Muslims and Christians who tend to make a moral ultimatum out of everything.


Trump's Position On Abortion

Trump is a classic example of just how far conservatives are willing to compromise their "so-called" principles to attain political power!


Trump's Position On Abortion

Trump is a classic example of just how far conservatives are willing to compromise their "so-called" principles to attain political power!

So-called conservatives (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).

"Exposing the liberal in the conservative." ~ Bob Enyart

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
.....Trump is a classic example of just how far conservatives are willing to compromise their "so-called" principles to attain political power!

Political power, i.e. the Presidency, is the only thing that allows us to place the right judges on SCOTUS and thus overturn Roe v. Wade. And since overturning Roe v. Wade is really the only thing that can be done to end abortions, then as long as Trump appoints originalist judges - as his list indicates he will - then he will have done as much as the most conservative president could really ever do.

You see, if you had simply thought through the facts instead of engaging in knee-jerk demagoguery, you would not have posted such an erroneous statement.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Political power, i.e. the Presidency, is the only thing that allows us to place the right judges on SCOTUS and thus overturn Roe v. Wade. And since overturning Roe v. Wade is really the only thing that can be done to end abortions, then as long as Trump appoints originalist judges - as his list indicates he will - then he will have done as much as the most conservative president could really ever do.

You see, if you had simply thought through the facts instead of engaging in knee-jerk demagoguery, you would not have posted such an erroneous statement.
If that were true, we would have a pro-lifer on the Supreme Court......

Seriously? WE DO!! Clarence Thomas and Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr are staunchly pro-life. John G. Roberts, Jr is strongly pro-life too. But thanks to the fools who elected Obama, we now have the leftwing extremists Sonia Sotomayor. If we had elected Romney, those would have been pro-life judges too and we would have really been able to do something.

The Horn

The Brazilian government may have tried to shut down back-alley abortionists, but this will still do nothing to stop it.
In fact, if they were to make it legal, the abortion rate would PLUMMET, and women would no longer die from dangerous illegal ones.
This is similar to what has happened in Colorado after legalizing marijuana. The murder rate has been cut in half , and violent crime is way down !
Women will seek and obtain abortions wether they are legal or not. There is no way around this fact . trying to stop abortion by making it illegal is absolutely FUTILE.
Laws against murdering born people, or theft, rape, etc can be enforced . But laws against abortion cannot . Trying ti stop abortion by making it illegal is like trying to stop a forest fire by pouring gasoline on it .
The only way to prevent abortion is to prevent unwanted pregnancies . And for this, contraceptives are absolutely essential .
And remember- babies are helpless once born - bringing ones into the world whose mothers cannot provide for them , and dooming them to a life of hunger, malnutrition, cold, filth, lack of medical care etc , is despicable. Far worse than aborting them and infinitely more cruel.


Well-known member
And remember- babies are helpless once born - bringing ones into the world whose mothers cannot provide for them , and dooming them to a life of hunger, malnutrition, cold, filth, lack of medical care etc , is despicable. Far worse than aborting them and infinitely more cruel.

Just like every human being ever, up until the last couple centuries.

More cruel to whom? The child? Or the rich, first world shmuck who's sick of being inconvenienced by having to look at poor children in ads on tv?

And killing them fixes that right up, yes? At least then you don't have to look them in the eye anymore.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Trump’s history of flippant misogyny

In Thursday night’s debate, moderator Kelly reprised other Trump comments. “You’ve called women you don’t like fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals,’” she said.

Only Rosie O' Donnell, he said :rotfl:

Trump schooled her, because unlike others, he doesn't fold over traps like that. Sure he's stated tings to certain women, and they deserved it. Sorry to intrude on your white knight complex, but he didn't call all women disgusting animals and that's what it takes for you to call him a misogynist :wave:

How about a mother that needed to pump breast milk for her 3 month old daughter?

Last month, The New York Times reported that Trump had a meltdown during a deposition when a lawyer requested a brief break from the proceedings to pump breast milk.

“When the lawyer, Elizabeth Beck, asked for a medical break, Mr. Trump and his lawyers objected, demanding that the deposition continue. Ms. Beck said it was urgent—she needed to pump breast milk for her 3-month-old daughter, and she took the pump out to make a point,” wrote the Times. “Mr. Trump erupted. ‘You’re disgusting,’ he told Ms. Beck, in a remark that is not disputed by either side. He then walked out of the room, ending the testimony for the day.”


not worth trying to go back and try to make sense of acw's silliness, so i'll just put it out there again...

Misogyny isn't silly res, it's sickness. Take for instance your fellow wife beater Donald Trump:

After he raped that 13 year old girl, do you think he belittled her even more by calling her a "fat pig"?

In all fairness, Donnie doesn't call all women "fat pigs". I highly doubt that while fantasizing about having sex with his daughter that Donnie thinks of her as a "fat pig", do you res?