Trump's Executive order: How do Pro-Life Christians defend rejecting Refugees?


New member
There are Christians saying that the government should reflect Christian values, full stop. I'm asking such people to justify this executive action that's clearly against Christian moral values.

And what have I posted out of context? There are verses all over scripture commanding caring for the stranger, the vulnerable etc. Refugees are both. This isn't a random proof text to justify avoiding blood transfusions. This is a major theme of scripture. :dizzy:

I would argue in this case, Christian values and the values of the majority of secular society converge. This executive action is immoral and unwarranted. And as I've posted before, major Christian, and even evangelical organizations agree with me.

Why are you so afraid of these people?
How is it unwarrented?


Well-known member


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No one from any of the countries on the ban list has ever committed a fatal terrorist attack on the United States.


Not once.

Those countries were listed by the great Obama to be hotbeds of terrorism....havens for terrorists. If you really can't figure that out, then you are being deliberately obtuse. That's like saying, you didn't have to be worried about swimming in the ocean because you hadn't been eaten by a shark yet.

Oh? And where's your basic humanity? You think they're wolves by default, because of where they come from? I think you're infinitely worse.

Wolves are never wolves by default. They are wolves period. We've already been warned there will be wolves sneaking in with the sheep, but keep your head buried in the skin off my back.

It's actually more humane to provide safe camps over in their own country, and in their own culture rather than bring them to a country where most have no desire at all to assimilate.


Well-known member
For the same reason they want their neandertherthal Make America Lynching White Again - their out right, alt white hypocrisy.

Christians my foot.

So we find here a man whose opinion has been rejected by so many God fearing Americans, so he doubles down on his hate and intolerance. Danoh, you are getting worse every single time I read one of your posts. Get over it, dude. Your pride has taken a hit and you've become like the other lib tantrum throwers.


Why are you so afraid of these people?

We're not afraid of them, we just choose to be responsible- you all cannot go to the past to dictate the future, 8% of Muslims are fanatical and any number of them could come in. It's that simple.

You all are the one's afraid- afraid to offend them, sue them, place labels on them, and otherwise all manners of things yall have attempted with Christians-
because unlike your typical Christian, they will violently react.

So stop trying to play the card you're playing- it's nonsense :rolleyes:


New member
No one from the banned countries has carried out terrorism on US soil.
No? Have there not been attacks which certain individuals have traveled to such areas such as what occured in San Bruno Ca.

Besides, isnt the idea to prevent events like those in europe?


New member
no grizzly bears have eaten anybody in my living room, either

but i'll be darned if I'm going to let them in the house
thats not the same thing. A bear is not the same as a mother with infant...not until you try for the cub. - [emoji4] hey-oh


New member
I know a kid who helps parents with their business and goes to school. His family is from Syria. real glad they came over. make good food too.

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New member
Those countries were listed by the great Obama to be hotbeds of terrorism....havens for terrorists.

No, not really.

If you really can't figure that out, then you are being deliberately obtuse. That's like saying, you didn't have to be worried about swimming in the ocean because you hadn't been eaten by a shark yet.

Given that every year, there is a worldwide average of about 70 shark attacks....Yeah, that's probably comparably unlikely.

Wolves are never wolves by default. They are wolves period. We've already been warned there will be wolves sneaking in with the sheep, but keep your head buried in the skin off my back.

If you're in the United States, you live in wolf country. A place where young white men walk into black churches, sit down for fellowship and worship, and then kill as many of the black people as they can. Where old white men walk into Planned Parenthood clinics and shoot as many people as they can. A place where white men go into movie theaters and shoot as many people as they can.

It's actually more humane to provide safe camps over in their own country, and in their own culture rather than bring them to a country where most have no desire at all to assimilate.

It's more humane to let them languish in camps with inadequate facilities, sanitation, food, and water, no education system, and no prospects for the future? A lot of the refugees who immigrate to the United States first spend years in camps in countries near the places they fled. The way out of those camps is difficult, expensive and dangerous. What kind of a human being sits in comfort and safety in the United States and tells them they're better off where they are? And even if they were, those "safe camps" are a hypothetical at this point in time.