How can one be "pro-life" and discard the lives of refugees?
Simple, they're not pro-life, they're anti-abortion.
How can one be "pro-life" and discard the lives of refugees?
Just another example of giving conservatives enough rope to hang themselves - albeit an "alternative" rope!Let them convert to Christianity before we bother to vet them.
Let us be reminded that the Jew and the Samaritan in Christ's "Parable of the Good Samaritan" had opposing religious beliefs.
By definition, our earthly "neighbor" as presented in the parable, is not limited to someone who must possesses the same religious beliefs that we we do.
When we go to the assistance of one who is less fortunate than ourselves, irrespective of their race, color, nationality or religious affiliations, we become Christ's "Good Samaritan!"
Just another example of giving conservatives enough rope to hang themselves - albeit an "alternative" rope!
Its hard to believe that in the 21stC Americans still hold these opinions - what's more disturbing is that they claim to be Christians!
Simple, they're not pro-life, they're anti-abortion.
It has everything to do with race, color and religion - Trump campaigned against the inadequacies of the Obama Administration's immigration vetting and now he's citing that same policy to provide cover for the firestorm of criticism he createdIt has nothing to do with race, color or religion. It has to do with our being stupid and not finding out whether those coming in are wolves in sheep's clothing or just sheep. They come from wolf country and from the very same nations OBAMA listed as nations that put us at risk.
I never claimed that they weren't Christians, just that their opinions seem to contradict basic Christianity 1O1 - starting with "The Parable of the Good Samaritan" and Christ's teachings as to who constitutes our earthly "neighbors!"Gotta love how the libs talking points have now become Conservatives aren't real Christians. They can kill the unborn whose numbers rival the Holocaust, but they say we're the ones who aren't Christians. :rotfl:
Should human beings be able to divorce yes, is it a good idea in most cases, no. I would not advocate for anyone to divorce unless abuse was involved.
Feminism is about treating human beings equally. I know you're a sexist but Jesus was not. Humans are humans and have the same basic rights.
Not "pro" either of these, but we live in a pluralistic society and so these should be permitted.
I must have missed all of Paul's letters excoriating Roman society (which makes ours look puritanical) and advocating the overthrow of the Roman emperor and the installation of a Christian theocracy. Nero was emperor at the time and married two men, one of which was likely a child slave he had castrated. Not to mention the acceptance of homosexuality (often non-consensual), slavery, prostitution and mass murder in the arena.
But we're not a theocracy.
It has nothing to do with race, color or religion. It has to do with our being stupid and not finding out whether those coming in are wolves in sheep's clothing or just sheep.
They come from wolf country and from the very same nations OBAMA listed as nations that put us at risk.
You're a liberal that works on a college campus. Your 'no' is in all reality a 'yes'.
Abuse to you is a woman who doesn't want to be married.
It's called 'egalitarianism'.
Look it up- there is nothing about your feminism that is about equality. Every time they march, they perpetuate lies and otherwise support being a base misery toward men who do not give them their undivided attention.
Paul is historically known as being borderline misogynist.
The fact that anybody would ever presume he was feministic for even a second is quite frankly why I see your feminism as a disease of the mind :rotfl:
God overthrew the Roman Emperor. Jesus makes it clear that the world will render to Christianity, and that's exactly what happened.
And that is your excuse for supporting everything on the list.
We live in a republic- there is nothing that ever stated that we had to accept homosexual marriage and all these other things- stop trying to pass the buck, you all enabled these things plain and simple :wave:
It's like you bought a Dummy's guide to talking tough.
I'm sure in your mind, a 30 something college teacher's aide is a brave woman wading through the patriarchy and I'm just a big sexist meanie trying to 'talk tough'.
Go away :wave2:
In my mind, you're an angry noise, full of malice and destruction, hating everyone, lashing out at everything. But there's no substance to what you say. It's just raw uncut rage.
What did you guys think of the statement Reince Priebus made defending the White House's statement about the Holocaust not mentioning the Jews? That "if we could wipe it from the history books, we would"? There are a couple of ways to read that, aren't there?
We're tired of pandering to others while they talk crap about us both on the media and on the streets. We don't really need a defense, you all made others lose compassion for you and those you hurl at us :idunno:
So, you don't mind the erasure of the groups actually targeted by Nazis from the narrative?
No one from any of the countries on the ban list has ever committed a fatal terrorist attack on the United States.
Not anymore than all your Jews on the media debasing Christian culture
Why should we continue a stigma that gives them fuel to continue doing as they do?
Deal with it, hombre. You all are just receiving the fruit of your own bigotry.