Trumpcare will throw people off healthcare?


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Hall of Fame
The same people who demand that I pay for their bad decisions in life also demand that women have the right to take away the unborn right to life.
Not every health problem is due to a bad decision. And even if there are problems that are, does that mean they absolutely deserve no help?


Well-known member
Most of those 22 million are those who will choose not to follow the mandate. They are younger people who will choose not to be insured.

I have a problem with the government forcing anyone tp purchase a product from a private company!!!!

Then you might not like this

Senate leaders worked Monday to modify their plan to overhaul the Affordable Care Act, adding a provision that would penalize consumers for not keeping their plans, by imposing a six-month waiting provision before they could re-enroll.

The change, intended to satisfy insurers and minimize the number of Americans who may drop their plans if the bill becomes law, received measured praise from some industry officials but sharp criticism from patient advocates.

The move — the first in a series of changes Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) plans to make in the next few days — underscores the degree to which Republicans need to retool their health bill if they hope to pass it this week.

Some of the targeted measures already in the bill have prompted a backlash, and leaders are navigating between moderate Republicans who want to preserve key aspects of the ACA and conservatives hoping to pare it back even further.

The latest change aims to provide a stronger incentive for younger and healthier Americans to maintain health insurance, by making consumers who drop their policies for 63 days or more face a six-month waiting period before coverage may begin in the following year.

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Well-known member
it sounds good to me. Don't let your insurance lapse, what's wrong with that?
The Republicans say the government should allow you freedom to pick and choose healthcare and even selectively, like "I am a man and why should I pay for pregnancy". Not sure how they came up with that nonsense. Why strong arm you to keep insurance in any manner. It's all about freedom, yeah. So if I want to alternate between having insurance and not why should I wait six months to get it again? what if I lose my insurance because I ran out of money and then I can. Why punish me for that? How is that better care?

patrick jane

The Republicans say the government should allow you freedom to pick and choose healthcare and even selectively, like "I am a man and why should I pay for pregnancy". Not sure how they came up with that nonsense. Why strong arm you to keep insurance in any manner. It's all about freedom, yeah. So if I want to alternate between having insurance and not why should I wait six months to get it again? what if I lose my insurance because I ran out of money and then I can. Why punish me for that? How is that better care?
It protects the insurance companies from geniuses like you who go without coverage until they really need it. You can't just buy insurance like a pre-paid phone card, it's the same way in auto insurance.


It protects the insurance companies from geniuses like you who go without coverage until they really need it. You can't just buy insurance like a pre-paid phone card, it's the same way in auto insurance.

Ah, yes, lets protect the shareholders of the insurance companies, and at the same time give their CEO's a nice tax break.
Healthcare for people, well, lets think about that, lets take care of the tax issue first. Rural hospitals and nursing homes (oh and the people they serve), nah, tax breaks are more important. And lets make sure they go to the right people, you know those who deserve those tax breaks 'cause they have so much $ already.

Both plans are a joke. The Republican goal for 7 years has been to repeal Obamacare (well, 'cause Obama is black and wasn't born here etc.) and, I'll give this to the Republican Congressional leadership---they are crafty---so lets just be able to tell our base that we did repeal that hated law named for a black Kenyan and they won't even notice how it screws the base and helps those who really count and contribute to our campaigns and keep us in the style to which we have become acustomed. What they did not count on was that the man in the White House has zero knowledge of the issues and zero desire to be the point person and be the grown-up in the room.

"Yeah, we repealed Obamacare"
"What did you give us in return?"
"Nothing worthwhile"
"What? What about my grandmother in the nursing home? My son with psych issues? My niece on drugs? They are all out in the cold now. How could you do this"
"Excuse me, I have to go meet with my campaign finance person. We'll get back to you on this" Whisper to aide---"What is their problem, we did what they wanted"

If this continues, just start the Jaws theme for the Republicans in 2018 right now.

patrick jane

Ah, yes, lets protect the shareholders of the insurance companies, and at the same time give their CEO's a nice tax break.
You obviously want free healthcare for all but the rich, typical pinko commie radical leftist perspective. I guess you think it's ok to make it non-profit or maybe that insurance companies should just lose money.


You obviously want free healthcare for all but the rich, typical pinko commie radical leftist perspective. I guess you think it's ok to make it non-profit or maybe that insurance companies should just lose money.

No, but you seem to be unwilling/unable to understand that while the ACA needs to be fixed, neither Republican bill does that.
And I did not suggest "free health care". The roads you drive on are not "free", defense of the country is not "free", healthcare should not be "free". The same mechanism should be used to pay for basic health care for all, that is what every other democratic country does and most have healthcare systems that that are more efficient and provide better outcomes than ours does. Even Trump noted that the Australian system is better than ours.

Our per capita cost is about 2x the per capita cost for health care in most western European countries. Why do you think that is? It is not because our system is 2x better. Could it be because of the profit motive for insurers? Could it be because of the need for the system to pay for the lobbyists, campaign contributions.

In Connecticut, the average hospital CEO (28 hospitals) was paid $1.1 million in 2014, just about double the average in 2009. And that figure would be higher if the Hartford Hospital system were included (not sure why it was not, but Hartford Healthcare's system is a bit of an octopus throughout the state). I am not begrudging someone's salary, but when you look at the underlying financials a good portion of that salary comes from taxpayer funding of Medicare and Medicaid. The system is complicated and appears economically inefficient.

The underlying questions of the purpose of the Republican legislation? Is it to:
1. Provide for a better healthcare system?
2. simply repeal Obamacare because, well you know.
3. sneak a tax bill in?

It should be #1 but I think the real money is on #3.


Well-known member
It protects the insurance companies from geniuses like you who go without coverage until they really need it. You can't just buy insurance like a pre-paid phone card, it's the same way in auto insurance.

I have had continuous health coverage since I was a child.

The Republican plan is all about geniuses like you who want to pick and choose their selective healthcare. You have one from column A and one from Column B and leave the rest. You don't think you will ever have cancer so scratch that one. The Republicans are the ones who are screwing up healthcare and will make it essentially ineffectual for the majority of Americans. This rider was an inconsistency in their plan and to throw a bone to the insurance companies or rather their lobbyists. And that is as you called it. It is not for Americans it is for companies and giving the rich huge tax breaks.

patrick jane

I have had continuous health coverage since I was a child.

The Republican plan is all about geniuses like you who want to pick and choose their selective healthcare. You have one from column A and one from Column B and leave the rest. You don't think you will ever have cancer so scratch that one. The Republicans are the ones who are screwing up healthcare and will make it essentially ineffectual for the majority of Americans. This rider was an inconsistency in their plan and to throw a bone to the insurance companies or rather their lobbyists. And that is as you called it. It is not for Americans it is for companies and giving the rich huge tax breaks.
So let's stick with Obamacare :idunno:


New member
No, but you seem to be unwilling/unable to understand that while the ACA needs to be fixed, neither Republican bill does that.
And I did not suggest "free health care". The roads you drive on are not "free", defense of the country is not "free", healthcare should not be "free". The same mechanism should be used to pay for basic health care for all, that is what every other democratic country does and most have healthcare systems that that are more efficient and provide better outcomes than ours does. Even Trump noted that the Australian system is better than ours.

Obamacare can't be fixed, see my thread for details. The "FIX" for Obamacare is politically impossible to implement


Well-known member
customers who buy it on their on free will and not being compelled by some mandate created by some random government bureaucrat that has no idea about their current healthcare needs and wants.

How would wants be different from one human to another? Who wants to not be healthy?


Well-known member
apparently you think maternity care is a need for both men and postmenopausal women, if a such care is so important for everyone why not allow consumers to make up their own minds?

I wonder if you have a serious example.
If you have insurance today did you wave your cost in case you became pregnant, Jeff?


customers who buy it on their on free will and not being compelled by some mandate created by some random government bureaucrat that has no idea about their current healthcare needs and wants.

- those without children are not exempt from education taxes

- those who don't fly won't receive a rebate on their income tax for the construction/operation of airports

- those who don't think that they will ever be the subject of a terrorist attack can't opt out of funding Homeland Security

- those who don't drive or own a vehicle are still subjected to taxation for roads, bridges, maintenance, etc

- pacifists don't have the military portion of their taxes refunded

- even if you have never been in an accident, it is illegal to drive without car insurance

Conservatives like "jeffblue" decry the compulsory component of Obamacare, but remain silent on the multitude of other examples in a modern society whereby citizens are taxed or required to purchase services they neither need nor use!


New member
- those without children are not exempt from education taxes

- those who don't fly won't receive a rebate on their income tax for the construction/operation of airports

- those who don't think that they will ever be the subject of a terrorist attack can't opt out of funding Homeland Security

- those who don't drive or own a vehicle are still subjected to taxation for roads, bridges, maintenance, etc

- pacifists don't have the military portion of their taxes refunded

- even if you have never been in an accident, it is illegal to drive without car insurance

Conservatives like "jeffblue" decry the compulsory component of Obamacare, but remain silent on the multitude of other examples in a modern society whereby citizens are taxed or required to purchase services they neither need nor use!
Insurance is for what an individual needs, not for what everyone else needs. Every person should have the right to choose their own coverage for their own needs. Your pregnancy is not my obligation to cover on my insurance.