Trump: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

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Oh. Please teach me, about the economy, Exminister Warren Buffet, Jr., or Jimmy Buffet, and the stock market, as this is all new to me, and your insights, such as "The market will be in for an adjustment, if," I feel will be in the next issue of "Barron's." Please?


A year ago when there was a Democrat in the White House, "The Donald" was dismissing the same economic indicators as "fake news!"

He can't have it both ways!
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Oh it will be, but Johnny Wuss, it isn't worth the amount of time it would take to learn you. You keep worshipping the orange orb and you will slide happily into a blissful future. Good day.
Wow, Brucie boy! Another stock cliche! Weighty.

Johnny Wuss, you quip, tough guy? You wouldn't say that to my face, would you, Brucie boy, you satanic blow hard, loser? No, you wouldn't, child of the devil. Trying to impress the chicks, eh, punk? Yes... You can't touch me biblically, punk, or financially, or in financial acumen, Brucie, 7 Eleven worker. The punk wouldn't know the difference between a stock, and a Series EE savings bond, as the only "stocK he knows, is being a stock boy, at Home Depot, ticker symbol, "HD." You: What is a "ticker symbol?"

Teach us, Brucie boy....Please?

I say Good Day.... Good day.

Which you don't mean, fraud.

patrick jane

He was cornered into doing it by the Left, which runs this country now.
The radical left, "progressives", will not stop until they remove Trump from the Presidency. Leaks, investigations, Fake News and blatant lies will continue. The obstruction and resistance will continue. The RINOs love it.


Well-known member
Donald Trump was elected largely on his position of getting along with Russia. American citizens have no desire to be cooked in a thermonuclear war.
Trump wins and right away Russia is accused of "influencing" the election.
No proof can be found, but Russia is slapped with sanctions anyway. Russia is guilty until proven innocent.
Along with the sanctions, Trump's *constitutional* presidential authority is stripped from him.
He may not remove the sanctions without the permission of Congress.
Congress has now checkmated Trump and they've checkmated the American people <Ron Paul>


New member
Donald Trump was elected largely on his position of getting along with Russia.

I don't think that's true. I think he was largely elected on the basis of his not being Hillary....and stuff.

American citizens have no desire to be cooked in a thermonuclear war.

Presumably, Russians feel the same way about it. There's no need to capitulate to a foe who has the same desire to survive that you do.

Trump wins and right away Russia is accused of "influencing" the election.

It was long before the election. You just weren't paying attention, in part because Obama was trying to keep it from becoming a major element of the campaign.

No proof can be found, but Russia is slapped with sanctions anyway. Russia is guilty until proven innocent.

You should really check out Donald Jr.'s emails if you think no proof can be found.

Along with the sanctions, Trump's *constitutional* presidential authority is stripped from him.

The Constitution gives the President the authority to make treaties, but this is not a treaty. This is a unilateral exercise of Congressional discretion in passing legislation. The President takes the lead on diplomacy, but that doesn't mean he can ignore domestic US federal law.

He may not remove the sanctions without the permission of Congress.
Congress has now checkmated Trump and they've checkmated the American people <Ron Paul>

The People are with the Congress on this one. Both main parties are close to unanimous.


Well-known member
I don't think that's true. I think he was largely elected on the basis of his not being Hillary....and stuff.

Of course you don't....but I see, "because he wasn't Hillary....and stuff...

What stuff would that be, maybe because Hillary is a crook....spoke trash about the Russians, even before the supposed hack....she had an ax to grind against the Russians because of Crimea, Ukraine, Georgia et al..and people saw thru her it what you want "he isn't Hillary" jive your simplictic answer doesn't cut it.

Presumably, Russians feel the same way about it. There's no need to capitulate to a foe who has the same desire to survive that you do.

Back to the Cold War with you....

It was long before the election. You just weren't paying attention, in part because Obama was trying to keep it from becoming a major element of the campaign.

I was paying attention, seems like more than you...I heard what Hillary was saying....maybe you weren't paying attention...

You should really check out Donald Jr.'s emails if you think no proof can be found.

Highlight an email that proves your point...

The Constitution gives the President the authority to make treaties, but this is not a treaty. This is a unilateral exercise of Congressional discretion in passing legislation. The President takes the lead on diplomacy, but that doesn't mean he can ignore domestic US federal law.

I didn't say it was a treaty...sheesh....sanctions are an act of war, which clearly trump didn't want to do but Congress is happily enthralled to commit us to it, since they won't be the ones to fight in the first place if it came to that.

The People are with the Congress on this one. Both main parties are close to unanimous.

The Congress hasn't been in touch with the people for over a century....Once again, it's two wings on the same bird of prey. Care to try again?


Well-known member
:idea: Maybe they didn't vote for Hillary because of her involvement ...or lack Bengazi....

Not because the Russians allegedly hacked into a DNC server.

Judge Nap was right..

"Every four years, we entrust awesome power to a person who swears to protect the Constitution. How could we give that power to a consistent public liar who, for personal political gain, midwifed terror and chaos in a country that was our ally and whose words and behavior have continually demonstrated that she is utterly unworthy of belief?"


Well-known member
And it goes without saying, we can do this sort of thing, but if the Russians did the same thing, God forbid...


New member
Of course you don't....but I see, "because he wasn't Hillary....and stuff...

What stuff would that be, maybe because Hillary is a crook....spoke trash about the Russians, even before the supposed hack....she had an ax to grind against the Russians because of Crimea, Ukraine, Georgia et al..and people saw thru her it what you want "he isn't Hillary" jive your simplictic answer doesn't cut it.

You know who had a problem with Russia regarding Crimea, Ukraine, Georgia et al.? The United States of America. All of it. The Left, the Right, the Center. Both parties, including Presidents and Presidential candidates from both parties. Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. It was her job to express the outrage of this country to Russia's egregious breaches of international law. If you're ok with their behavior, you're an outlier.

Back to the Cold War with you....

I'll take MADD over unnecessary unilateral capitulation any day. If you think you've got a more sensible policy, lets hear it.

I was paying attention, seems like more than you...I heard what Hillary was saying....maybe you weren't paying attention...

It seems like you've been paying attention to RT.

Highlight an email that proves your point...

How about this:

“FW: Russia - Clinton - private and confidential”

Or this:

"Emin asked that I schedule a meeting with you and the Russian government attorney who is flying over from Moscow for this Thursday. I believe you are aware of the meeting – and so wondered if 3pm or later on Thursday works for you? I assume it would be at your office."

I didn't say it was a treaty...sheesh....

You cited the President's Constitutional prerogatives, which include the signing of treaties. I see nothing in there about other forms of legislation relating to foreign relations. And the Congress has the power to declare war. Which is to say, both branches of government have a roll to play.

sanctions are an act of war, which clearly trump didn't want to do but Congress is happily enthralled to commit us to it, since they won't be the ones to fight in the first place if it came to that.

Well, there your logic breaks down further. If sanctions are an act of war, and, Constitutionally, only Congress can declare war, then you're wrong on your own terms with a pretty clear reading of the relevant previsions, and it can't possibly be the case that the President alone exercises authority over sanctions. But it's not true that sanctions are an act of war. That depends entirely on what they consist of. If the US sanctions Russia by annexing Siberia, sure, that might be construed as an act of war. But no, instructing our banks to limit who does business with Russia, and restricting the movement of Russians in places that the US controls may not be friendly, but they aren't acts of war.

The Congress hasn't been in touch with the people for over a century....Once again, it's two wings on the same bird of prey. Care to try again?

Not until you get your facts in line.


New member
And it goes without saying, we can do this sort of thing, but if the Russians did the same thing, God forbid...

If the Russians did the same thing...we would barely notice, because their economy is small. They'd end up hurting themselves more than us.


New member
:idea: Maybe they didn't vote for Hillary because of her involvement ...or lack Bengazi....

Not because the Russians allegedly hacked into a DNC server.

Judge Nap was right..

"Every four years, we entrust awesome power to a person who swears to protect the Constitution. How could we give that power to a consistent public liar who, for personal political gain, midwifed terror and chaos in a country that was our ally and whose words and behavior have continually demonstrated that she is utterly unworthy of belief?"

I've never heard a more ridiculous allegation from a Trump supporter. Clinton is actually pretty honest. Trump is always lying. Trump is always in it for only himself.


The radical left, "progressives", will not stop until they remove Trump from the Presidency. Leaks, investigations, Fake News and blatant lies will continue. The obstruction and resistance will continue. The RINOs love it.

Today "The Donald" was tweeting his own praises for the favourable job creation statistics released by the federal government,

Last year at this time, Trump was summarily dismissing as "fake news" and "phony when the unemployment rate, under different President was 4.9%.

Trump claimed on FOXNEWS, that the real unemployment rate was 20%, and perhaps as high as 40% - what a difference a tear makes!


Well-known member

Today "The Donald" was tweeting his own praises for the favourable job creation statistics released by the federal government,

Last year at this time, Trump was summarily dismissing as "fake news" and "phony when the unemployment rate, under different President was 4.9%.

Trump claimed on FOXNEWS, that the real unemployment rate was 20%, and perhaps as high as 40% - what a difference a tear makes!

Trump is president now, he can't say the truth like he did during the campaign. He is bought.


New member
:rotfl: Talk about being a dupe...

I know, it's so hard for you to contemplate because the Right has built up this image and narrative of Clinton as some super-dishonest person, but the fact is she is lied about far more often than she is the source of a lie. Apart from the email fiasco, it's actually pretty hard to come up with any clear examples of her lying.

I don't doubt that a minute. As much as Hillary.

That's what we call "false balance".


New member
Lots of demonrats are switching to Republican

Jim Justice? The guy who declared that the Democrats "walked away" from him, after he'd barely been one of them long enough to run for office. You can have him. As far as I can tell, the only full year he was a Democrat was 2016, and he thought the wind was blowing toward Hillary and the Democrats. Guess what happens when the winds change?
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