Trump sez: Transgenders B gone!


:yawn: the only hate is in your imagination

and you haven't demonstrated that you've read the article about pelosi yet

Me and roughly half the country.

Yes, I've read's demagogeury. You just lap it up like a tool. Too bad you're either too hate-filled or too dumb to recognize it as such.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
No. Same argument...different focus of hate.

:yawn: the only hate is in your imagination

and you haven't demonstrated that you've read the article about pelosi yet

if you had, you might have noticed this part:
Words like “bigoted” and “hate” are meant to shut down any focus on the simple point that it is pure insanity to allow potentially mentally unstable individuals into our armed forces.

is it wise to trust advanced weapons systems to a group of people with a recognized significantly higher rate of suicide, depression, etc?

i wouldn't want anybody with a diagnosis of dysphoria anywhere near a CIWS or a RIM-116, regardless of whether they identify as a boy or a girl or a duck


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
fool, why would anybody pay money to support this site, the way it's been run lately?

Good point.
But, after almost 14 years here I've decided to stay until the place closes.
Like a fallout shelter for the coming Social Media Wars.
Maybe I'll be the only one left at the end, who knows?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Good point.
But, after almost 14 years here I've decided to stay until the place closes.
Like a fallout shelter for the coming Social Media Wars.
Maybe I'll be the only one left at the end, who knows?

i was thinking about it earlier, and one of the main problems lately has been the moderation - if you remember back in the day (when billybob was present), we had mods participating in the threads. Any irregularities were dealt with swiftly and harshly, which was effective. Lately it's been virtually non-existent, you can't even reach the head mod or the owner with a PM and when enforcement does come, it's unpredictable and too often driven by the whims of - well, check your PM

JR's been making the same point in this thread about our current "justice" system.


Well-known member
And I would venture to say that there's a good reason for God NOT REAPEALING THE DEATH PENALTY FOR ADULTERY.

Maybe you should stop and think about why, even when there are exceptions to the rule, that God doesn't repeal the rule... :think:

The only penalties associated with the Commandments were given to ISRAEL. :rolleyes:

Why do you think the Ten Commandments were kept inside the ark, and the law of Moses (with the penalties and the other rites and rituals) were kept outside the ark. Think long and hard boys. There will be a test at a later date.

In the meantime, this is where your journey (from the "top of Mt. Zion" leads). :nono:

I said, "Thank the Lord" I have your permission. To which you responded.....

Let's not use the Lord's name in vain. It's blasphemy.

1. That is NOT using the Lord's name in vain.

2. It is NOT blasphemy.

3. Because of your ignorance on those issues, you would stone me.



:yawn: the only hate is in your imagination

and you haven't demonstrated that you've read the article about pelosi yet

if you had, you might have noticed this part:
Words like “bigoted” and “hate” are meant to shut down any focus on the simple point that it is pure insanity to allow potentially mentally unstable individuals into our armed forces.

is it wise to trust advanced weapons systems to a group of people with a recognized significantly higher rate of suicide, depression, etc?

i wouldn't want anybody with a diagnosis of dysphoria anywhere near a CIWS or a RIM-116, regardless of whether they identify as a boy or a girl or a duck

Then take them on a case-by-case basis. The fear mongering and hate lies in the promotion of the blanket presumption that ALL transgender individuals = mentally disabled.
It's politically targeted B.S.


Well-known member
fool, why would anybody pay money to support this site, the way it's been run lately?

i was happy to support it financially in the past, when i could, passed along gift subscriptions when i could, bought memberships when i could

but lately?

you haven't been around enough lately to see what it's turned into

:baby: needs more chaperoning.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Then take them by a case-by-case basis. The fear mongering and hate lies in the promotion of the blanket presumption that ALL transgender individuals = mentally disabled.
It's politically motivated B.S.

Correct me if I'm wrong here but I thought Trumps policy was that Trans could serve, just not while they were transitioning.


Correct me if I'm wrong here but I thought Trumps policy was that Trans could serve, just not while they were transitioning.

It seems things might have changed. Perhaps too many bigots didn't like Trump's stance here.

Doser should clear things up.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'll be here too!
I just love this place!

So, anyway, no cyber Monday sale on subscriptions?
That's when I always bought mine and then I got out of step and was waiting for cyber monday to come around again and the Knight gifted me a gold but like at six months off cyber monday and now I'm blue again and I want to be silver but not for no $70.


So, anyway, no cyber Monday sale on subscriptions?
That's when I always bought mine and then I got out of step and was waiting for cyber monday to come around again and the Knight gifted me a gold but like at six months off cyber monday and now I'm blue again and I want to be silver but not for no $70.

He got you hooked!
Smart businessman.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
[MENTION=4370]fool[/MENTION] - clear your pm's

That's part of my cyber Monday problem, when you go blue you lose mailbox space. To get to blue levels of mail I would have to delete 14 years of pm.
It be easier to just subscribe up to sane levels of space but I can't find where the sale is at. The subscription area has the regular prices.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The fear mongering and hate lies in the promotion of the blanket presumption that ALL transgender individuals = mentally disabled.

i don't think anybody makes that presumption, so your assumption of fear mongering and hate is unfounded

read the article again - it makes very clear that they're talking about significantly higher rates of potentially dangerous mental issues