Trump sez: Transgenders B gone!


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God says that adulterers and adulteresses should be put to death.
That's what the law said, but even GOD did not carry out that law at all times.

First of all, we're not talking about sin here. We're talking about crime.

And second, not all crimes deserve death.
We're talking about adultery and GOD's law.
And as shown, adultery was not always punished per death.

David was not put to death for his adultery.
Gomer (Hosea's wife) was not put to death for her adultery.
GOD told Hosea to take his adulterous wife back, not kill her.
If all adulterers were supposed to be killed per the law, then why did GOD not have that law carried out that law for David and Gomer?

So where is mercy and forgiveness if the letter of the law is always to be implemented as it states?

I'm talking about moral law verses ceremonial/symbolic law.
The law is not separated.
If one breaks any point of the law they are guilty of breaking the whole law.
Galatians 3:10 KJV​
(10) For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.​

James 2 KJV​
(10) For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.​

And yet, God DID NOT repeal the death penalty for adultery.
None of the law was repealed ---- not one jot or tittle.

Matthew 5 KJV​
(18) For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.​

is a qualifier for the whole law still being intact.
The whole law.
If one breaks any of it, they are guilty of being a breaker of the whole law.
You don't get to pick and choose which parts of the whole to keep, but must live according to the whole law.

And I would remind that the law is not of faith (Galatians 3:12 KJV).
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
...We were using the prohibition on beer as an example that enforcing prohibitions on things can be effective...

arguing against a strawman is the best artie can do usually

well, that and projection

Use your head Artie.

it hasn't proven to be very useful as an instrument of reason and rationality

perhaps it's best used as a bowling ball :)
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yet, people seduce all the's the game of attraction, it makes the world go around. You enjoy it as much as she. So, where does the line become drawn....?

when it leaves the confines of marriage :duh:

What about only her? She's still being seductive....what makes this (conveniently detailed) situation any different? If this woman got raped by a stranger by way of seductively exposing her back...would she deserve her attack?

women shouldn't be dressing suggestively around strangers :duh:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yes, and women were too emotional for would jeopardize the male soldier's decision making.

deflection - different argument

don't come back until you can demonstrate that you understand the point the author was making in the article about pelosi

specifically address suicide rates and the distinction made wrt "dysphoria"
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So therefore, it was ok for them to kidnap then murder that little boy.... :vomit:

great post JR, and thanks for defending me - i've given up on them - artie and quip are only here to troll and glory and tam have blind spots (call them trigger words) that they just can't see past

it'd be great to see more of musty and WoO in the discussion :thumb:

wanted to revisit the two ten year olds - the issue to me isn't their age or their upbringing or any other excuse that may be floated to absolve them of blame

the issue to me is whether they knew the consequences of their actions, whether they knew what they were doing was wrong

and everything i've read suggests that they did, as much so as an 18 year old would have

and in a manner that a five year old wouldn't have

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Saying it doesn't make it so.

You want religious laws imposed on all of society. Theonomy is religious legalism.

Hypocrite. You said:

Without providing any support for it.

So I dismissed it without support.

The logic is so obvious it shouldn't even need to be said. If you enact laws that kill married people for having affairs and especially if you make it difficult for people to divorce, then people in the main would be more likely to give it a miss.

Talk about projection...


It would provide a more stable household for any child to grow up in than would otherwise.


How would it? You force a man and a woman to get married with no possibility of divorce and with no regard as to whether they're compatible and somehow that equates to a stable household for any children? You don't think children would suffer in a household where the "marriage" is effectively a sham?

Aren't you always the one saying "think of the children? :mock:



What was that you were staying about providing support for one's assertions?


Haven't you heard of Hitchens's razor?

Sure I've heard of it and what you advocate is an infringement on civil liberty and freedom. You would have your brand of religious law imposed on all of society and that is a nightmare. I value the freedoms we have in the West and living under a tyranny that executes people for being gay, indiscretions, "guilty children" and forces people into marriage and floggings is not one that I'd want any part of and if you're honest you know fine well that the vast, vast majority of people, Christian or otherwise wouldn't want to see either.

That's funny, because "separation of church and state" is not found in the constitution.

It's not that funny and Jefferson certainly makes mention of it.

Adultery has been criminal for the past 3.5-4 thousand years. It didn't require a "religious dictatorship" to enforce that prohibition.

It would do now.

Where have I ever advocated for a prohibition on beer?

We were using the prohibition on beer as an example that enforcing prohibitions on things can be effective, not that the prohibition on beer was right or wrong.


Use your head Artie.

Who said you had?


Oh, and good for you for blowing up yet another irony meter...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
great post JR, and thanks for defending me - i've given up on them - artie and quip are only here to troll and glory and tam have blind spots (call them trigger words) that they just can't see past

it'd be great to see more of musty and WoO in the discussion :thumb:

wanted to revisit the two ten year olds - the issue to me isn't their age or their upbringing or any other excuse that may be floated to absolve them of blame

the issue to me is whether they knew the consequences of their actions, whether they knew what they were doing was wrong

and everything i've read suggests that they did, as much so as an 18 year old would have

and in a manner that a five year old wouldn't have

Funny, I've never had any infractions for stalking other posters or multiple bans on the score. Nor do I go around witlessly calling posters tards or lie about them being drunkards either. No real point in projecting and Glory and Tam don't have "blind spots" where it comes to you either.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
would've read better as "who gave her permission to..." :(

The sad thing is that there's some religious cranks who actually think that their wives actually do need to ask permission to do stuff. Whether you're being "serious" or not is anyone's guess but for those who are, is it any wonder that their wives have flings or leave their husbands?

Hardly and who could blame them?


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For all of you that advocate that adulterers must be stoned to death, why haven't you stoned any adulterers if you are to abide by the law GOD gave to Israel over the civil man-made laws of today?
What's your holdup of obeying that law?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
For all of you that advocate that adulterers must be stoned to death, why haven't you stoned any adulterers if you are to abide by the law GOD gave to Israel over the civil man-made laws of today?
What's your holdup of obeying that law?




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The sad thing is that there's some religious cranks who actually think that their wives actually do need to ask permission to do stuff.
Perhaps because they seek a wife to have as a pet instead of seeking a wife to be bone of their bone and flesh of their flesh.


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Can we say some sure like to talk the talk, but when it comes to walking the walk they balk.
If they were really serious about obeying that law over any civil man-made law then are failing miserably in obeying that law and have made themselves law-breakers by failing to do so.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
For all of you that advocate that adulterers must be stoned to death, why haven't you stoned any adulterers if you are to abide by the law GOD gave to Israel over the civil man-made laws of today?
What's your holdup of obeying that law?


you're boring tam

go create false dilemmas on some other thread :wave2: