Trump sez: Transgenders B gone!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
[MENTION=3698]Tambora[/MENTION]: again, if we have a scale of abuse with "not fetching a beer quick enough" at one end and "killing one's spouse" at the other end, let's see if we can narrow it down a little to find the tipping point

we'll work through the progression as given

in your opinion, is a single harsh word sufficient?

are there specific circumstances in which a single harsh word might be sufficient?


Well-known member
i'll go along with that

and the abusive spouse should be tried and punished harshly for being abusive, if appropriate

but the adulterous spouse is solely responsible for committing adultery and should be executed

You'd have made quick work of Paul back in the day, too, if I'm understanding you correctly.

Acts 24:5-7 King James Version (KJV)
5 For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes: 6 Who also hath gone about to profane the temple: whom we took, and would have judged according to our law. 7 But the chief captain Lysias came upon us, and with great violence took him away out of our hands,​


Well-known member
i think an intelligent person, giving careful consideration to the position they are taking, might give some thought to the question as asked, and if they were unable to give a careful considered answer, might wonder whether their position is tenable


"Is a single harsh word sufficient?"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

"Is a single harsh word sufficient?"

i'll take that for a "no"

so we've eliminated the part of the scale that runs from "failure to fetch beer" up to "single harsh word"

this is progress! :thumb:

let's work it from the other end

periodic beatings that leave the abused spouse hospitalized - is that sufficient to declare the marriage contract ended?


:doh: when somebody starts a post like this, it's a good bet that what will follow will be totally divorced from logic

iow, earned by his actions

if she engaged in behavior that directly disregarded known risk, yes, then she has earned by her actions the consequences of those actions

so you're admitting that you're an unrestrained frat-boy pervert?

thanks for letting us know :thumb:

:mock:quip, the unrestrained frat-boy pervert

So, your view is that every woman who wears provacative clothing earns her conseqence of rape equal to that of every man who commits rape?
Thus - using your logic again - there must be an equivalent need of restraint. Yet, the woman in question has every right to deny such retraint and wear what she desires. In your view, does the man have a clear and equal right to deny his restraint and harm her?


Well-known member
i'll take that for a "no"

so we've eliminated the part of the scale that runs from "failure to fetch beer" up to "single harsh word"

this is progress! :thumb:

let's work it from the other end

periodic beatings that leave the abused spouse hospitalized - is that sufficient to declare the marriage contract ended?

My preference would be for my big strong brother to go beat up the abuser and leave him in intensive care....but that's just me. ;)


Well-known member
was paul committing adultery?

He was accused of profaning the temple. What's the difference?

Perhaps it would be best if you just promoted forgiving a wayward spouse, and allowed her to suffer the consequences of her actions. She may still be a good mother to her children. You might insist she wore a big red A on her shirt when she came to pick them up. Or, you could put your kids' feeling above your own hurt feelings and move on with your life, and stop demanding she be put to death. :patrol:

"Go and sin no more."

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
My preference would be for my big strong brother to go beat up the abuser and leave him in intensive care....but that's just me. ;)

with the recognition that the marriage is intact but the abuser's behavior needs to change?

what if the abuser is the wife - should she be beaten severely by a brother (or a sister) to get a taste of her own medicine?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Perhaps it would be best if you just promoted forgiving a wayward spouse, and allowed her to suffer the consequences of her actions.

so God was confused when He made adultery a capital crime?

how about child molesters?

should we promote forgiving them and telling them "go and sin no more"?

or do your hurt feelings demand something different?


Well-known member
so God was confused when He made adultery a capital crime?

No, God held strict standards for his chosen people...thus all the rules and regulations. He did so, of course, because of their many transgressions.

how about child molesters?

should we promote forgiving them and telling them "go and sin no more"?

So you really see no difference between an unfaithful wife and some pervert sticking his grimy appendages into an innocent child's body? :rolleyes:

You should be ashamed for even making the comparison.

or do your hurt feelings demand something different?

Not my "hurt feelings" at all. My righteous indignation and pity for an innocent child demands something different. As it does with you if you weren't too stubborn to admit it.


Well-known member
with the recognition that the marriage is intact but the abuser's behavior needs to change?

what if the abuser is the wife - should she be beaten severely by a brother (or a sister) to get a taste of her own medicine?

I didn't say the marriage should remain intact. That would depend on the marriage, and whether the wife was able to forgive the abusive husband or not.

If the wife was the abuser, I'd say the same thing. Get the women together to beat her up and see if she'll learn or not. :sibbie:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
No, God held strict standards for his chosen people...thus all the rules and regulations.

and all that's to be tossed aside now?

Not my "hurt feelings" at all.

then why bring it up?

My righteous indignation and pity for an innocent child demands something different.

and yet you're perfectly happy to have that innocent child raised in a household where the perversion of adultery is allowed

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So you really see no difference between an unfaithful wife and some pervert sticking his grimy appendages into an innocent child's body? :rolleyes:

sure i do

in one case, it's a pervert sticking his filthy appendages into a child's body

in the other case, it's a pervert sticking his filthy appendages into the body of another man's wife

in both cases, the filthy pervert should be executed, and if the wife participated willingly, she should be executed too


Well-known member
and all that's to be tossed aside now?

God did it...not me. :chuckle:

then why bring it up?

Yeah, why bring it up, Doser?

and yet you're perfectly happy to have that innocent child raised in a household where the perversion of adultery is allowed

If that's the only perversion the child is exposed to then I'd be astounded. We live in a world of sin, and those same parents are undoubtedly bringing it right into their household via television, etc. The fighting and lack of love must be obvious to all.

I would have to say shame on any parent who couldn't keep such accusations from being made in a child's hearing. Keep your crap to yourselves, parents!