Trump sez: Transgenders B gone!


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what i say is that when a person disregards known risk and acts in a manner that leads to negative consequences, then that person has "earned by their actions** the consequences of those actions"

for example, when a man disregards the known risk associated with raping a woman and rapes a woman, and is subjected to the known possible consequences which include arrest, trial, imprisonment and being physically and sexually abused in prison, then he has earned by his actions the consequences of those actions

**kmo's provided definition of "deserve"
We all know what "deserves" means, and we all know why you chose to use that word concerning the rape of a woman.
And by your above comment it is crystal clear that you feel the rape was deserved and should have even been an expected consequence due to her bad behavior.

By that same logic, an abusive husband should deserve and even expect the consequence of his wife running to the arms of another due to his bad behavior.


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i never claimed that it was :idunno:
Then why waste our time with such an outrageous scenario?

so where do you draw the line?

what level of failure on the wife's part is sufficient, in your mind, to absolve the man of blame if it drives him to commit adultery?

be as specific as you can
I blame women that DON'T leave an abusive husband.
How much abuse do you think she should stay and endure?


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what i say is that when a person disregards known risk and acts in a manner that leads to negative consequences, then that person has "earned by their actions** the consequences of those actions"
When an abusive man disregards known risk and acts in a manner that leads to negative consequences (such as his wife running to arms of another), then that husband has "earned by his actions the consequences of those actions"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
We all know what "deserves" means...

...because i set out the definition, as provided by kmo, at the very beginning and referred to it dozens and dozens of times afterwards because people (especially annabananahead) wanted to redefine it in order to attack me

in the context of the discussion i started three years ago "deserves" means "to earn by one's actions"

, and we all know why you chose to use that word concerning the rape of a woman.

because I believe that one reaps what they sow, regardless of their gender

And by your above comment it is crystal clear that you feel the rape was deserved...
in this hypothetical:
for example, when a man disregards the known risk associated with raping a woman and rapes a woman, and is subjected to the known possible consequences which include arrest, trial, imprisonment and being physically and sexually abused in prison, then he has earned by his actions the consequences of those actions

the rape the man receives in prison is indeed "deserved" as it was earned by his actions
By that same logic....

no, sorry - you haven't demonstrated the ability to master the intricacies of logic

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
How much abuse do you think (a spouse) should stay and endure?

depends what you mean by "stay"

certainly it should be recognized that no amount of abuse dissolves the marriage, so in that sense, the marriage stays intact, not torn asunder, the abused spouse stays in the marriage

that doesn't mean that the abused spouse needs to remain in physical proximity to the abuser, or accept the abuse as normal - they shouldn't

they should seek to change the abuser's behavior, through counseling, prayer, legal interventions, etc
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
tam makes a scripturally unsupportable claim:
The (marriage) contract is broken when (one spouse) is abusive (to the other)

doser asks a leading question:
if my wife doesn't fetch me a beer quickly enough when i demand it, can i claim the marriage contract is broken and commit adultery blamelessly?

tam responds with:
(regarding) ...the duties of a husband toward his wife.
.... demanding a wife fetch a beer quickly is (not) part of his duty.
doser explains the reason for the leading question:
so where do you draw the line?

what level of failure on (one spouse's) part is sufficient, in your mind, to absolve the (other spouse) of blame if it drives (them) to commit adultery?

be as specific as you can

tam sidesteps:
I blame (spouses) that DON'T leave an abusive (spouse).
How much abuse do you think (the spouse) should stay and endure?

that's not an answer to the question I asked

your claim is that the marriage contract is ended with abuse (with which I disagree)

i'm trying to get you to tell us what constitutes an intolerable amount of abuse - what's the tipping point?

something more than not fetching a beer quickly enough - i think we could both agree on that as a minimum baseline

and I think we can both agree that killing one's spouse is at the other extreme

where does that tipping point fall, in between?

a harsh word?

only harsh words?

emotional distance?

an occasional slap on the face?

a slap on the face every day?

a beating that leaves the beaten spouse hospitalized?

what exactly, in your mind, is the degree of abuse that tears asunder that which God has commanded not to tear asunder, makes void the marriage contract and absolves the abused spouse from blame for committing the mortal sin of adultery?


Well-known member
Adam and Eve prove that no matter what someone else may or may not have done against us, God holds the individual responsible for his or her stupid and sinful choices.

topic came up at another website which is not a Christian one. Every single person who responded (men and women) agreed that the individual bears responsibility for putting himself or herself in a situation which they KNOW could lead to trouble, while carefully distinguishing that from the issue of blame when something bad does happen to them.

On second thought, one person did vote differently and accused everyone else of "victim blaming" (which was totally precluded in the premise of the thread). That person, go figure, is a known leftist and part-time troll.


what i say is that when a person disregards known risk and acts in a manner that leads to negative consequences, then that person has "earned by their actions** the consequences of those actions"

for example, when a man disregards the known risk associated with raping a woman and rapes a woman, and is subjected to the known possible consequences which include arrest, trial, imprisonment and being physically and sexually abused in prison, then he has earned by his actions the consequences of those actions

**kmo's provided definition of "deserve"

Per your logic, a man who deserves his consequence for raping a woman is on par with a less than modestly dressed woman whom is victimized by said rapist?! Only a ( unrestrained frat-boy?) pervert would so easily equate the two.


Well-known member
No woman deserves to be raped.

Just like some tweaker moron strolling on the center line of the interstate doesn't really "deserve" to get hit either...but getting hit is a likely (and totally avoidable!) consequence of his stupidity. Same principle.

View attachment 26666

Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.​

Seems to me like tweaking or stripping would be mocking God.

Stupidity or willfully doing what you know to be wrong? :think:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Per your logic...

:doh: when somebody starts a post like this, it's a good bet that what will follow will be totally divorced from logic

...a man who deserves his consequence for raping a woman...

iow, earned by his actions on par with a less than modestly dressed woman whom is victimized by said rapist?!

if she engaged in behavior that directly disregarded known risk, yes, then she has earned by her actions the consequences of those actions

Only a ( unrestrained frat-boy?) pervert would so easily equate the two.

so you're admitting that you're an unrestrained frat-boy pervert?

thanks for letting us know :thumb:

:mock:quip, the unrestrained frat-boy pervert

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Easy peasy.
By being a lousy husband he earned himself an adulterous wife, and deserved an adulterous wife.
He shouldn't have been such a lousy husband.

i'll go along with that

and the abusive spouse should be tried and punished harshly for being abusive, if appropriate

but the adulterous spouse is solely responsible for committing adultery and should be executed

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Adam and Eve prove that no matter what someone else may or may not have done against us, God holds the individual responsible for his or her stupid and sinful choices.

topic came up at another website which is not a Christian one. Every single person who responded (men and women) agreed that the individual bears responsibility for putting himself or herself in a situation which they KNOW could lead to trouble, while carefully distinguishing that from the issue of blame when something bad does happen to them.

On second thought, one person did vote differently and accused everyone else of "victim blaming" (which was totally precluded in the premise of the thread). That person, go figure, is a known leftist and part-time troll.

so where is this site where leftists are the minority?

'cause it sure ain't here lately


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tam makes a scripturally unsupportable claim:

doser asks a leading question:

tam responds with:
doser explains the reason for the leading question:

tam sidesteps:

that's not an answer to the question I asked

your claim is that the marriage contract is ended with abuse (with which I disagree)

i'm trying to get you to tell us what constitutes an intolerable amount of abuse - what's the tipping point?

something more than not fetching a beer quickly enough - i think we could both agree on that as a minimum baseline

and I think we can both agree that killing one's spouse is at the other extreme

where does that tipping point fall, in between?

a harsh word?

only harsh words?

emotional distance?

an occasional slap on the face?

a slap on the face every day?

a beating that leaves the beaten spouse hospitalized?

what exactly, in your mind, is the degree of abuse that tears asunder that which God has commanded not to tear asunder, makes void the marriage contract and absolves the abused spouse from blame for committing the mortal sin of adultery?

You think there is an actual check list?
How cute!

A man that needs to ask for such a check list is one that is not a prime candidate to be having a wife in the first place.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
You think there is an actual check list?

i think an intelligent person, giving careful consideration to the position they are taking, might give some thought to the question as asked, and if they were unable to give a careful considered answer, might wonder whether their position is tenable