Trump sez: Transgenders B gone!


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You ignored my comments about the kids? You were using them as "victims" of adultery before. :think:

What you said does not necessarily contradict my position.

What will it do to the kids to have their mother put to death for committing adultery?

It would show them that when you commit adultery, the punishment is death, and deter them from ever committing the same crime.

They might even end up blaming the dad for not treating their mother with more respect and love.

It's certainly a possibility.

Perhaps if the mother had been deterred by the law the children would not be harmed.

Kids see things, and they love their mother. That I can guarantee.

Flowery noise that adds nothing to the conversation.


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@Tambora and @glorydaz

artie posted:

do you agree that an abused wife who commits adultery is blameless?
You mean "blameless" as when a man rapes a woman that acts promiscuous?
You like to claim that the bad action of a man (rape) was a consequence of the woman's bad action (promiscuity) and she shouldn't be all that surprised that she was raped.
So why not apply the same logic of consequences of the man's bad action being the result of the wife's bad actions and him not be all that surprised that she fled to arms of another?


You mean "blameless" as when a man rapes a woman that acts promiscuous?
You like to claim that the bad action of a man (rape) was a consequence of the woman's bad action (promiscuity) and she shouldn't be all that surprised that she was raped.
So why not apply the same logic of consequences of the man's bad action being the result of the wife's bad actions and him not be all that surprised that she fled to arms of another?

Fair point.


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So, breaking a contract makes it ok for someone else to commit adultery?

That's effectively what you're saying.

I still don't see why the solution is adultery. Why not just get a divorce instead?
Once the contract is broken the contract is no longer valid --- ie. she no longer has a "husband".
How can she commit adultery if she doesn't have a husband?
Or do think a piece of paper determines a commitment and not the heart?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
[MENTION=3698]Tambora[/MENTION] and [MENTION=13955]glorydaz[/MENTION]

artie posted:
Well, firstly, he doesn't have an "excuse" for being abusive and yes, it does (give an abused wife an excuse to commit adultery) if she's married to such a guy. Who could blame her?

do you agree that an abused wife who commits adultery is blameless?

yes, blameless

do you agree that the excuse of being abused absolves her of blame for committing adultery?


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a bold claim

can you support it scripturally?
If a marriage is broken up just because a wrong was committed, then God would not have been able to divorce Israel AFTER she had been unfaithful to Him...


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
artie stamps his foot and insists:
No person should be beholden to a contract where abuse is part of it because that isn't the part of any marriage agreement. "For better or worse" doesn't include being abused in any form.

actually artie, it does

it includes an infinite number of specific actions that you might find repulsive, and yet the marriage is expected to endure, in order to honor the vows taken before God

in fact, there's only one specific action that dissolves the marriage before God - a very specific, very special, an incredibly powerful action - more powerful than the most horrific abuse you can imagine - do you know what it is?
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
There are people that think that a wife must put up with everything a husband does to her simply because they have a marriage contract.

those horrible people! :sibbie:

They should be stopped!
Shouted down in the marketplace of ideas!
Nailed to a cross!

Jesus Christ said:
Matthew 5:32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.


well, maybe not that last one

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
to clarify, an abused spouse cannot claim that the marriage contract is "broken" except in the case of adultery

that does not mean that a physically abused spouse cannot seek redress for the physical abuse - as JR has pointed out, a spouse enduring physical abuse can and should seek legal action against the abusive spouse, who should be charged, tried and punished, swiftly, harshly and publicly

any other forms of "abuse" should be referred to the couple's pastor