Trump sez: Transgenders B gone!


Well-known member
No it's not.
When scripture speaks of witnesses it is speaking of people.

And when there is no witness scripture gives a ritual in the law to perform, as has already been pointed out.

And, as Glorydaz has already pointed out, only one nation was given that law to follow.

And that was quite some ritual, was it not? Wonder what "priest" we would call to perform such a rite...just in case the offended party wasn't filled with jealousy and the need for vengeance, I mean?
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Well-known member
Then you haven't been paying attention to what Doser thinks both in this thread and in several of his previous threads that some women DESERVE to be raped due to their actions.
His very word --- DESERVES.

Remember the wallet left on the car hood in a crowded shopping mall? That was funny. I figured the guy deserved what he got, because of his own carelessness.

We all had quite a bouhaha over that one, didn't we? I even quit for a few months as I recall.

Not really worth the semantic fight, if you ask me. :cheers:


Well-known member
So then we should just get rid of the law entirely, right? WRONG.

Paul says we ESTABLISH the law.

Romans 3:31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.​

Of course, Pau is speaking of the PURPOSE of the Law, wasn't he?

Which was never intended to bring about righteous behavior, among other things.


Well-known member
To be honest, "deserve" is a pretty strong word.

Should a stripper be, for lack of a better term, prepared to deal with the consequences of her actions? Of course.

But no one "deserves" to be raped.

Reaping and sowing....actions have consequences.
That's a natural law that can't be dismissed on the basis of political correctness.

God is not mocked.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
So you would expect that suddenly these young men would turn into animals, and begin to do what their inborn conscience tells them is wrong...just because there is no law written down?

I think you're wrong about that. Man is not an animal, even if some act like it.

That's fair comment. Only those without morals or empathy would consider forcing themselves on someone against their will. Even with current laws there's a shockingly low percentage of rapists being brought to account.