Trump Has A Mandate

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New member
Who they run next time is of little consequence because the voters are going to vote. If you ever talk to people who like to vote, you'll find out that they're voting no matter what. When I tell people that I don't vote, I find it hilarious that they always say, "Not voting changes nothing." As opposed to voting, which changes everything?

It gets some people a figurehead that they see themselves in, at most :chuckle: . In 3 years, nothing drastically will have changed, even the ACA will be the same or nearly the same, but it'll be ok, because Trump isn't a democrat, openly.


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Hall of Fame
I too believe he would have won. There are a lot of Bernie supporters out there who felt betrayed by the Dems and refused to vote for Hillary, so you can add that to the Comey effect and the Russia meddling. Trump lucked into the presidency.
If the Dems blame everyone but themselves/Clinton for losing then things might not go very well in the next election either.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
We need a good businessman in the White House and that's what we have in President Trump. Obama and his cronies nearly bankrupted our country. Twenty Trillion dollars in debt. Hillary would have doubled that. Socialism doesn't work. I prayed for a Trump win and no doubt other Christians did, as well. God's will has been initiated. Hillary was aching for a war with Russia and we've received a reprieve from that occurring.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Liberal's have a tendency to behave in a violent manner when they don't get their way, as we've seen. They don't take a loss well. Thet riot, start fires, cause damage, resort to violence, and wreak havoc with the Police. That's an example of the mindset of the liberal.


New member
It gets some people a figurehead that they see themselves in, at most :chuckle: . In 3 years, nothing drastically will have changed, even the ACA will be the same or nearly the same, but it'll be ok, because Trump isn't a democrat, openly.



Well-known member
A.One, explain to us how a Socialist state was outlined in the Old Testament.

The Year of jubilee was a practice designed to stop the concentration of wealth in a few families. Every 50 years there was basically a reset in jubilee. There's also the principle of gleanings for the poor and the foreigner.

You shall count off seven Sabbaths of years, seven times seven years; and there shall be to you the days of seven Sabbaths of years, even forty-nine years. Then you shall sound the loud trumpet on the tenth day of the seventh month. On the Day of Atonement you shall sound the trumpet throughout all your land. You shall make the fiftieth year holy, and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It shall be a jubilee to you; and each of you shall return to his own property, and each of you shall return to his family. That fiftieth year shall be a jubilee to you. In it you shall not sow, neither reap that which grows of itself, nor gather from the undressed vines. For it is a jubilee; it shall be holy to you. You shall eat of its increase out of the field. In this Year of Jubilee each of you shall return to his property.



like marbles on glass
If the Dems blame everyone but themselves/Clinton for losing then things might not go very well in the next election either.

I agree, but I don't see them doing that. I've seen plenty of conversations between Dems in the weeks since the election, and they're definitely working through what went wrong in their own backyard. So yes, we can add those mistakes in to what I said as well, but in my opinion it doesn't change the significance of what Comey did in particular. Sooner or later I think more will come out on that. He'll end up being an infamous footnote to history.


New member
If the Dems blame everyone but themselves/Clinton for losing then things might not go very well in the next election either.

That's certainly true, and I think Hillary made a number of mistakes and bad decisions. But there were also a number of external interventions that seem to have played a large part, and that's hard to avoid by deliberation. And there's also a risk in overreading the result. There are three counties in three states that could have swung the election the other way by themselves. I hope that in the future, the Dems will take a more 50-state strategy, as Obama did when he ran, will nominate people who are not disliked, or boring. Democrats do better when the turnout is high, so it's in their own best interests to turn people out.

But at the same time, it was so close in the states that mattered that any tactical error could have made the difference, or not. And it is frustrating that Trump seemed to be held to no standard whatsoever.


New member
That's certainly true, and I think Hillary made a number of mistakes and bad decisions. But there were also a number of external interventions that seem to have played a large part, and that's hard to avoid by deliberation. And there's also a risk in overreading the result. There are three counties in three states that could have swung the election the other way by themselves. I hope that in the future, the Dems will take a more 50-state strategy, as Obama did when he ran, will nominate people who are not disliked, or boring. Democrats do better when the turnout is high, so it's in their own best interests to turn people out.

But at the same time, it was so close in the states that mattered that any tactical error could have made the difference, or not. And it is frustrating that Trump seemed to be held to no standard whatsoever.

Not to worry; Trump is his own worst enemy.


New member
I dunno. The guy has a lot of other enemies.

Nero had many enemies.

Hitler had many enemies.

John Gotti had many enemies.

All were brought down by their profound narcissism run amok.

As with those three; the more the Trumpers both within and outside of DC rationalize their enabling him, the more he will deem himself above the law.

We're seeing Nixon on coked up steriods.

Carl Bernstein Compares 'Ignorant,' 'Fact-Free' Trump to Nixon ...
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