Trump finally fires James Comey


That would certainly be a clarifying moment. All Republicans who serve the country over their careers and party would have to act, if there are any.

Obviously Obama has had his men entrenched for 8 years. DTS

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Trump finally fires James Comey

As predicted, the White House "cover story" concerning Comey's termination is shifting by the moment!

1. First Mike Pence stated that the President accepted the recommendation from the Attorney General and Assistant Attorney General on Monday - contrary to the Attorney General's assurance that he would recuse himself from any decisions involving the Russian investigation.

2. The initial rationale for releasing Comey was based on his treatment of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 Campaign. The Assistant Attorney General is now taking issue with the White House assertion that it was his memo was the primary reason for the Comey firing!

3. Then it was reported that "The Donald" was enraged by Comey's testimony before the Senate Committee last week.

4. Then the President totally contradicted his Vice President, senior White House staff and Press Secretary by stating that he had already decided to fire Comey prior to his Monday meeting with the Attorney and Assistant Attorney General.

5. This President is now characterized Director Comey with personal attacks of being a "grandstander" and "showboat" and that the FBI has been in turmoil for over a year!

6. Now the President has stated that Comey had reassured him 3X that he was not under investigation - a revelation that would be totally inappropriate if true. For a President to ask that question would be widely interpreted as an attempt to interfere with an active FBI investigation and blackmail its Director.

7. The Acting Director Andrew McCabe is now contradicted Trump's assertion that the FBI was in disarray and that the former Director had "wide support" among the FBI rank and file.

8. President Trump is now being discouraged from making a trip to the FBI headquarters - its reported the his reception would be less than cordial!

9. Before the Trump supporters in this forum jump to his defence, they should be aware that with the White House having already changed their stories multiple times, be prepared to "have the rug pulled out from under them!"

10. Now Trump is reportedly twittering with Rosie O'Donnell, how presidential is that?


Well-known member
HOLT: Did you ask for a recommendation?
TRUMP: What I did is, I was going to fire Comey. My decision. It was not …
HOLT: You had made the decision before they came in the room.
TRUMP: I was going to fire Comey. There's no good time to do it, by the way.
HOLT: Because in your letter, you said, 'I accepted their recommendation.' So you had already made the decision.
TRUMP: Oh, I was going to fire regardless of recommendation.


Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
From the Wall Street Journal's Shane Harris and Carol E. Lee:

"In the weeks before President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, a federal investigation into potential collusion between Trump associates and the Russian government was heating up, as Mr. Comey became increasingly occupied with the probe.

Mr. Comey started receiving daily instead of weekly updates on the investigation, beginning at least three weeks ago, according to people with knowledge of the matter and the progress of the Federal Bureau of Investigation probe. Mr. Comey was concerned by information showing possible evidence of collusion..."

Fake news alert.


New member
Hall of Fame
Chaffetz Calls On DOJ Watchdog To Probe Comey’s Firing

House Oversight Committee Chair Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) on Wednesday called on the Justice Department’s inspector general to investigate the firing of James Comey as the director of the FBI.

“Previously I asked Inspector General Horowitz to review the FBI’s actions in advance of the 2016 election. Today I sent a letter urging IG Horowitz to expand the scope of his review to include the decision to fire Director Comey. I look forward to receiving the IG’s findings,” Chaffetz said in a statement.

In a letter on Wednesday, Chaffetz asked Horowitz to look at “the facts and circumstances surrounding the removal of Director Comey.”

“You stated previously that your work includes an examination of whether Comey’s public communications and notifications to Congress about the Clinton investigation comported with Justice Department and FBI policies and procedures. You separately stated ‘if circumstances warrant, the OIG will consider including other issues that may arise during the course of the review.’ The recommendation to remove Comey indeed warrants such consideration,” Chaffetz wrote.​
Didn't expect to see that. :up:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
The interview said:
THE PRESIDENT: What I did is I was going fire Comey. My decision. It was not —

HOLT: You had made the decision before they gave it to you?

THE PRESIDENT: I was going fire Comey. There is no good time to do it, by the way. They —

HOLT: Because in your letter you said, “I have accepted…”

THE PRESIDENT: They were around —

HOLT: “…accepted their recommendation.”

THE PRESIDENT: Yeah, well, they also —

HOLT: So you’d already made the decision!

THE PRESIDENT: Oh, I was gonna fire regardless of recommendation.

HOLT: So there was (unintelligible).

THE PRESIDENT: He made a recommendation. He’s highly respected, very good guy, very smart guy. The Democrats like him; the Republicans like him. He made a recommendation. But regardless of recommendation, I was going to fire Comey.



New member
Hall of Fame
HOLT: Did you ask for a recommendation?
TRUMP: What I did is, I was going to fire Comey. My decision. It was not …
HOLT: You had made the decision before they came in the room.
TRUMP: I was going to fire Comey. There's no good time to do it, by the way.
HOLT: Because in your letter, you said, 'I accepted their recommendation.' So you had already made the decision.
TRUMP: Oh, I was going to fire regardless of recommendation.

All his talking heads were saying he accepted the recommendation. Now Trump did it on his own. They can't keep their own story straight. :dizzy:


Well-known member
All his talking heads were saying he accepted the recommendation. Now Trump did it on his own. They can't keep their own story straight. :dizzy:

Well, he should have been fired...with this bit of interview, I am glad Trump himself decided to do it.


Wow. I'm just gonna let that comment stand for itself.

Wow? Politically correct white people have destroyed the African American communities in our country by their perpetual victim hood mentality. Buying votes with food stamps. You should be ashamed of yourself Rex.

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like marbles on glass
All his talking heads were saying he accepted the recommendation. Now Trump did it on his own. They can't keep their own story straight. :dizzy:

And Sarah Huckabee Sanders was saying he did it to end the Russia investigation. Which he says himself here:

The President Admits to Obstruction on National TV


So much for trying to make it seem like this was about Hillary... oh wait... that was so last Tuesday. :plain:


New member
Wow? Politically correct white people have destroyed the African American communities in our country by their perpetual victim hood mentality. Buying votes with food stamps. You should be ashamed of yourself Rex.

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Little known (by conservatives) fact: most food-stamp recipients are white.