Trey Gowdy: Do You Want the Memo to Come Out?

The Barbarian

Trey Gowdy is the 10th Republican chair to retire abruptly from the House since Trump’s election
Trey Gowdy, the South Carolina Republican who is best known for leading the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s oversight of the 2012 attack on the US embassy in Benghazi, said unexpectedly today (Jan. 31) he would retire at the end of his term in November, rather than stand for reelection.

Gowdy was on his fourth term as a member of Congress. He is the chairman of the influential House Oversight Committee, and has been involved in the Republican party’s pushback on the FBI investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

The House Intelligence Committee was expected to release a memo today written with Gowdy’s help that purported to show wrongdoing by members of the FBI investigating Trump’s campaign. In an unusual statement, the FBI said today the memo had “material omissions of fact” that gave it “grave concerns.”

Former government employees, including Republican aides in Congress, have criticized the oversight committee’s handling of the recent retirement of deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe.

Gowdy is the 36th Republican, and 10th committee chair, to retire from the House of Representatives rather than stand for mid-term elections this coming November.


Apparently, the republicans are having some second thoughts. The memo, which Nunes won't show to anyone who is privy to all the information around the Mueller investigation, might be the basis for another criminal investigation concerning obstruction.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Former government employees, including Republican aides in Congress, have criticized the oversight committee’s handling of the recent retirement of deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe.

Of course McCabe should have been let go a long time ago for hiding the investigation into Uranium One scandal.

"According to the indictment, Lambert and others at Transport Logistics International (TLI) engaged in several counts of bribery, kickbacks and money laundering with Russian nuclear official Vadim Mikerin, in order to secure business advantages with TENEX - a subsidiary of Rosatom, the Kremlin's state-owned energy company which bought Uranium One.

TLI would have ostensibly transported all of the uranium from the U1 deal, were it not for an FBI undercover mole buried deep within the Russian nuclear industry who gathered extensive evidence of corruption.

What many don't realize is that Lambert's Friday indictment is not the first linked to the Uranium One deal.

In fact, Robert Mueller's FBI had been investigating the scheme since at least 2008 - with retiring Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe assigned to the ongoing investigation which was hidden from the Committee on Foreign Investments in the Untid States (CFIUS). Had they known, the committee never would have approved the Uranium One deal with TENEX's parent company, Rosatom."

Here we have McCabe hiding collusion between Hillary and Russia when the USA gave up 20% of its uranium deposits in exchange for millions and millions of dollars being given to the Clinton Foundation.

And now we have people defending the scumbag responsible letting it happen!

Which side are you people on?

The Barbarian

When I used the word slimeball I was not referring to Dowdy.

You mean Gowdy? I think "slimeball" is probably too hard on him. He's a mean little guy, but he's had his comeuppance. And now, he's seen the writing on the wall, and has bailed out. Good move.

What about taking filthy money from Putin in order to sell him 20% of the USA's Uranium Reserves?

He didn't do that. In fact, no one did that. A company owned by the Russians has 20% of current production capacity. Not even close to 20% of exploitable uranium deposits in the United States. We don't really know who signed off on it. We do know that neither Gowdy nor Clinton did.

Would you call that treason?

No. Treason would be something like meeting with Russian agents to cooperate in digging up dirt on one's political opponents.

The Barbarian

And of course, the fake news has already been debunked:
No, Uranium One investigation has not led to an indictment

By Jon Greenberg on Wednesday, January 17th, 2018 at 11:51 a.m.

Several news websites have reported that the investigation of wrongdoing involving Uranium One and Hillary Clinton bagged its first indictment.

Facebook users flagged a post from a site called Republican News as suspicious and possibly fake. The website’s Jan. 13 headline said, "First indictment issued in Russian bribery case tied to Obama-era Uranium One deal."

That post echoed similar reporting by the New York Post, which announced "there’s an indictment in the FBI probe of the Uranium One scandal," also on Jan. 13. The next day, The Hill repeated the Post report.

There was an indictment, but the Justice Department doesn’t tie it to the Uranium One deal.

Instead, the charges come out of a 2014 investigation of an American-based kickback scheme that defrauded millions of dollars from a subsidiary of the Russian nuclear agency Rosatom.



Trey Gowdy: Do You Want the Memo to Come Out?

During the 2016 Campaign "The Donald" and his motley crew of "contemptables" were quick to criticize Hillary for having emails on her private server that contained classified material.

Now the same people who attacked Clinton are rushing to make the Nunes' memo public, despite the fact that the Department of Justice and the Director of the FBI have stated publically that it contains false and classified materials that reveals sources and methods!

The Nunes' memo was prepared by his own staff and apparently neither Nunes nor the
Republican members on the Committee would allow the FBI Director to address them before its release!
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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Now the same people who attacked Clinton are rushing to make the Nunes' memo public, despite the fact that the Department of Justice and the Director of the FBI have stated publically that it contains false and classified materials that reveals sources and methods!

As Obama said, Elections have consequences!

The people spoke!



As Obama said, Elections have consequences!

The people spoke!
The preferences of 3 million voters who cast their ballots in favour of the Democratic candidate were totally ignored - this is the 2nd time in 16 years that the Republican candidate who lost the popular vote became president!
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
No. Treason would be something like meeting with Russian agents to cooperate in digging up dirt on one's political opponents.
Explain something to me here because I'm really confused.
Hillary paid foreign agents to dig up dirt on Trump. That is the Steele Dossier.
Was that Treason?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The preferences of 3 million voters who cast their ballots in favour of the Democratic candidate were totally ignored - this is the 2nd time in 16 years that the Republican candidate who lost the popular vote became president!
I'll just remind everyone that it's not just elections It's every single day.
Every state large or small gets two Senators and every thing has to get thru the Senate.
Every law, every budget, every treaty. has that same inequality baked in to it. So it's not "twice in 16 years" as you claim. It's every single Senate vote.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The preferences of 3 million voters who cast their ballots in favour of the Democratic candidate were totally ignored - this is the 2nd time in 16 years that the Republican candidate who lost the popular vote became president!

If you don't like it change it.


New member
Explain something to me here because I'm really confused.
Hillary paid foreign agents to dig up dirt on Trump. That is the Steele Dossier.
Was that Treason?

There are a couple of relevant differences.

Hillary Clinton paid Fusion GPS, which is based in Washington DC, run by Americans. Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steele, a former British spy to use his connections to gather information, without telling either Clinton or Steele who the other side was. So, Clinton didn't know who was collecting the information.

However, it is also not illegal to buy things from foreign companies for a campaign. It is illegal to take donations from people who aren't us citizens or permanent residents. But even that isn't really the biggest problem Trump faces. The purloined information was not just from Russia. It was stolen. Any us person who worked with the Russians in stealing it, or using it to subvert the election, participated in a criminal conspiracy.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
There are a couple of relevant differences.
Oh good.

Hillary Clinton paid Fusion GPS, which is based in Washington DC, run by Americans. Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steele, a former British spy to use his connections to gather information, without telling either Clinton or Steele who the other side was. So, Clinton didn't know who was collecting the information.
Why does that make it better?

However, it is also not illegal to buy things from foreign companies for a campaign.
So if Trump paid for the info he would be cool?
It is illegal to take donations from people who aren't us citizens or permanent residents.
What if s foreigner bought one of Hillarie's books?

But even that isn't really the biggest problem Trump faces.
Do tell
The purloined information was not just from Russia. It was stolen.
So the Dossier that tells of Trump watching hookers pee on a bed that Obama once slept in wasn't "purloined or stolen"?

Any us person who worked with the Russians in stealing it, or using it to subvert the election, participated in a criminal conspiracy.
So you're talking about Hillary here right?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
However, it is also not illegal to buy things from foreign companies for a campaign.

It is illegal not to report the money which she (Hillary) used to finance the Trump dossier and she failed to report that expense. That alone will add a couple of years to the time she will have to spend in the slammer!


New member
Why does that make it better?

It's the difference between going to a business in the capital and trying to buy information, and contacting a hostile foreign government and asking them for a favor.

Seems pretty obvious to me.

So if Trump paid for the info he would be cool?

If Trump paid full market value (because special discounts are viewed as donations), then he would be cool in the specific case of that bit of election law. But, for it to be really legit, he would have to avoid other crimes.

What if s foreigner bought one of Hillarie's books?

You realize that Hillary is legally distinct from her campaign, right?

Do tell

So the Dossier that tells of Trump watching hookers pee on a bed that Obama once slept in wasn't "purloined or stolen"?

I don't know of any reason to believe it was stolen.

So you're talking about Hillary here right?

Name one piece of evidence.


New member
It is illegal not to report the money which she (Hillary) used to finance the Trump dossier and she failed to report that expense. That alone will add a couple of years to the time she will have to spend in the slammer!

I'd ask you to back that you with a link, but you'd just post ZeroHedge or similar.


It is illegal not to report the money which she (Hillary) used to finance the Trump dossier and she failed to report that expense. That alone will add a couple of years to the time she will have to spend in the slammer!

And you know this because you are an expert in Federal campaign finance law, no doubt.