Trey Gowdy: Do You Want the Memo to Come Out?


New member
barb and rex are hot under the collar. They've been hard at it all day, trying to explain away reality. :chuckle:

What do you think then, Pat? Is it ok for the "president" to try to intimidate witnesses against him? Or are you just going to yell "fake news" and run away?

patrick jane

What do you think then, Pat? Is it ok for the "president" to try to intimidate witnesses against him? Or are you just going to yell "fake news" and run away?
Well, rex I tried to tell you. You were duped into believing that Trump colluded, stemming from an illegally started investigation. This is what happens to you when you concoct false accusations against a President for political reasons. The President can fire anybody for anything anytime he wants and he can talk about it, suggest it, order others to do it or do it himself. I guess you want an obstruction charge even though the entire investigation was started from make believe.

The Barbarian

These guys always forget the key point; they might not get you for the crime, but they'll always get you for the obstruction of justice.

And each time Trump tries to "get even" with someone in the Justice Department, he gives Mueller another club with which to hit him.


New member
Well, rex I tried to tell you. You were duped into believing that Trump colluded, stemming from an illegally started investigation. This is what happens to you when you concoct false accusations against a President for political reasons. The President can fire anybody for anything anytime he wants and he can talk about it, suggest it, order others to do it or do it himself. I guess you want an obstruction charge even though the entire investigation was started from make believe.

You didn't even answer my (fairly simple) question. And I'd disagree with your legal assertion of the president's prerogatives. And there's simply no reason to believe that any part of the investigation was "started illegally", whatever that means.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
And there's simply no reason to believe that any part of the investigation was "started illegally", whatever that means.

The investigation came about because of a FISA warrant which was based on the Trump dossier which was paid for by Hillary. Since that warrant was based on lies and nothing but lies the FISA warrant will be thrown out and anything which was discovered by that warrant will likewise be thrown out.


New member
The investigation came about because of a FISA warrant which was based on the Trump dossier which was paid for by Hillary. Since that warrant was based on lies and nothing but lies the FISA warrant will be thrown out and anything which was discovered by that warrant will likewise be thrown out.

To get a warrant, you need probable cause, and you have to show it to a judge who signs off on it. Even at the FISA court. The dossier hasn't been proven to be lies, and there's no reason to believe it was the basis for any warrant at the FISA court.

The Barbarian

To get a warrant, you need probable cause, and you have to show it to a judge who signs off on it. Even at the FISA court. The dossier hasn't been proven to be lies, and there's no reason to believe it was the basis for any warrant at the FISA court.

In fact, Popadoupolos spilled the beans himself, while drinking with an Australian diplomat, who notified the FBI. The dossier was never the primariy issue for the investigation.

In May, Papadopoulos told Alexander Downer, Australia's top diplomat to the UK, about Russia's dirt on Clinton while they were drinking at a swanky bar in London, according to The Times.

Two months later, when the radical pro-transparency group WikiLeaks posted a trove of hacked Democratic National Committee emails online, Australian officials informed their American counterparts of Papadopoulos' conversation with Downer, the Times reported. The FBI began scrutinizing the Trump campaign's Russia ties that month.


Well-known member
It can't show such proof, because the underlying documents and evidence aren't part of the release, as far as I understand it. It is a dossier of Devon Nunes' authorship.

There will be proof of something. (Collusion between the Swamp Dwellers from FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA will eventually come out.) The memo was just checked by the FBI and they found no errors. We'll see the conspiracy (part of it). The deep state is being outed. That's a good thing.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The dossier hasn't been proven to be lies, and there's no reason to believe it was the basis for any warrant at the FISA court.

You will see that no one even attempted to verify it as being true even though they presented it as being true.

Are you so blind that you cannot even see that the actions of the FBI was nothing but an insurance policy to try to destroy Trump in case he got elected?

Do you never read the news?

Are you really this uninformed?

After all the facts come in you are going to be embarrassed because you did your best to defend these scumbags!

The Barbarian

We know know that the investigation was begun by the FBI because a Trump campaign official, while drinking with a diplomat before the election, let slip that he knew the Russians were gathering dirt on Clinton.

Apparently, the republicans removed that information from the memo, or possibly never included it at all. If it's released, we'll see if they were honest about it or not.


New member
There will be proof of something. (Collusion between the Swamp Dwellers from FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA will eventually come out.) The memo was just checked by the FBI and they found no errors. We'll see the conspiracy (part of it). The deep state is being outed. That's a good thing.

This is how democracy ends. Dictators incite people to such manufactured and misplaced outrage that they welcome them.

The Barbarian

The "Memo" was apparently written by Nunes, who has already been investigated for leaking classified information.

If the memo focuses on the Steele dossier, and ignores the drunken leak Popodaupolos earlier spilled to an Australian diplomat, then Meuller has more ammunition. The investigation was initiated after Australian government agents contacted the FBI, not when the Steele dossier was released.

But we're jumping the gun here. Nunes might have included the real reason for the investigation.

Should be interesting to see what's there.

The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
"Treason" would be like meeting with Russian agents to swing an election. Far as I can see, Gowdy had nothing whatever to do with that.

Are you talking about Hillary here?

Hmmm... I don't have a complete list of the people at that meeting. Let's take a look...

A U.S.-based employee of a Russian real estate company took part in a June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between a Russian lawyer and Donald Trump Jr., bringing to eight the number of known participants at the session that has emerged as a key focus of the investigation of the Trump campaign’s interactions with Russians.

Ike Kaveladze attended the meeting as a representative of Aras and Emin Agalarov, the father-and-son Russian developers who hosted the Trump-owned Miss Universe pageant in Moscow in 2013, according to Scott Balber, an attorney for the Agalarovs who said he also represents Kaveladze.

Balber said Tuesday that he had received a phone call over the weekend from a representative of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III asking whether Kaveladze would agree to be interviewed. Balber said his client would cooperate.

The request is the first public indication that Mueller’s team is investigating the meeting.

The presence of Kaveladze at the Trump Tower meeting introduces a new and intriguing figure into the increasingly complex Trump-Russia drama. A native of the Soviet republic of Georgia who came to the United States in 1991, Kaveladze was the subject nearly two decades ago of a congressional inquiry into Russian money laundering in U.S. banks, although he was never charged with a crime and Balber said there was never any sign of wrongdoing by Kaveladze.

Apparently, she wasn't there. Here's a graphic on who was actually involved:


We aren't yet sure if Trump was aware of this attempt to give Russians help in return for some dirt on Hillary, or if his people went behind his back to collude with Russian agents. Not yet.


Hall of Fame
We aren't yet sure if Trump was aware of this attempt to give Russians help in return for some dirt on Hillary, or if his people went behind his back to collude with Russian agents. Not yet.

Insofar as a taped confession, nope. Insofar as rational thinking and common sense, we KNOW. Based on his words and actions during and AFTER the election, everyone knows he was involved.
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