toldailytopic: Women Pastors. Good idea, bad idea?

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one reason i would not want a woman pastor (assuming i wasn't Catholic, which is hard for me to assume, even for the sake of arguemnt...) isbecause women dont like other women... They always seem to be in some weird competetion w/ other women..

don't be younger than they... they will dislike / hate you

dont be slimmer than they... ditto

dont be attractive to their husband/boyfriend..


they dont realize how little a threat i am in that last one..

i dont want ANY man but Jesus... much less a married one...

but anyhow, the pt is that women dont like 52% of the population...

and also there is this, which relates to that last thing:

they go by their emotions too much..

men, generally spkg, are mor objective in their thinking

women can be objective in their thinking but they often have to work at it..

or get assistance from Jesus, Objective Truth Incarnate

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
because Jesus did not choose 12 or even 1 woman..

he chose 12 men

Jesus was a man, obviously, tho he was / is also God

True, one could argue that Jesus could have been wary of the Jews ... uh.. not appreciating Him choosing a woman... but then again, i doubt they would have made a big issue out of that.. When he chose the 12, no one knew until much later in the Church's history that the 12 chosen ones would be all that important... The Jews never seemed to question Jesus choosing any apostles... much less did they seem to care who they were or whatever..

so i doubt it would have been a big deal for Jesus to have chosen women apostles.. But he didn't.

It is going against Jesus to make women apostles.. It is also going against St Paul who said that the women should be silent in the Church.. That is not to say they can't read the readings or what have you.. but i think women remaining silent in the Church just means that thye are... as it says elsewhere in the scirptures... not to have authority over a man.. The man is the head of the woman... The Church is the head of the man... not sure where that is in scirputred but its there.

seems to me those who say they go by the Bible... only do so selectively...

i guess some psgs aren't as important as others???
. . . all from a person who wants a woman president . . . my irony meter pegged again.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
woman was the one deceived by the devil, not the man. The man was in direct disobedience, which seems worse than being deceived by the devil... Maybe that's why Jesus had to be a man... to couteract, as it were, the disobedience of the man

to this day women are easily deceived.. .mor than men are..

i know ... i am a woman & that is one of my biggest faults... being easily deceived... thinking something is from God when it is probably not and that kind of thing. Fortunately i have the tyrannical Church :chuckle: (so some think) to keep me in line... But it is really Jesus Christ keeping me in line... In my mind there is no separation of Church & Jesus.. His tangible presence is There in the Church 24/7... :cloud9:

One assumes your support for Coulter being president is sheer irony then?


Well-known member
I have no issues with it, they do the job just as well as men do.
There is actually a majority of women when it comes to newly ordained priests in the Lutheran church here, and 4 of our 11 bishops are women. A few semesters ago became an historical event actually, all graduates of theology at our faculty were women.


New member
. . . leave it to an atheist to make that observation . . . [SH takes bow and polite applause]

Also don't forget a whole host of Marys . . . Salome . . . Joanna . . . a group known simply as "the women" . . . Lois . . . Phoebe . . . Lydia . . . Eunice . . . Elizabeth . . .

Yeah I completely agree with you.

Sheila B

Jesus sent Mary Magdalene to inform the Apostles...

Therefore she is called "the apostle to the apostles".


New member
woman was the one deceived by the devil, not the man. The man was in direct disobedience, which seems worse than being deceived by the devil... Maybe that's why Jesus had to be a man... to couteract, as it were, the disobedience of the man

to this day women are easily deceived.. .mor than men are..

i know ... i am a woman & that is one of my biggest faults... being easily deceived... thinking something is from God when it is probably not and that kind of thing. Fortunately i have the tyrannical Church :chuckle: (so some think) to keep me in line... But it is really Jesus Christ keeping me in line... In my mind there is no separation of Church & Jesus.. His tangible presence is There in the Church 24/7... :cloud9:

Interesting. I don't know that Eve being deceived and Adam having no self restraint are reasons for women to not be ministers. If men are disobedient and disregard explicit rules given by God, why are they given places of authority, especially in churches?
Also, maybe you being easily deceived is an individual character trait - because I know plenty of women who are not and plenty of men who are more gullible than women.


New member
one reason i would not want a woman pastor (assuming i wasn't Catholic, which is hard for me to assume, even for the sake of arguemnt...) isbecause women dont like other women... They always seem to be in some weird competetion w/ other women..

don't be younger than they... they will dislike / hate you

dont be slimmer than they... ditto

dont be attractive to their husband/boyfriend..


they dont realize how little a threat i am in that last one..

i dont want ANY man but Jesus... much less a married one...

but anyhow, the pt is that women dont like 52% of the population...

and also there is this, which relates to that last thing:

they go by their emotions too much..

men, generally spkg, are mor objective in their thinking

women can be objective in their thinking but they often have to work at it..

or get assistance from Jesus, Objective Truth Incarnate

Why say "they"? You are a woman too and have most likely felt the same thing in the past. Someone's boyfriend/husband finding a woman attractive is the fault of the man as well. Why blame her for your husband/boyfriend's thoughts? Emotions are just part of a woman's biological makeup but I know many women, and include myself as one, who appreciate and utilize their emotions but also actively think objectively. I also know men who are ruled completely by their emotions. It is an individual experience and it doesn't make one sex better than the other.


Well-known member
Interesting. I don't know that Eve being deceived and Adam having no self restraint are reasons for women to not be ministers. If men are disobedient and disregard explicit rules given by God, why are they given places of authority, especially in churches?
Also, maybe you being easily deceived is an individual character trait - because I know plenty of women who are not and plenty of men who are more gullible than women.

Not to mention that Paul talks about men and women being re-united in Christ. The division between men and woman is gone in the body of Christ.

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. -Gal 3:28


New member

toldailytopic: Women Pastors. Good idea, bad idea?

Having a woman as an Overseer/Bishop/Elder/Pastor is not a biblical idea.

The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God's church? He must not be a recent convert, or he may become puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil. Moreover, he must be well thought of by outsiders, so that he may not fall into disgrace, into a snare of the devil. 1 Timothy 3:1-7

For an overseer, as God's steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it. Titus 1:7-9

There is plenty of important work for spiritually mature women to do in serving God, neighbor & their respective congregations that doesn't involve having teaching authority over heads of households...... which biblically is menfolk.

Quoted Scripture from the ESV


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

toldailytopic: Women Pastors. Good idea, bad idea?

So what would the qualifications be for a women pastor?

Women pastors?

These that are women pastors, women missionaries, women evangelists, women Sunday school teachers, etc., would you have them quit and go home?

Does God call the qualified or does God qualify the called? Are women not qualified? Are women not capable? What are their qualities and/or outstanding abilities?

What about the call to men who do not answer the call, and what about the women who answer...God calls who he calls, we are all fallible, it is amazing that God would use any of us, and entrust us with the responsibility...For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable (without repentance). Romans 11:29

God called us to different roles. When it comes to a women serving as a pastor is it a matter of abilities or the shape or form? The scriptures specifically speaks against women ruling over men, not working alongside them — In the end, God's way is always right, but it seems we do everything but that, God’s way, and by that time it is too late.

Question, if you were in charge concerning this matter, you would...?


This is a side note, try this, the next time you need to arrange a funeral or need a funeral director, ask for a woman funeral arranger or woman funeral director, I think they do a better job, they have a kinder understanding, they have more compassion and are very kind. Believe me, and I have been a funeral director.


Well-known member
If a woman can do the job, then why not. I'm aware of the I'm still waiting to hear a good woman pastor (though our school's female chaplain is growing on me) but then it's so hard to just find a good *pastor* . . . . :p


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame

toldailytopic: Women Pastors. Good idea, bad idea?

Good idea? There are some women who would be very capable of pastoring a congregation.

Bad idea? Not sure....

Women pastors?

These that are women pastors, women missionaries, women evangelists, women Sunday school teachers, etc., would you have them quit and go home....

Question, if you were in charge concerning this matter, you would...?

A clarification on being a pastor.

Then there are some women pastors shouldn't be pastors, and the same hold for some men pastors.

And there are those women and men who are considering the pastorate who really shouldn't.

I believe that the call of the Lord to pastorate should be made sure by much, fasting and seeking the Lord's guidance.

Brother Ducky

New member
If we are to use our logic and feelings, I would have to agree that it would be OK to have a woman pastor. I have known many who can preach better than most men, have a better heart than most men, can teach and councel better than most men. If all this is taken into consideration, then "women pastors? Great!!"

If we are to use the Bible, not so much. For me the key passage is
1 Tim 2:11-14. My take on it might be a little different from most. I do not see it primarily as a smack-down of women, but a reflection of the fallen world we now live in. One of the consequences of the fallen world [along with weeds in my garden] is that godly, well-trained, well qualified women are not to be pastors. I can make as many logical well-meaning reasons/excuses as I want, but given the choice, I would prefer to be Biblical.

Believe me, I do not wish to be [or even seem to be] devisive or mean-spirited. I know that some will agree with me, and many will not. I do not wish to offend any, particularly since so many women do so well in ministry, but to state my understanding of the Biblical norm.

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