toldailytopic: What do you think of Ron Paul?


New member
Any candidate that supports legalizing drugs and prostitution is not only a kook but absolutely unfit for office.


Well-known member
Ron Paul does not exist, So he is not upon our list
We're the ones who write the news,We're the ones with proper views

Ron Paul has dared resist, so Ron Paul will not be missed
We have seen that he will lose, We have gathered all the clues

Ron Paul has dared insist, that Liberty should raise its fist
He said our wars are all unjust, He even said we'd all go bust

So Ron Paul can not exist, and he can not be on our list
We're the ones who write the news,We're the ones with proper views


Well-known member
Just a followup to my previous post.

Here's to u Santorum.

Glenn Beck is no Ron Paul. By Aaron David Ward

For a man who claims to be a principled defender of freedom, Glenn Beck leaves a lot to be desired. He talks out of both sides of his mouth and never seems to miss an opportunity to bash Congressman Paul who is one of the few principled defenders of liberty in a position of power seemingly left in the U.S.

At times, the controversial talk show host talks like a libertarian but every time you think there might be a chance that Beck will embrace freedom, he disappoints you. Glenn Beck is Lucy from Charlie Brown. Just when you think he/she will let Chuck kick the football, he/she pulls it away.

On Friday, August 12, 2011 on his radio talk show, Beck berated Congressman Paul for daring to tell the truth about America’s foreign policy debacles. During the GOP presidential debate in Ames Iowa, Dr. Paul was asked what he would do if Iran developed nuclear weapons. He stuck to the libertarian principle of non-aggression and non-intervention and said he would pursue diplomatic discussions and free trade with Iran. When replaying Dr. Paul’s answer on his radio show, Beck lost it. He called Paul "dead wrong" to suggest that somehow the Congressman’s response would jeopardize American lives. Once again Beck proves he is an establishment, neo-conservative, war-mongering blowhard who believes every Muslim is out to kill Westerners and Americans in particular. Beck, who loves to encourage Americans to read and understand their history, appears to be ignorant of the history of American covert and overt military and political intervention in Iran.

According to Wikipedia…In spring and summer 1953, the United States and Britain, through a covert operation of the CIA called Operation Ajax, conducted from the American Embassy in Tehran, helped organize a coup d'état to overthrow the Mossadeq government. The operation initially failed, and the Shah fled to Italy, but a second attempt succeeded, and Mosaddeq was imprisoned. According to a study of the coup headed by Mark J. Gasiorowski and Malcolm Byrne, intended "to resolve" the "controversy" over who and what were responsible, "it was geostrategic considerations, rather than a desire to destroy Mosaddeq's movement, to establish a dictatorship in Iran or to gain control over Iran's oil, that persuaded U.S. officials to undertake the coup."

And Americans wonder why Iranians are hostile to the United States and its out-of-control government.​

Right on Mr. Ward.

You're right on about Beck ... he leavens the loaf, but we are ever attracted to the loaf and mostly ignorant of the leaven ... and our CIA has been involved in most of the skullduggery in the Middle East for several decades now...

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Last I checked, Ron Paul still claims if New York wants to butcher black babies, he has no place in stopping it.

The Barbarian

Last I checked, Ron Paul still claims if New York wants to butcher black babies, he has no place in stopping it.

Kinda the way Rick Perry says that if New York wants same-sex marriage, that's fine with him.

If Paul had his way, thousands of lives would be saved every year, as many states would immediately ban abortion. As committed as he to end abortion, he's sensible enough to realize that saving some of them is preferable to saving none of them.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Kinda the way Rick Perry says that if New York wants same-sex marriage, that's fine with him.

If Paul had his way, thousands of lives would be saved every year, as many states would immediately ban abortion. As committed as he to end abortion, he's sensible enough to realize that saving some of them is preferable to saving none of them.

"States rights" don't exist, and those that want it are wrong and need to repent of their thinking.


New member
Say, Nick, what about that abomination we call the 10th amendment? What meaneth the words of that old document? :think: Shouldn't we just go ahead and dance all over the fruity thing? I mean, we only founded our nation on it... :liberals:


New member
I'm not trying to step on toes here. Just a feeling a little silly and curious.

I think if voting were worth a person's time, the only presidential candidate worth considering would be Paul.


Well-known member
Last I checked, Ron Paul still claims if New York wants to butcher black babies, he has no place in stopping it.

You really believe that? Seriously? That's about as plausable as you going to Pluto tomorrow.

You do realize what a "state" is right? The United States is a "state." The Soviet Union is called the Soviet "state" for a reason. It's a freaking state. The "state" of Israel has the right to exist, as an example.


Well-known member
"States rights" don't exist, and those that want it are wrong and need to repent of their thinking.

Beloved Bevis ...

Should you pull your head out of your southern most orifice long enough to study the history of the country in which you claim to reside you will find that we were "blessed" with a form of government that gave a very narrow and well defined role for our "federal" government to play in our lives that said government quickly exceeded during and after the "civil" war. A review of the "federalist papers" and the "anti federalist papers" in circulation during the time of the framing of our country's constitution can be informative to those with an ear to hear.

Not to be unnecessarily derogatory but ... after a careful review of your posts I can't help but suspect your shoe size exceeds your IQ ...:wave2:


Well-known member
For those not aware ... here is the tenth amendment to the constitution of the United STATES:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively,

... or to the people.


New member
Hall of Fame
He's a good decent man and as such stands no chance of ever achieving any office higher than Congress.

He's also widely misunderstood by ignorant Americans who seem to think totalitarian impulses are perfectly okay so long as they serve to justify their own little pet agenda.

The Barbarian

it is good that we have him around to speak out on what is outrages
he is a libertarian
I couldn't vote for him unless he was running against a democrat

And he's opposed to abortion with no reservations. And Chrys prefers to vote for candidates who are pro-abortion with some exceptions.


New member
He's a good decent man and as such stands no chance of ever achieving any office higher than Congress.

He's also widely misunderstood by ignorant Americans who seem to think totalitarian impulses are perfectly okay so long as they serve to justify their own little pet agenda.

Good and decent men don't take dirty campaign money from Russians trying to undermine our national security:

WASHINGTON – A commentator on the Russian government-funded television news network RT boasted of a $1 million "money bomb" on behalf of U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination.

The donation raises legal questions, because while the commentator happens to be an American, allowing him to donate to Paul's presidential campaign, foreign entities such as RT are prohibited.