toldailytopic: What do you think of Ron Paul?


Well-known member
I love his economic views. I'd like to support him but his foreign policy and libertarian social views really sour me on him.

I watched a bit of that debate the other night and one of the other guys (I think Santorum) really nailed him on his states rights stance. He told Paul that the states don't have the right to do immoral things and Paul had no response.

Yep, of the same mind here.


Well-known member
I love his economic views. I'd like to support him but his foreign policy and libertarian social views really sour me on him.

I watched a bit of that debate the other night and one of the other guys (I think Santorum) really nailed him on his states rights stance. He told Paul that the states don't have the right to do immoral things and Paul had no response.

I think you misrepresent him on his abortion stance.

Secondly, most issues being reverted back to the states are not biblical issues. So what exactly do you do about the 10th amendment?

You say no state has the authority to murder. That's true. You cannot cite one example of him saying a state has that authority in the context you mean.




Well-known member
I think he's an interesting and capable man, but if he believes free trade policy isn't undermining our national interests he hasn't been paying attention to that sucking sound Ross warned us (and rightly) that signaled the end of our industrial base.

I'm a nationalist. I believe we should reestablish and protect our ability to produce a wide variety of consumer goods. I believe we should vigorously reward corporations that promote American interests and penalize those that work a harm against it. If that means some go elsewhere, given the size and strength of our markets, let them. Someone will be more than happy to take their place and make the great (if lesser) margin of profit that allows us to produce more than service workers and consumers.

They used to be called tariffs ... but those were made illegal by NAFTA and GATT. Of course both Democratic and Republican presidents have been working toward this end since 1947 so it's hard to work up a good partisan tirade.

Paul is the only one talking about doing away with the FED and until we regain control of our monetary system those that control it control us through the politicians who they give a blank check to sign our children's children's children's children's name to.