toldailytopic: The Catholics: what did they get right, and what did they get wrong?


Well-known member
Brainwashed...years of indoctrination by those who believe that their preferred interpretation of the Bible is the only authority and make God secondary by sidelining Christ's own historic Church. It's obvious, but only to those not under its spell. (See how that works?)
I don't give any authority to any institution or interpretation. Only Christ has Authority. God doesn't have me under any spell, I'm set free from all the wiles of the enemy because of a relationship with Him. The closer I walk with Him the further the enemy stays from me.


New member
I don't give any authority to any institution or interpretation.
Sure you do. You give authority to your own preferred interpretations of the Bible, and to any non-Catholic doctrinal traditions that happen to agree with your personal theological opinions.

Gaudium de veritate,



Well-known member
Sure you do. You give authority to your own preferred interpretations of the Bible, and to any non-Catholic doctrinal traditions that happen to agree with your personal theological opinions.
Catholic or non-catholic has nothing to do with it... Truth prevails and makes Himself evident. The lying traditions of men which oppose God is what men who love Christ are against, whether they be pagan, catholic or Christian.


New member
Catholic or non-catholic has nothing to do with it...
It does in the particular doctrinal traditions to which you submit, and from which you've derived your preferred beliefs and assumptions.

Truth prevails and makes Himself evident.
QUESTION: In which of the some 35,000 non-Catholic denominations and sects in existence today has "the Truth" supposedly "prevailed and made Himself evident"? And who possesses the inherently binding authority to make that determination for all believers everywhere?

The lying traditions of men which oppose God is what men who love Christ are against...
Amen---"lying traditions of men" such as sola scriptura, sola fide, etc.

Gaudium de veritate,



Well-known member

QUESTION: In which of the some 35,000 non-Catholic denominations and sects in existence today has "the Truth" supposedly "prevailed and made Himself evident"?

All of them. I don't know any who teach all error so they all teach truth.

You sure put a lot of adjectives on the word "truth."

He just said the church would uphold truth, not "all truth," not, "the one and only truth at the exclusion of all error," not, "truth as defined by my magisterium in future generations, " not . . . well you get the idea.

And who possesses the inherently binding authority to make that determination for all believers everywhere?

Only God. But he has allowed for ambiguity, much to your dismay.


Well-known member
Sure you do. You give authority to your own preferred interpretations of the Bible, and to any non-Catholic doctrinal traditions that happen to agree with your personal theological opinions.

Gaudium de veritate,


And you give authority to your tradition since it agrees with you. You are no different.


New member
He just said the church would uphold truth, not "all truth," not, "the one and only truth at the exclusion of all error,"

:jawdrop: So you are implying that the proposition "the Church will uphold truth" means "there exists at least one single truth which the Church will uphold"? :rain:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Constantine, took Paul's unique gospel (gospel of uncircumcision) and took Peter's gospel of circumcision, the given the 12 by Jesus, put them in a blender and hit mix. Giving the world its first "denomination" that fails to rightly divide the Word of truth.

The ebionites (circumcision) are older. James was the leader, even if he wasn't supposed to be. But they do rightly divide the Word.


Well-known member
It does in the particular doctrinal traditions to which you submit, and from which you've derived your preferred beliefs and assumptions.
Not if they're derived from Scripture and experiential faith. God designed His Word to be understood by the simple and meets ALL those who come to Him as a little child. Those who're hoodwinked by religion, whether from a child or as an adult will only find religion. You have to come to Him in faith to find Him.
In which of the some 35,000 non-Catholic denominations and sects in existence today has "the Truth" supposedly "prevailed and made Himself evident"?
None. Truth makes Himself evident, wherever one encounters Him. He is present wherever two or more are gathered in His Name.
And who possesses the inherently binding authority to make that determination for all believers everywhere?
The Lord, only, Who is The One and Only Truth. He is alive and well and has dynamic relationships with men and women all over this planet, whether you believe that He does or not.


New member
All of them. I don't know any who teach all error so they all teach truth.
I agree that all sects, to varying degrees, teach fragments of the truth. The question remains: Who possesses the inherently binding authority to determine for all believers everywhere precisely which of these sectarian teachings are actually truth, and which are falsehood?

He just said the church would uphold truth, not "all truth"...
Jesus stated that the Holy Spirit would lead the Church "into all truth" (Jn. 16:13; Lk. 10:16; 1 Tim. 3:15; 1 John 4:6).

...not, "the one and only truth at the exclusion of all error"...
Is there, then, a truth which is not mutually exclusive with error"? :confused:

..."[not] truth as defined by my magisterium in future generations"...
On the contrary.

Only God. But he has allowed for ambiguity, much to your dismay.
Not with repsect to the formal teachings of his historic Church. Thus, no "dismay" whatsoever. :nono:

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
And you give authority to your tradition since it agrees with you. You are no different.
Absolutely. I wholeheartedly acknowledge and affirm the divine doctrinal authority of the teaching Tradition of Christ's historic Church, and follow it's teachings as the word of God, right along with the Scriptures. The difference is that I can demonstrate that the Catholic Church is in fact that historic Church founded by Jesus Christ himself (Mt. 16:18-19)---something that no non-Catholic sectarian tradition of men is able to come close to.

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
Constantine, took Paul's unique gospel (gospel of uncircumcision) and took Peter's gospel of circumcision, the given the 12 by Jesus, put them in a blender and hit mix. Giving the world its first "denomination" that fails to rightly divide the Word of truth.The ebionites (circumcision) are older. James was the leader, even if he wasn't supposed to be. But they do rightly divide the Word.
Your entirely unsubstantiated and completely non-authoritative theological opinions are noted. And dismissed. :yawn:

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
Not if they're derived from Scripture and experiential faith.
Catholic beliefs and teachings are "derived from Scripture and experiential faith" as well. So, then, who possesses the inherent doctrinal authority to determine for both of us which one of us has the truth?

God designed His Word to be understood by the simple and meets ALL those who come to Him as a little child.
Really? How, then, do you account for the apparent inability to grasp the simple truths of Scripture which lies behind the fragmentation of Protestantism into some 35,000 denominations and sects in existence today, with more being invented every week? If the Bible is designed to be "understood by the simple," how is it that no one within the body of Protestantism seems to be "getting" it? :confused:

Krsto says "All of them," and you say "None of them." Proves my point quite nicely.

Truth makes Himself evident, wherever one encounters Him. He is present wherever two or more are gathered in His Name.
And yet, all 35,000 competing and conflicting non-Catholic denominations and sects are "gathering in his name" just as sincerely as you are. How do you know that you're right, and all of them are wrong?

Gaudium de veritate,



Well-known member
Catholic beliefs and teachings are "derived from Scripture and experiential faith" as well.
No, it's taken from the foolish and worthless traditions of silly men who've been taught nonsense which doesn't at all relate to The Holy Scriptures and even goes AGAINST those Scriptures in most places. It's the biggest enemy God has in this earth. :duh:
So, then, who possesses the inherent doctrinal authority to determine for both of us which one of us has the truth?
As I've said repeatedly: only Christ.
Really? How, then, do you account for the apparent inability to grasp the simple truths of Scripture which lies behind the fragmentation of Protestantism into some 35,000 denominations and sects in existence today, with more being invented every week?
God loves diversity. He's in the midst of ALL of them, even Romanists.
If the Bible is designed to be "understood by the simple," how is it that no one within the body of Protestantism seems to be "getting" it?
Because the things you think we need to 'get' aren't IT. :duh:
And yet, all 35,000 competing and conflicting non-Catholic denominations and sects are "gathering in his name" just as sincerely as you are. How do you know that you're right, and all of them are wrong?
Because I'm not... there's only ONE Who is Righteous.


New member
No, it's taken from the foolish and worthless traditions of silly men who've been taught nonsense which doesn't at all relate to The Holy Scriptures and even goes AGAINST those Scriptures in most places.
Go ahead and post your proof for this claim. :yawn: (How about just one example?)

As I've said repeatedly: only Christ.
That goes without saying, and Catholics affirm the same. The question is what human agent or agency possesses the inherent doctrinal authority to determine for both of us which one of us has the truth?

God loves diversity. He's in the midst of ALL of them, even Romanists.
Already answered in a previous post.

Because the things you think we need to 'get' aren't IT.
Maybe the things that you think we need to "get" aren't IT. Now we're back to the question posed above: who has the authority to determine "IT" in a way which is binding upon all believers everywhere? (You? Your pastor? Your favorite TV preacher? Billy Graham? Oprah? Baptists? Presbyterians? Methodists? Pentecostals? Episcopalians? Non-Denominationalists? Wesleyans? Quakers?...)

Because I'm not... there's only ONE Who is Righteous.
So then, you can't establish that your opinions are right, and that therefore the opinions of others are wrong. Then no one should experience any compulsion to follow your theological preferences to the exclusion of their own, should they. :nono:

Gaudium de veritate,




The rosary is a devotion in honor of the Virgin Mary. It consists of a set number of specific prayers. First are the introductory prayers: one Apostles’ Creed (Credo), one Our Father (the Pater Noster or the Lord’s Prayer), three Hail Mary’s (Ave’s), one Glory Be (Gloria Patri).

Praying to Mary? What does "Hail Mary" mean?


like marbles on glass
Praying to Mary? What does "Hail Mary" mean?

It's from Scripture: Luke 1:28. Various translations say it differently; the Douay-Rheims has it as
And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.


Well-known member
:jawdrop: So you are implying that the proposition "the Church will uphold truth" means "there exists at least one single truth which the Church will uphold"? :rain:

It means the church will uphold truth. What's so hard to understand about that? The Christians church upholds the truth. That includes Protestant churches and even some you and many others might want to call cults, as long as they have biblical truth to uphold.

Who else is going to uphold the truth? The Mosque? The Local Atheists Society? Is that where someone is going to look if they want to find truth?

The fact we are even having this debate demonstrates the truth is upheld in the church.


It's from Scripture: Luke 1:28. Various translations say it differently; the Douay-Rheims has it as
And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.

I guess I see it now. Thanks