toldailytopic: Santorum shocks everyone and vaults to the front of the race. Thoughts


New member
I have been pulling for Santorum for quite some time now. I'm glad that he did well in Iowa. I hope his campaign takes off and remains strong enough to win the nomination.

I think that it is time that our citizens had two distinct choices for president... not just a GOP middle of the road guy ... not just someone chosen with the hope that the luke-warm moderates will like him, but one who actually stands for something different from the liberals of all types and kinds.

It's time for our citizens to draw a well defined line and decide who they are as a people.

Are they seeking men who hopefully will demonstrate straight forward honesty ... Godly beliefs ... and freedom ...

OR seeking the same old guys who are experts in twisting truth to get power ... men who have sold their souls to minority groups of all sorts to collectively gain votes to give them personal power and wealth ... men who would redistribute the wealth of our nation until we are all equally poor and powerless - having all become citizens under the control of the government?

The latter description reminds me of some of governments among kingdoms in the middle-east from which their citizens are now trying to escape.

Poor masses ... indoctrinated ... and clueless when it comes to knowing truth and freedom.

Your honest "principles" amount to enabling the rich and the superstitious to have all power and control over our lives and ruin our nation and environment, with the citizens having no say in this at all.


like marbles on glass
Like the Pope couldn't tell one billion Catholics to do God's will. He has them jumping through hoops every Sunday. Like the millions upon millions of Christians who claim that abortion is murder couldn't end abortion in weeks, if not days. Violence? No.

If you're not advocating violence, then what? If you don't vote, surely you don't expect them to do it for you?

Which rather proves my point. As I said, Pandora's box will not be closed. We can work to lessen the numbers, but I don't believe there are enough people in this country who want abortion outlawed to make a difference at the ballot box. And again, if you don't vote...

The plutocracy leads this country, Anna. Please. You must know this.

I do know it at some level.

No. Voting for a U.S. President is pointless and the politics are a distraction. I don't care who gets in office; I only care that they are held accountable to do the People's will when they are in office. Any slob can do the job, from what I've seen.


New member
Go play in that sandbox over there...the one with the folks who don't bother to educate themselves before they open their pie holes.

This comment is simply disengenuous. It is something at a preschooler might say that they heard from a 6th grader, so it must be correct. You have no knowledge whatsoever about what Republican candidates, or other conservatives for that matter, actually care about.

I know more than any poster here. Republicans care about the rich. They want to give them all power. That is obvious to anyone with half a brain.

Many Republicans care about abortion, and are homophobes and/or warmongers. But those things are not what unites all Republicans. What unites them all is trickle-down economics and free-market ideology, based on hatred for welfare and welfare recipients.


Well-known member
Elo's ... has slandered the man who has stood for the unborn more than anyone else in a long time, preferring drama to truth.

I haven't slandered the man at all. :nono:

He thinks abortion is wrong. Why? Obviously because he thinks it is murder!

He thinks a state should have the right to keep abortion (murder) legal.

He thinks the Supreme Court should butt out.

What have I misrepresented? :idunno:


New member
The abortion issue could be put off the table, if the abortion pill were promoted and distributed well enough. But that might not be good enough to stop culture warriors like many of you guys, since the pill stops a pregnancy just after conception. You guys want the issue. You guys want to oppress women too.


like marbles on glass
The abortion issue could be put off the table, if the abortion pill were promoted and distributed well enough. But that might not be good enough to stop culture warriors like many of you guys, since the pill stops a pregnancy just after conception. You guys want the issue. You guys want to oppress women too.

I'm a woman. Abortion is wrong, at any stage. It should be illegal.


Well-known member
Elo doesn't care who gets into office! He doesn't care whether a pro-lifer is elected to office or a pro-choicer!

Right. Because no matter what lip service the politician gives, the matter is out of his control or influence. He is just a puppet, and many people are starting to realize that (you excepted, of course). What matter is who controls the puppet.

What happens is people spend now two years debating which disingenuous moron will be elected to do absolutely nothing. Then when he doesn't do what they should have known he would never do, they just whine about it until the next election cycle.

Rinse repeat. Rinse repeat.


New member
I haven't slandered the man at all. :nono:

He thinks abortion is wrong. Why? Obviously because he thinks it is murder!

He thinks a state should have the right to keep abortion (murder) legal.

He thinks the Supreme Court should butt out.

What have I misrepresented? :idunno:

His statements about the Supreme Court are directly related to Roe vs Wade. Santorum has stated that doctors who give abortions should be charged with murder.

Your misrepresentation lies in the fact that you are claiming that he believes abortion ought to be conditionally illegal based on a state's ruling. You are missing the politics. Santorum is giving a practical way to save the unborn, something other than trying to get the Supreme Court to overrule the decision (which may never happen and if it does will take a very long time). That is my understanding of the situation.

What is your preferred approach to abortion? Try to overrule Roe v Wade? You are standing in the way of justice here elo, and it's very frustrating. I don't care if you don't care for politics or the process, for Santorum it is a necessary step to actually devise a practical solution to this problem.


New member
zippy, how do you feel about Ron Paul's stance on abortion including his pro-life strategy? This is how the debate arose; comparison of the two.


New member
zippy, how do you feel about Ron Paul's stance on abortion including his pro-life strategy? This is how the debate arose; comparison of the two.

I don't have a problem with his stance, what is his strategy?

I don't have a problem with Paul's or Santorum's basic stance with respect to abortion. They oppose it decisively. I don't think pro-lifers should attack either of them based on abortion. Criticize their practical strategy of getting the job done if you will, but do not make them out to be pro-abortion, for it is simply false. Their political ideas shape the way they think anti-abortion laws ought to be legislated and moved toward, but that is a different topic than whether they will do what they can to get rid of this evil.


Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Hall of Fame
When Bachmann and Perry drop out I wonder how that will effect the race? It seems to me Bachmann's supporters will go to Santorum and Perry's will probably split between Romney, Gingrich, and Santorum.

What do you guys think?
Could be. McCain came in last in the Iowa caucus and ended up with the nomination, so there's that.


some other dude

New member
Town posted:
Town Heretic said:
But I don't know I'd have been any happier with McCain and I know I would be less so with Palin.

some other dude queries:
Name one thing that silver-foot Joe has done in the last three years that Sarah would have mangled.

Town replies:
Right. Her inclusion on the ticket hurt McCain with a great many independents.


You were less happy with Palin because you think she hurt McCain's chances with independents?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by WizardofOz
"If New York doesn't want sodomy laws, if the people of New York want abortion, fine. I mean, I wouldn't agree with it, but that's their right. But I don't agree with the Supreme Court coming in."--reposted by elohiym.

I have to say I totally agree with his statement. I am against abortion too. Where does he or I go wrong on this?

He is an attorney and should know that the Roe decision is void, being now repugnant to the constitution. There is no legal right to abortion in the U.S. Rather abortion operates under color of law.

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes a "child in utero" as a legal victim, if he or she is injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".

Read the Roe decision. You will see the Court states that if a fetus was declared a person under law, their decision would be unconstitutional. Therefore, even the Roe court agrees that abortion is murder.

Furthermore, the majority of states in the U.S. have fetal homicide laws. Logically, abortion cannot be legal in those states without the law being hypocritical. There cannot be two classes of people, one who has a right to murder unborn children and one who does not.

Abortion is not a right. And he should call on the Supreme Court to review the Roe decision in light of current laws declaring an unborn child a person. He needs to have some testicular fortitude and speak the obvious truth.


Well-known member
He is an attorney and should know that the Roe decision is void, being now repugnant to the constitution. There is no legal right to abortion in the U.S. Rather abortion operates under color of law.

Read the Roe decision. You will see the Court states that if a fetus was declared a person under law, their decision would be unconstitutional. Therefore, even the Roe court agrees that abortion is murder.

Furthermore, the majority of states in the U.S. have fetal homicide laws. Logically, abortion cannot be legal in those states without the law being hypocritical. There cannot be two classes of people, one who has a right to murder unborn children and one who does not.

Abortion is not a right. And he should call on the Supreme Court to review the Roe decision in light of current laws declaring an unborn child a person. He needs to have some testicular fortitude and speak the obvious truth.


Ron Paul:

Libertarians believe, along with the Founding Fathers, that every individual has inalienable rights, among which are the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Neither the State, nor any other person, can violate those rights without committing an injustice. But, just as important as the power claimed by the State to decide what rights we have, is the power to decide which of us has rights.

Today, we are seeing a piecemeal destruction of individual freedom. And in abortion, the statists have found a most effective method of obliterating freedom: obliterating the individual. Abortion on demand is the ultimate State tyranny; the State simply declares that certain classes of human beings are not persons, and therefore not entitled to the protection of the law. The State protects the "right" of some people to kill others, just as the courts protected the "property rights" of slave masters in their slaves. Moreover, by this method the State achieves a goal common to all totalitarian regimes: it sets us against each other, so that our energies are spent in the struggle between State-created classes, rather than in freeing all individuals from the State. Unlike Nazi Germany, which forcibly sent millions to the gas chambers (as well as forcing abortion and sterilization upon many more), the new regime has enlisted the assistance of millions of people to act as its agents in carrying out a program of mass murder.