toldailytopic: Rick Santorum believes in Satan. Does that alarm you?


And I understand what you are saying, too. I have had experiences with Jews who were prejudiced against Christianity. But I have also witnessed Muslims and atheists who were prejudiced against Christianity, as well as Catholics against Protestants (the most relevant prejudice to be discussing regarding Santorum). That you seemed to single out Jews caused me to question your position further.

Most Jews are atheists, I am aware of this. A lot of Jews who practice Jewish customs only do so because of tradition. There are really not too many actual adherents to Judaism in relevance to Islam and Christendom. Messianic Jews can't really be called Judaic because they are syncretists. That alone separates them from the practicing Jews.

The initial point I was trying to make is that such a person in office is going to have zero respect for Christianity. They are highly controlled by orthodox Jews, and the Christendom needs, really, is that influence especially in America where Protestants are being backed into a corner by practically everyone including other Christians as well.
A Muslim in office would actually be a better alternative, it's just that people fail to see that with the likes of extremists taking rise.

No worries. I was more confused than offended. :)

I was being backed into a corner and mistook you as being one of them out of frustration., but I had to push out of that nonetheless. It's not everyday one makes a post and then get viciously attacked by multiple posters for no other reason than to grandstand. I grow weary of that, it's been ever so popular for some to try and get brownie points by grandstanding when underneath they are just being dishonest and two-faced. It's the one thing that I cannot stand on forums and it thrashes my patience. There should really be some kind of rule for it, because it is far more disrespectful then what other rules do not allow.


Well-known member
You're confusing a personal interpretation of "respect" with a social interpretation of it. I don't care what a public servant respects personally. That's his/her own business. When I say they should respect the beliefs of their constituents, I mean that 'he' should understand the beliefs of his constituents, and show respect for them in his role as their representative. Otherwise, he's not representing them, anymore. He's only representing himself, and his own beliefs.

A Christian can remain a Christian while still respecting and representing the atheists within his constituency. And in fact, my point is the he is obliged to do so by the requirements of his office.

And when it comes to the question of righteousness, I believe any public servant who can't manage to humble himself enough to act as the representative of his constituents, even though he may disagree with them, is unfit for the job, and should not have accepted the responsibility of public service in the first place. In a nation of free peoples, the public has the right to be wrong. Any supposed representative that doesn't understand and respect that right, does not deserve the honor of serving them.


No one here cares what you think.

This is at least the second time you've threatened to take your ball and abandon a thread only to come right back, so either put up, shut up, or stop being such a glutton for punishment.

I came back on here with respect to Elohiym. The other three of you, I couldn't really care about.


New member
“If somehow or another because you’re a person of faith and you believe in good and evil is a disqualifier for president, we’re going to have a very small pool of candidates who can run for president,” - Rick Santorum

and that small pool will NOT be truly American

this country was founded by Christians

how can one live in this world for more than 10 yrs and not belive in Satan??

(OK maybe 20 yrs... but whatever)


In my case, considering my heritage, I don't doubt it.

Your ancestors killed Jesus in cold blood, your generation spits on Christians. Therefore, your bleeding heart makes you a hypocrite. I have ample reason for not wanting a practicing Jew in office, and you go on to portray me as Hitler.

Typical atheist.


New member
Hall of Fame
Your ancestors killed Jesus in cold blood, your generation spits on Christians. Therefore, your bleeding heart makes you a hypocrite. I have ample reason for not wanting a practicing Jew in office, and you go on to portray me as Hitler.

Typical atheist.

Not only are you a base, wretch racist, you're also a raging tone-deaf hypocrite to boot. Nice work and thanks for proving my point. Move on to Holocaust denial next and get it over with.


Not only are you a base, wretch racist, you're also a raging tone-deaf hypocrite to boot. Nice work and thanks for proving my point. Move on to Holocaust denial next and get it over with.

As per usual, facts are great until they work against atheist hypocrisy.

Then everyone is a bigot :chuckle:

Why should I want a person who spits on Christians to be the President of a Christian country? Does that make me a racist, hypocritical Holocaust denier, or does it just make you look stupid for continuing to grandstand the thread with a straw man?


New member
Your ancestors killed Jesus in cold blood, your generation spits on Christians. Therefore, your bleeding heart makes you a hypocrite. I have ample reason for not wanting a practicing Jew in office, and you go on to portray me as Hitler.

Typical atheist.
There is a cure for ignorance, but there is no cure for stupidity.
Are you posting this out of ignorance of the truth, or are you just stupid?


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
We got to get Dana Carvey to ask the candidates if they believe in Satan! :idea:

:noway: Izzat you in dat avatar Berean?....I always pictured you looking more Engineer geeky...kinda like this:



New member
Hall of Fame
As per usual, facts are great until they work against atheist hypocrisy.

Then everyone is a bigot :chuckle:

The "facts" being that you insulted my heritage and are a stunted, ignorant racist. Using religion as a shield to justify hatred is an old sly ploy of hicks such as yourself, and it's an old, transparent trope. If you had the courage of your convictions you wouldn't need to use Christianity as an excuse for being a bigot.


There is a cure for ignorance, but there is no cure for stupidity.
Are you posting this out of ignorance of the truth, or are you just stupid?

Who wanted Jesus dead and petitioned the Romans to have Jesus persecuted?

Oh yeah, nothing. How reasonable. Just because one feels for a group of people doesn't mean one has to flat out be dishonest and lie about history. Being accurate equals being ignorant because of dishonest people like you and Granite. Go read a Bible.


It may be considered newsworthy because Santorum's more outspoken and blunter about matters of faith than any other candidate. Hard to imagine Newt, Mitt, or even Ron Paul (much less POTUS) coming right out and talking seriously about the devil.

I pray to Jesus every night. -Barack Hussein Obama


Rick Santorum believes in Satan. Does that alarm you?

It only alarms me if he doesn't understand the difference between there being evil in the world, and there being invisible demons that try to trick people into doing evil things. Santorum is a Catholic, so I suspect he understands the difference.

What scares me about Santorum is that he appears to me to be completely closed to the alternate beliefs of others. The whole point of being a public servant is to serve the public, not yourself. That means being able to consider and respect lots of different views and ideas about how things are, and how things should be, because the public is a diverse entity. You can't serve the public and ignore them at the same time.

It would be really nice to see a public servant who understood what that means to serve the public, for a change.

When was the last time you saw one of those?


New member
Hall of Fame
So... should the notion that Santorum mentioned Satan while giving a speech at a church back in 2008 be a news story?

Probably not.

As I said, if Santorum was an extreme Charismatic or something like that it might make me worry somewhat. But that doesn't seem to be the case.

I pulled some of his comments from Drudge....
"Satan has his sights on the United States of America!" Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum has declared.

"Satan is attacking the great institutions of America, using those great vices of pride, vanity, and sensuality as the root to attack all of the strong plants that has so deeply rooted in the American tradition."


The former senator from Pennsylvania warned in 2008 how politics and government are falling to Satan.

"This is a spiritual war. And the Father of Lies has his sights on what you would think the Father of Lies would have his sights on: a good, decent, powerful, influential country - the United States of America. If you were Satan, who would you attack in this day and age?"

"He attacks all of us and he attacks all of our institutions."

Santorum made the provocative comments to students at Ave Maria University in Florida.


The White House contender described how Satan is even taking hold of some religions.

"We look at the shape of mainline Protestantism in this country and it is in shambles, it is gone from the world of Christianity as I see it."

It's hard to know how literally he means Satan's involvement to be.