toldailytopic: Regarding 9-11 they say "never forget". Never forget what? What should


New member
Evil men love to :CRASH: do evil and :( play the victim. Don't let them. :rolleyes: 1 Sam. 24:13; 2 Sam. 3:39; Job 8:20; 34:8, 22; Psa. 14:4, 6; 26:5; 36:12; 53:4; 59:2; 64:2; 92:7, 9; 94:4, 16; 101:8; 119:115; 125:5; 141:4, 5, 9; Prov. 21:15; Isa. 1:4; 31:2; Jer. 23:14; Hos. 10:9; Mal. 3:15; 4:1; Matt. 5:45; 7:23; Luke 13:27; 16:10; 18:11; Acts 24:15; 1 Cor. 6:1, 9; 2 Cor. 11:13; Phil. 3:2; 1 Pet. 3:18; 2 Pet. 2:9.

We're right (Jn 14:6, Ro 1:16). They're wrong (Ge 16:12). Will New Yorkers continue to tolerate multiculturalism? :Letsargu:

The issue of "Multiculturism" needs to be addressed. When I was a little girl immigrants and the children of immigrants were so grateful and proud to be Americans that they strove in every way to fit in. They struggled to learn our language, they made sure that their children attended school and were respectful to teachers and school property. They were good neighbors, sharing produce from their gardens and lending a hand with each others children. They took care of their own elderly family members and managed to save money, buy homes and get their children to higher education.
They put their American citizenship with all of its rights and privileges and responsibilities first! Then, the songs and dances of the "Old Country" could be sung and danced and shared.
I am outraged by demands from foreigners that we should accommodate their ways in our common spaces and endeavors.
The sanctity of their homes is protected by our laws. They need to respect our laws and our way of life in the public arena.


New member
Ok. You hate those you judge to be right-wing Jesus freaks.
Are you seriously saying you believe there AREN'T people who treat the military, the midwest, and/or passion for one's beliefs as a patriotic ideal?

The east coast is treated as a "cesspool" of organized crime, greed, violence, and Jews.

The west coast is treated as a "cesspool" of liberalism, rebellion, discontent, and men wearing heels.

The mid/south-west is treated as the "salt of the earth," where people automatically learn a better work ethic by being within ten miles of agriculture, read their bibles every day, and never fail to bring a covered dish to church on Potluck Sundays.

I see this as a rather paranoid reaction, but if it pleases you.
Not as paranoid as lumping all of a particular religious group into a box and screaming "THEY'RE OUT TO GET US!!!"

Well, that makes the problem nebulous and much more difficult.
It describes the problem as it ACTUALLY IS, rather than how it has been spoon-fed to us by the fascist elite hoping to keep us distracted so we don't notice our livelihoods being ripped out from under us.

I wonder how much money and how many American lives we could have saved by acknowledging IMMEDIATELY after 9/11 that one nation's military CAN'T solve the problem of international terrorism, given that it is based on an ideology.

OH! Are you hoping to provoke a violent attack by someone you don't like?
Nope, just hoping for something besides "GOD HATES FAGS" to balance the scale of religious stereotyping.


Well-known member
I'm with TH on this in general. Of more practical utility . . . . . never forget that if someone tries to hijack your plane, no matter what the cost, tackle them!

I think that little tidbit alone will prevent an attack *exactly* like it from occurring anytime soon.

I have been wondering though, if we make/made too much of 911. The massive increase in government bureaucracy, lives lost in Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of the people in Afghanistan don't even know about 911.

According to a survey of 15- to 30-year-old men in the two southern provinces where President Barack Obama sent the bulk of American surge troops, 92% of respondents said they didn't know about "this event which the foreigners call 9/11" after being read a three-paragraph description of the attacks.

WSJ Article

They even asked police and government and elders. They too were clueless.

So the Taliban tells the Afghans that America is there to destroy Islam, should we be surprised they're fighting against us?

At last count the world has around 1.57 billion Muslims, a tiny handful attacked on 911 and now we're going to state all of Islam is "the problem"? :kookoo:

Terrorism is a tactic, used by extremists of all types. The main weapon is fear, not sheer numbers of people killed. I do not believe military action is what will stop terrorist attacks, but good intelligence will. This might be one of the few good things to come out of 911.

If we were rationally interested in "keeping people safe", terrorism would barely register compared to people killed by cars and handguns. A twin towers equivalent in number of people are murdered every four months in the USA. And a twin towers equivalent of people die in car accidents every month.


"I am outraged by demands from foreigners that we should accommodate their ways in our common spaces and endeavors."
Foreigners line up at U.S. embassies for a chance to come to our country. :5020: We became a great nation because of Jesus Christ. When you get here, don't forget that (Ps 33:12).


Freedom Ribbon
"They need to respect our laws and our way of life in the public arena."
Mayor Bloomberg is a coward--the type that will be dragged to hell first (Ro 1:16, Re 21:8). :burnlib:


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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Do you think going after the disease is the same for every extremist group?
Not exactly, but those who commit violent, ideologically driven acts usually carry a sense of thwarted entitlement and a belief in a broad injustice done them and/or their people that won't typically first manifest itself in an act of violence.

Or will different groups require different approaches?
Unquestionably different approaches. But we have to give serious attention to the warning signs and respond to the breeding ground understanding. That is, we have to treat this like a war in a more holistic sense, advancing our propaganda/agenda/perspective more vigorously and gathering as keen an understanding of our enemies founding complaints as we can to counter them.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
The most important lesson we should never forget about 9-11 is:

Muslim extremists want to kill as many non-Muslims as humanly possible AND they want to disrupt the lives of every free person on the planet via terrorist acts.

This answer. But it isn't just extremists. The nonviolent are just more patient. Convert or face the sword.


Well-known member
Missiles (surrounded by holograms no less)

Missiles (surrounded by holograms no less)

Nico Haupt and Morgan Reynolds, formerly the chief economist within the Labor Department under the Bush administration, argue that no planes were used in the attacks. Reynolds claims it is physically impossible that the Boeing planes of Flights 11 and 175, being largely aluminium, could have penetrated the steel frames of the Towers, and that digital compositing was used to depict the plane crashes in both news reports and subsequent amateur video. “There were no planes, there were no hijackers,” Reynolds insists. “I know, I know, I’m out of the mainstream, but that’s the way it is.” According to David Shayler, “The only explanation is that they were missiles surrounded by holograms made to look like planes,” he says. “Watch footage frame by frame and you will see a cigar-shaped missile hitting the World Trade Center.” -- Wikipedia (conspiracy theory article)

Nathon Detroit

Nico Haupt and Morgan Reynolds, formerly the chief economist within the Labor Department under the Bush administration, argue that no planes were used in the attacks. Reynolds claims it is physically impossible that the Boeing planes of Flights 11 and 175, being largely aluminium, could have penetrated the steel frames of the Towers, and that digital compositing was used to depict the plane crashes in both news reports and subsequent amateur video. “There were no planes, there were no hijackers,” Reynolds insists. “I know, I know, I’m out of the mainstream, but that’s the way it is.” According to David Shayler, “The only explanation is that they were missiles surrounded by holograms made to look like planes,” he says. “Watch footage frame by frame and you will see a cigar-shaped missile hitting the World Trade Center.” -- Wikipedia (conspiracy theory article)
Thankfully, only a handful of complete lunatics buy that garbage.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If by our foreign policies being a disease you mean that the terrorists' actions were justified because of our foreign policy, no that is not what I'm saying.

you agreed with this

"That U.S. foreign policies can have unexpected consequences."

what were you agreeing with?


New member
This answer. But it isn't just extremists. The nonviolent are just more patient. Convert or face the sword.

That is the message in the Quran, their Holy Scripture. It is naive and ultimately dangerous for us to ignore that.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Nico Haupt and Morgan Reynolds, formerly the chief economist within the Labor Department under the Bush administration, argue that no planes were used in the attacks....

Someone was trying to feed my husband this garbage. They are nutty conspiracy theories.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
This answer. But it isn't just extremists. The nonviolent are just more patient. Convert or face the sword.

It is easy to focus on just the extreme factions of Islam. Over time the more moderate factions can be just as dangerous or even more so due to their patience.

To a Muslim, the US is 'The great Satan'.