toldailytopic: Raising Cain. What do you make of Cain's sexual harassment charges


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
I hope he is cleared of all charges and goes down because he is not qualified to be President.


New member
What about the other four women?

If Cain wants to prove his innocence, he will do everything he can to get those NRA records opened, so that people can see whether or not there is any truth to them - or whether, as he said yesterday, they were found to be invalid, and with no corroborating witnesses. That would be proof. Denying it is not proof.


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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for November 9th, 2011 08:05 AM

toldailytopic: Raising Cain. What do you make of the sexual harassment charges against GOP pres candidate Herman Cain?

At first I mostly shrugged the accusations off because it didn't seem that significant and I didn't really believe it. But now that the number of accusations keeps increasing it is starting to make me consider it a little more. Where there's smoke there's fire?

I'm interested to see how this pans out. I don't want to rush to judgment. I think it could hurt his campaign though. It seems it may have already had a slight effect on his poll numbers.


New member
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One thing I did find mildly amusing was when he tried to defend himself by saying that his wife doesn't think these accusations sound like him.

To the effect of..."Even my wife doesn't think I would do these things".

I mean, what is she supposed to say? "Oh yeah, my husband totally fits the bill of a sexual harasser" :freak:



New member
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The left (media) wants Romney, and will do whatever it takes to make him Obama's opponent.


I think most people agree that Romney has the best chance at beating Obama. Why would leftys want the best opponent to actually face Obama? :idunno:

Ted L Glines

New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for November 9th, 2011 08:05 AM

toldailytopic: Raising Cain. What do you make of the sexual harassment charges against GOP pres candidate Herman Cain?

Last time I checked, it was in the nature of males to hit on females. Ask Bill Clinton if Herman Cain is less of a candidate because he likes women. Come to think of it, I like women, too. Gosh, I should run for president :rotfl:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I think the whole affair (sexual harassment) is complete fabrication, and what better way to eliminate a viable candidate that does not have the anointing of either party than to smear him with a trumped up lie. There is a woman where I work that has brought this charge against three different people in our company and has successfully settled with the company for cash in two of the three cases. This woman is a liar yet she gets away with it and the company stands in fear of firing her for yet more litigation. I've seen this kind of thing before so I think it is a bunch of cow dung and I would totally vote for Cain in spite of it. His character seems a lot less questionable than the gold digging hag that is accusing him. :D

Frank Ernest

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But seriously, do you guys think all of this has ruined his chance at becoming the nominee?
This guy thinks that certainly is the intent. Whether or not the smear campaign will succeed, I do not know at this point.

According to Ann Coulter's latest, this has David Axelrod written all over it.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
I think the whole affair (sexual harassment) is complete fabrication, and what better way to eliminate a viable candidate that does not have the anointing of either party than to smear him with a trumped up lie. There is a woman where I work that has brought this charge against three different people in our company and has successfully settled with the company for cash in two of the three cases. This woman is a liar yet she gets away with it and the company stands in fear of firing her for yet more litigation. I've seen this kind of thing before so I think it is a bunch of cow dung and I would totally vote for Cain in spite of it. His character seems a lot less questionable than the gold digging hag that is accusing him. :D
I wouldn't put it above either political party to trump up such charges! Nor do I assume they are trumped up!

The Barbarian

According to Ann Coulter's latest, this has David Axelrod written all over it.

Coulter also thought John Edwards was gay. So she's kinda the anti-authority here. At this point, Perry and Romney seem to be pointing fingers at each other, and Cain has suggested Perry.

Both of them would benefit by taking out Cain. But the democrats would benefit most by removing Romney, who has more support from voters than either Perry or Cain.

On Fox News today, Curt Anderson puts the ball back in Herman Cain’s camp. Whereas Mr. Cain has made it clear that he had consulted with Anderson in 2004 about sexual harassment settlements occurring while he was President of the National Restaurant Association, Mr. Anderson says that it’s simply not accurate.

Anderson offered no comment when asked whether or not Cain was contradicting himself by at one time claiming no knowledge of the payouts while at another time saying he had consulted Anderson.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
What do you make of Cain's sexual harassment charges?

:think: I think the old settlement issue will hurt him, but his complete lack of governing or legislative background is a greater obstacle. I don't know why the Republicans keep trying this sort of tactic instead of getting behind the handful of proven, successful leaders who could mount a serious and sustained popular challenge to a vulnerable White House. :idunno:

The Barbarian

In the democrat party, it's known as the "Bella Abzug syndrome."

They may not win, but they intend to be ideologically pure.

Look what it did for the democrats. That path usually means you get neither.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:idunno: It worked for the Democrats three years ago.
No. The President had legislative experience. Not a great deal of cache, but better than none, which is what's in the offing on the Republican side. I mean, it's not as though the Republicans don't have men with actual, successful experience as governors. It's baffling that they keep letting the suspicions of the fringe drive their process away from the better qualified candidates.
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