toldailytopic: Judge not! Some say Christians shouldn't judge, what say you?

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Hall of Fame
How can we not judge?

Can I answer this question without judging it first?

How can judging not be a bad thing? Matthew 7:1-15

Should we judge about things we cannot judge?

Judge for yourself if you think I write too much or not?

Which came first, the judge or the judgment?

Can we judge Joey as someone who is more interested in throwing out one-liners than actually contributing to the discussion?


New member
I was worried about you rTb; with the attack on Prince Charles the other night by Brit hooligans,

I'm touched.

I openly condemned the violent protest, by all means protest; but remember that protesting that turns violent is only a step away from being a group of vigilante's.

Which puts me in a difficult position for I despise the royal family; but it is still no excuse.

I thought that you had been detained by those unarmed London Bobbies and made to sit at a chalkboard writing "I have been a very bad boy" over and over.

It is not an issue since it does not concern me and will have no effect on my life, for the most part. Anyway since nearly all Policemen everywhere have the IQ of my left gonad I'm inclined to walk very slow and lazy circles around them if that were to ever happen.

But alas and alack, you're here.


So tell us what it is about Christian doctrine that you looooooooathe so much?

Ok, it's attitude towards homosexuals is of course utter horse hockey, it just simply shows that it hasn't got with the times. That is the first one that immediately jumps out at me.

What I mostly have a problem with is the holier-than-thou, I'm here to save your immortal soul crap. Most Christians on this site and on many others attitude sucks, you are hypocritical and ignorant, very few of you show even a modicum of respect or tolerance to ideas other then your own, you time and time again advocate what is essentially hate crimes, you believe that your religion is a law on to itself and transcends all other decent human standards. I have problems with what it does to so many people and the things is ASC you give a damn bad name to the decent one.

Who are you to say my way of living is the wrong way? Since I have never once tried to change you of your beliefs and never will. By what standard can you justifiably say ours is the better way?

All I see from you ASC is a whining, racist, ignorant little man who is petrified to act like a decent human being. I do good things with my life every day ASC, trying to make the world a bit more of a bearable place, all you seem to do is crow about you enjoy arresting homosexuals simply because there gay.

Much of Christian doctrine or what have you I can get on board with, the love thy neighbour malarkey is commendable and I wish everybody did do that, what keeps me from jumping aboard is a) my belief that there is no God, b)and if there was a God I would still be disagreeing on a few points that he seems to think important and c) people like you.

Let me guess: not being able to do your own "thing" without condemnation?

I couldn't give a hoot about condemnation ASC, it often isn't about heaven or hell, it's that your tin pot God says a few things I seriously disagree with and would never advocate.

You do realize that atheists and Christians have a different definition of "freedom" don't you?

Yes and since freedom is all in the mind what does it have to do with anything? You are always free in your own head and no one can take that away from you ASC, and that is a standard for everybody be you of faith or no faith.


New member
I', Dancing Here!

I', Dancing Here!

I'm touched.

I openly condemned the violent protest, by all means protest; but remember that protesting that turns violent is only a step away from being a group of vigilante's.

Which puts me in a difficult position for I despise the royal family; but it is still no excuse.

It is not an issue since it does not concern me and will have no effect on my life, for the most part. Anyway since nearly all Policemen everywhere have the IQ of my left gonad I'm inclined to walk very slow and lazy circles around them if that were to ever happen.


Ok, it's attitude towards homosexuals is of course utter horse hockey, it just simply shows that it hasn't got with the times. That is the first one that immediately jumps out at me.

What I mostly have a problem with is the holier-than-thou, I'm here to save your immortal soul crap. Most Christians on this site and on many others attitude sucks, you are hypocritical and ignorant, very few of you show even a modicum of respect or tolerance to ideas other then your own, you time and time again advocate what is essentially hate crimes, you believe that your religion is a law on to itself and transcends all other decent human standards. I have problems with what it does to so many people and the things is ASC you give a damn bad name to the decent one.

Who are you to say my way of living is the wrong way? Since I have never once tried to change you of your beliefs and never will. By what standard can you justifiably say ours is the better way?

All I see from you ASC is a whining, racist, ignorant little man who is petrified to act like a decent human being. I do good things with my life every day ASC, trying to make the world a bit more of a bearable place, all you seem to do is crow about you enjoy arresting homosexuals simply because there gay.

Much of Christian doctrine or what have you I can get on board with, the love thy neighbour malarkey is commendable and I wish everybody did do that, what keeps me from jumping aboard is a) my belief that there is no God, b)and if there was a God I would still be disagreeing on a few points that he seems to think important and c) people like you.

I couldn't give a hoot about condemnation ASC, it often isn't about heaven or hell, it's that your tin pot God says a few things I seriously disagree with and would never advocate.

Yes and since freedom is all in the mind what does it have to do with anything? You are always free in your own head and no one can take that away from you ASC, and that is a standard for everybody be you of faith or no faith.

Well said and well done dear boy! He is simply a presumptuous, puling, parochial pratt on the prowl !


TOL Subscriber
Bybee, you are an absolute delight. You get a free pass to judge any one, anywhere for any reason. Its from me, so its not quite that important, but now you've got it.

Ask Mr. Religion

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Hall of Fame
Would you rather me write one-liners or books?

I'd rather you spend time digesting all the responses you have received from the numerous threads you have started. Then come back and interact with these responses giving evidence you actually read them carefully.

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