I get that you believe it's a sin and aren't in the hyper zealot camp but gay people are just being afforded the rights they should have had in the first place.
First, whoever that whackjob is that supports executions obviously belongs in a hospital.
Next: Yes, I believe its a sin. But you are wrong about the "rights" thing.
American society is built on contracts, a fact that few people think about. Everything we agree to do, buy, own exchange, or whatever, is done by a form of contract.
Homosexuals were offered the opportunity to enter into contracts that afforded them all the same legal rights and privileges and benefits of marriage. If "rights" were all they were interested in then that should have been the end of that. After all, that was their original beef - hospital visitations, wills, etc etc
But rights was never their agenda. The radical Left's agenda is to overthrow religious institutions, and overthrowing and destroying marriage is a goal now achieved.
Marriage is a thing and it is what it is, and nobody can change what a thing is. Thats why partner contracts were a great alternative. Since same sex couples are a different thing then they needed a different type of contract. But instead, the entire institution of marriage in the eyes of the youth no longer exists. A sick perverted copy has replaced it.
THAT is the problem with the marriage issue.