This is what emboldened white supremacists look like


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Town Heretic

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So Tam continues the folly. But she is on the wrong side of history as surely as my cousin was on the wrong side of that war.

Lee I'm certain knew better. Does Tam?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
All the marble in the world won't alter the truth it mistakenly attempts to ennoble or the stench of the corruption underneath it, Tam.

You should attempt to join the discourse instead of burying it, unless you mean to continue to illustrate the folly of the effort and its aim.

I guess more pics of statues and the like it is then. Still, better than those 'The Duke' videos...


Town Heretic

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Since Tam is determined to photo spam the thread in defense of monuments to racism I'm going to make helpful suggestions for replacements of the monuments that will, all lamentations notwithstanding, go.

We should replace one with a likeness of Emmett Till, a fourteen year old black boy who flirted with a pretty white woman who worked in a store in Mississippi in 1955. For this action he was abducted, tortured, and murdered by men who bought into the culture lionized by the statues Tam appears to admire.


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For folks to see before the racists cry-baby intolerant bigoted liberals use YOUR hard earned money to destroy any remnant of our history.

And they think WE are the problem?????

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Another potential replacement for one of Tam's spamtastic statues would be a group of nine figures representing more recent victims of the mindset in Charleston.