This is what emboldened white supremacists look like


Well-known member
Look at the example of the story of Confederate memorials in New Orleans. They are being relocated, not destroyed.

Now, if a town that has such a memorial decides that they want it removed, is there a problem with them legally doing so? What's the harm?

The mayor's office said the city has secured private funding to remove the moments. Landrieu said the statues will be put in storage while the city looks for a suitable place to display them, such as a museum.

And why now......we have had far worse race issues going back that far in history and no one said a freaking word...ONLY now.....Trump perhaps?


Well-known member
It's no no problem for sheep.
They will go along which ever wind is blowing at the time.

This whole 'I'm offended' movement has gotten ridiculously stupid and embarrassing.
I honestly cannot believe folks are not embarrassed by all the hubbub from spoiled brats about historical statues, for crying out loud.

Without a doubt


Well-known member
It's no no problem for sheep.
They will go along which ever wind is blowing at the time.

This whole 'I'm offended' movement has gotten ridiculously stupid and embarrassing.
I honestly cannot believe folks are not embarrassed by all the hubbub from spoiled brats about historical statues, for crying out loud.

Next will be stone mountain in ga. we will have to sandblast the entire side of that mountain.


New member
Hall of Fame
This is OK to liberals.


that one is ok, since we are evil, and total racists


New member
Hall of Fame
If it's a minority that removes them, it's totalitarian. What is going on is no different than ISIS destroying monuments. If you want to remove a culture from your society, remove it's history first. Our history has already been revised beyond recognition by the stalinists in our society. They have been taking down our visual reminders too. Soon, we will have no real history and we can safely be removed from society like has already begun. Much of the remaining members of our society have been relegated to the backwoods and left to live off government scraps and opioids.
I agree with the responses you already received on this but I just want to ask one question. What history worth preserving do you think is being lost by removing these monuments?


New member
This whole 'I'm offended' movement has gotten ridiculously stupid and embarrassing.

Oh, I agree there. These memorials don't bother me in the least. They are a part of Southern history.

I honestly cannot believe folks are not embarrassed by all the hubbub from spoiled brats about historical statues, for crying out loud.
If a town that has such a memorial decides that they want it removed, is there a problem with them legally doing so? What's the harm?

It should be up to the people who live there.


New member
Hall of Fame
That's mildly amusing, seeing it coming from the very guy who reported her and wants her shut down. Textbook example of dramatic irony. Tends to happen to the most tragically self-ignorant of characters like yourself.

Liberals do not believe in free speech, they are totalitarians, and total hypocrites. They say dont look at something or listen if you dont like what they think say and support, but they dont do what they say when its the other way.

They are do as i say, not as i do, crybabies.