This Black WAS abused by cops.. Sandra Bland


New member
Can't stay on topic, can you?
Guess what, dumbbell - this IS right on topic. Right on topic. But of course it's ok to beat women and kill their infants, or bash their heads into the ground. Why bother being against rape when you don't mind seeing men do this to women?????? They are sexist, and my brother-in-law told me to never doubt that sexism is at work here, more than race.


New member
Hall of Fame
The facts are even worse:
She made the reasonable remark that she was entitled to smoke in her own car.

His response: To tell her to step out, and then threaten to "light her up" if she did not. He sounds like a rapist .

Facts are that she refused to step out and kept refusing. He didnt say that immediately.


New member
And the other side? Witnesses? Ill wait to form my opinion on that when i get the rest of the story, instead of just relying on her lawsuit claims that she didnt do anything and it resulted in all that.
I don't care how rude she was: You don't touch a pregnant woman. EVER. I've seen police tapes where women are knocked around and bashed for words only. Is this how real men treat women???????????


New member
Which had nothing to do with ... anything. He didn't say "you can never smoke in your car" but merely asked her to put the cigarette out UNTIL he was done with her warning ticket.

Only to someone who would compare rape to a warning ticket ...
A warning ticket is NOT like rape. Telling a woman, "I will light you up" IS LIKE RAPE.


Hall of Fame
Guess what, dumbbell -

Go on, drama queen.

this IS right on topic. Right on topic. But of course it's ok to beat women and kill their infants, or bash their heads into the ground.

No, it is not. Though I am not surprised you believe this.

Why bother being against rape when you don't mind seeing men do this to women??????

Don't confuse me with yourself. The fact that you don't know the difference and compare rape with an arrest speaks volumes.

They are sexist, and my brother-in-law told me to never doubt that sexism is at work here, more than race.

:chuckle: Did you seriously just accuse someone else of being sexist?


New member
Hall of Fame
I don't care how rude she was: You don't touch a pregnant woman. EVER. I've seen police tapes where women are knocked around and bashed for words only. Is this how real men treat women???????????

Yes, you do touch them if they are fighting a police officer, threatening etc.. you do realize there is a reason that the only "story" shown is nothing but her lawsuit claims, ill be willing to bet its because it was at a station with many witnesses.

If it all went down and she did nothing as she claims, it would be on the news 24/7 - its not, courthouse news that you cited, only states her lawsuit claims. They just report lawsuits.


New member
Go on, drama queen.

No, it is not. Though I am not surprised you believe this.

Don't confuse me with yourself. The fact that you don't know the difference and compare rape with an arrest speaks volumes.

:chuckle: Did you seriously just accuse someone else of being sexist?
I was never sexist, and my wife would not have tolerated me if I were.


Hall of Fame
A warning ticket is NOT like rape.

Using the word RAPE in this situation shows how little your comprehend what a horrific violation it is ..

Telling a woman, "I will light you up" IS LIKE RAPE.

No, it is not. Not even close. But then again, since rape is a crime that normally happens to women, you will always minimize it's horrific nature.


New member
Using the word RAPE in this situation shows how little your comprehend what a horrific violation it is ..

No, it is not. Not even close. But then again, since rape is a crime that normally happens to women, you will always minimize it's horrific nature.
You have NO idea who you're speaking to. You have NO idea who has experienced rape or who hasn't.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So losers like Adam Rupeka are your heroes?

I have no idea who you're talking about.

So you post a article about a police officer pepper spraying a professional rabble rouser (more like an anarchist) and you don't even recognize the name when I pull his website up?

Let me give you an example why losers like Adam Rupeka are a cancer to society.

Let's say that Scottie comes home high and drunk from cruising gay bars all night and his timid little boyfriend says something and Scottie starts working him over.

His timid little boyfriend gets the courage to call the police, but gosh darnit, they're busy dealing with people who while driving by them, flip em off. Thinking that people who flip a police officer off must be high on drugs, they pull that person over and spend valuable time dealing with those losers instead of protecting people like Scottie's timid little boyfriend.

Do you understand what I'm talking about now?


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So losers like Adam Rupeka are your heroes?

So you post a article about a police officer pepper spraying a professional rabble rouser (more like an anarchist) and you don't even recognize the name when I pull his website up?

Let me give you an example why losers like Adam Rupeka are a cancer to society.

Let's say that Scottie comes home high and drunk from cruising gay bars all night and his timid little boyfriend says something and Scottie starts working him over.

His timid little boyfriend gets the courage to call the police, but gosh darnit, they're busy dealing with people who while driving by them, flip em off. Thinking that people who flip a police officer off must be high on drugs, they pull that person over and spend valuable time dealing with those losers instead of protecting people like Scottie's timid little boyfriend.

Do you understand what I'm talking about now?
Nope :wave2:


New member
Telling a woman, "I will light you up" IS LIKE RAPE.
Actually it really is.

She refused to get out of the car.
Then he threatened to 'light her up'.

Which, given they were alone, was a threat to
taser her until she was dead, a common practice by cops,
who want to use lethal force but claim it was non-lethal
but inadvertantly someone died.

At that point, she cooperated quickly and got out of the car.
This clearly proves she was not suicidal, but trying to preserve her life.

Taser you in Car Trick

Then since he could not taser her on camera (as opposed to in car,
where dash cam can't record what happened) he took her over onto
the lawn (again off camera again).

What he didn't notice was someone else recording what happened,
which is a damn good thing, since the cop intended to abuse or kill her
on the lawn.

Next, since those options failed, he hauled her to the copshop,
where she conveniently died (an apparent suicide).

Maybe she did commit suicide, after being threatened with maybe
a few days of beatings, starvation, and of course RAPE,
off-camera, since they can be shut off, as we've previously seen.

camera off at cop shop

So yeah, it was a RAPE THREAT.

But its likely that they just strangled her and called it suicide,
although it would be perfectly justified for her to commit suicide
and cheat them out of a live gang-bang.

All they could do after her death would be to have intercourse with a corpse.
Not unlikely for a cop, but probably not the fun night they would have planned.

Another episode of GANG-RAPE COPS cancelled.
Inconvenient death of victim.
Last edited:


New member
Actually it really is.

She refused to get out of the car.
Then he threatened to 'light her up'.

Which, given they were alone, was a threat to
taser her until she was dead, a common practice by cops,
who want to use lethal force but claim it was non-lethal
but inadvertantly someone died.

At that point, she cooperated quickly and got out of the car.
This clearly proves she was not suicidal, but trying to preserve her life.

Then since he could not taser her on camera (as opposed to in car,
where dash cam can't record what happened) he took her over onto
the lawn (again off camera again).

What he didn't notice was someone else recording what happened,
which is a damn good thing, since the cop intended to abuse or kill her
on the lawn.

Next, since those options failed, he hauled her to the copshop,
where she conveniently died (an apparent suicide).

Maybe she did commit suicide, after being threatened with maybe
a few days of beatings, starvation, and of course RAPE,
off-camera, since they can be shut off, as we've previously seen.

So yeah, it was a RAPE THREAT.

But its likely that they just strangled her and called it suicide,
although it would be perfectly justified for her to commit suicide
and cheat them out of a live gang-bang.

All they could do after her death would be to have intercourse with a corpse.
Not unlikely for a cop, but probably not the fun night they would have planned.

Another episode of GANG-RAPE COPS cancelled.
Bless you for your good sense, and for your decency, and understanding of reality. You far surpass certain women here, who are obtuse to human suffering.

addendum: I will light you up also has an implication that he was going to do something sexually invasive with the tazer, and she rightly was horrified by him. As you say, she went into self-preservation mode with her attacker.


Hall of Fame
You have NO idea who you're speaking to. You have NO idea who has experienced rape or who hasn't.

More dramatic responses. Actually, I know exactly who I am speaking to. The person who has a tendency to create threads that casts the victims as liars or "had it coming".


New member
More dramatic responses. Actually, I know exactly who I am speaking to. The person who has a tendency to create threads that casts the victims as liars or "had it coming".
You are no longer someone I consider worthy of a response. :wave2:


New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, you do touch them if they are fighting a police officer, threatening etc.. you do realize there is a reason that the only "story" shown is nothing but her lawsuit claims, ill be willing to bet its because it was at a station with many witnesses.

If it all went down and she did nothing as she claims, it would be on the news 24/7 - its not, courthouse news that you cited, only states her lawsuit claims. They just report lawsuits.

Found some more facts on this, what she claimed happened, happened in 2011, she waited till February of this year to file her lawsuit and it appears what she claimed was happening, was quite different than what the officer claimed was happening:

ALBANY, GA -- First Update

Fox 31 received the police report for Kenya Harris' son Patrick Stokes. In it, Officer Ryan Jenkins detailed his side of the situation with Kenya Harris.

The report indicates Jenkins went to get Harris from the waiting room so she could give consent for Stokes to have a gun residue test done, but Harris was on her cell phone. Jenkins said he asked Harris if she could continue her conversation later, and she got off the phone but looked "visibly upset." He said she began cursing, and when giving back a pen she had borrowed from him, she "snatched her hand with the pen exposed in a manner that almost cut" him, according to the report.

The report indicates Jenkins led Harris almost to the interview room, but since she was still visibly angry, he tried to calm her down before entering the room. She yelled at him and Jenkins said she looked like she was about to fight. He said he told her not to "square off" with him, but she continued to yell and look like she wanted to fight. He asked her to put her hands behind her back so he could put her in handcuffs for his safety, but he said she refused. He then tried to grab her wrist to put her in handcuffs, but he said she resisted. He then grabbed her by the neck, pulled her to the ground and put his knee on her back to prevent her from turning around, according to the report. She still resisted handcuffs, so Jenkins engaged in a "short arm pulling struggle without injuring her," (sic) the report indicates. He then handcuffed her and put her in the interview room while he waited for transportation. She was charged with obstruction of a law enforcement officer because she resisted being detained.

He said in the report that Harris didn't have any visible injuries and didn't complain of any pain.

Looks like attitude, physical altercation on her part, is what led to what happened.

Weird too that she waited nearly 4 years to make her claims also.


New member
Found some more facts on this, what she claimed happened, happened in 2011, she waited till February of this year to file her lawsuit and it appears what she claimed was happening, was quote different than what the officer claimed was happening:

Looks like attitude, physical altercation on her part, is what led to what happened.

Weird too that she waited nearly 4 years to make her claims also.

I don't really believe the above.

Have you ever hired a lawyer for serious litigation? They can take up to 7 years in preparation. I hope she wins millions.