This Black WAS abused by cops.. Sandra Bland


New member
I see that your cop-hating friend is off his meds again and on one of his nutty conspiracy theories.

Again, more abuse from a fact-fudging donut eater.


I'll support ANY cop that upholds the Law of God as found in the Bible.

Unfortunately you crossed yourself off that list when you revealed
you'd rather support anti-Christian and anti-God laws,
and collect a cheque doing it. Good job, Judas.

Since Jesus was resurrected, you'll have to be satisfied whipping His followers.


When you liberals were defending Trayvon Martin, ...

When you liberals were defending Michael Brown, ... it was all about putting the blame on local police depts. and their "racist" policies.
This never happened, except in your 'put down da uppity peoples' fantasy.
For all we know you've already turned it into a rape fantasy.

I'm not a liberal, and I'm not in support of robbers or liars,
especially when they are manufactured by special interest groups
and bankrolled by the Obama Banksters and their Freemasonic supporters
on police forces everywhere.


Its YOUR meds that keep wearing off, and revealing the Masonic/Roman Catholic
Black Hand behind your population control schemes.

Again: you and your fellow God-hating liberals couldn't care less about Sandra Bland, you're using this incident (like you've used others) to put more restraints (via a federal investigation of civil rights violations) on local law enforcement.
I don't know if Liberals are all "God-hating" but this is another Freudian slip.

You meant to say "Cop-hating" but somehow the two are synonymous
in your police-mentality brain.

It must be the gun, which feels like a hard penis in your hand.


I have no interest in restricting either local or federal law enforcement,
except to have them enforce God's law, and not your Roman Catholic faggotry.

You keep pretending you're not a Roman Catholic shill,
but everybody knows the Freemasons control the cops,
and the Jesuits control the Freemasons.

Your denial is worthless.

For you, as you've repeatedly stated, you think you're morally and ethically
off the hook if you just "follow orders" and enforce "whatever law"
happens to be the fashion for the Roman Catholic agenda.



Again, more abuse from a fact-fudging donut eater.

I'll need a note from your caregiver stating that you're back on your meds before I read (and reply) to one of your posts Naz.

On a side note: What should be done with dogs that hump people's legs? (I'm trying to direct you away from your fantasies about "hard penises").


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Follow the posts of the God-hating liberal GFR7 and you'll see a pattern and then hopefully you'll know what I'm talking about.

I exposed you numerous times in my recriminalization of homosexuality thread (refer to the numerous table of contents links), and now I'm exposing you (again) on your out and out hatred of the police.

Case in point: Five days after the shooting of Ferguson MO thug St. Michael Brown (in those 5 days video footage of his strong armed robbery was shown throughout the media, so it was obvious that Brown wasn't the Saint that you liberals made him out to be) you posted this in response to what one of TOL's most outspoken cop hating atheists said:

Originally Posted by Granite
A militarized police force that sees the public as the enemy will act accordingly. About the only thing about Ferguson that surprises me is how brazen the cops are acting. I guess something like this was inevitable.

"Enemies of the people", that's straight out the Communist Manifesto comrade GFR7.
Oh, give it a rest. Lots of people feel this way, because its the truth: It's not a partisan issue. Now buzz off; you're a psycho.


New member
On a side note: What should be done with dogs that hump people's legs? (I'm trying to direct you away from your fantasies about "hard penises").

you shoot them, fool.

Its a death penalty offence.

Just like police protecting abortion clinics.

But why bring up a topic like that, unless its on your mind
after watching all those thousands of "beast-porn" movies
you look at for "research" to catch criminals,
unless of course they turn out to be other cops.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
On a side note: What should be done with dogs that hump people's legs? (I'm trying to direct you away from your fantasies about "hard penises").

you shoot them, fool.

Its a death penalty offence.

Just like police protecting abortion clinics.

But why bring up a topic like that, unless its on your mind
after watching all those thousands of "beast-porn" movies
you look at for "research" to catch criminals,
unless of course they turn out to be other cops.

All that I can say Naz is that when it comes to you and GFR7:

Birds of a feather flock together.


I'm just thankful that I'm not in your flock.


New member
(I'm trying to direct you away from your fantasies about "hard penises").

All that I can say Naz is that when it comes to you and GFR7:

Birds of a feather flock together.


I'm just thankful that I'm not in your flock.

Since he's a peace-loving semi-pacifist, and I'm NOT,
your post makes no sense at all (again).

I'd have you fired, then lined up and shot as a traitor,
on my first day on the job as leader of a Theocracy based on the Bible.


I'd have you fired, then lined up and shot as a traitor,
on my first day on the job as leader of a Theocracy based on the Bible.

You've been known to write some pretty informative posts when you're on your meds Naz. Might I suggest that you go take them and back off the violent raged ones so that you don't go getting yourself banned?


New member
You've been known to write some pretty informative posts when you're on your meds Naz. Might I suggest that you go take them and back off the violent raged ones so that you don't go getting yourself banned?

If you're my self-appointed handler, you're doing a lousy job.

I won't be writing any awesome, informative scientific or Biblical threads,
until some legal matters are resolved, which your Freemasonic friends caused.

When I see them in jail for murder, perjury and obstruction of justice,
we can get back to some armchair Bible studies.

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The Barbarian

Do believe when a citizen is stopped by a police officer that they should show respect to that officer and follow his or her commands, or do you believe that the citizen and the officer are 'equals'?

The Constitution says they are equals. And it protects the right to disrespect police officers. In fact, the law allows one to be downright rude:

Nor can police just make up rules. They can't force you to stop smoking, if it's legal where you are, and they can't order you to stop talking. In most states, they can't even force you to identify yourself, unless they have a reasonable articulable suspicion that you have commited a crime or are about to do so.

A lot of police think otherwise, and due to the proliferation of cameras, a lot more of them are losing their jobs lately. That's a good thing. Most cops are decent and law-abiding. It's imperative to cull out the criminals among them.

BTW, there's going to be an independent autopsy. If everything comes back as the police said, then they should be O.K. If we see some kind of injury to her head or other issues, then someone's in big trouble.

Reasonable people would wait to see how that comes out.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Do believe when a citizen is stopped by a police officer that they should show respect to that officer and follow his or her commands, or do you believe that the citizen and the officer are 'equals'?

The Constitution says they are equals. And it protects the right to disrespect police officers. In fact, the law allows one to be downright rude: ...

Wow, you are a wealth of information barbarian.

Henceforth, those laws that are made to protect law enforcement while making a lawful arrest (hindering a law enforcement officer in the line of duty, obstructing a law enforcement in the line of duty, resisting arrest) are all unconstitutional because the police officer and the people around him (be it the culprit that is being apprehended or his buddies that are interfering with the arrest) are all "equals".

BTW, there's going to be an independent autopsy. If everything comes back as the police said, then they should be O.K. If we see some kind of injury to her head or other issues, then someone's in big trouble.

Because those racist county medical examiners who did the autopsy just can't be trusted.

The things we learn from cop hating Libertarians like the barbarian.


Hall of Fame
And the result was incarceration and death. For being a bit belligerent.

Right ... because it's never the fault of the person who commits suicide ...

So much for personal responsibility ....


New member
Right ... because it's never the fault of the person who commits suicide ...

So much for personal responsibility ....
I feel this woman was driven to despair. Sorry, that makes me human.

I think the cop needs to take some personal responsibility in this case - oh wait, you don't believe in that.....


New member
The Constitution says they are equals. And it protects the right to disrespect police officers. In fact, the law allows one to be downright rude:
You're correct:

New York Cop Who Pepper-Sprayed Driver for giving him the middle finger is fired

A New York judge has just dismissed the charges filed against Adam Rupeka. Adam had “given the finger” to police officers – an act protected by law as “free speech.” The officer, who didn’t apparently think he had to respect the Constitution, pepper sprayed the Troy man, assaulted him, handcuffed him and detained him, the Saratogian reported.

The driver knew he had the Constitutional right to give cops the middle finger if he wanted to. That right has been upheld in multiple court cases and he had the proof. But one cop apparently thought that shiny badges give you the special right to pepper spray people who don’t like you. Now that cop is going to be out of a job.


Hall of Fame
I feel this woman was driven to despair. Sorry, that makes me human.

No ... it's just makes you someone who is intentionally looking for incidents to justify his own agenda. Currently, it's your dislike for law enforcement.

She should have lost the attitude and put out the cigarette. It has been explained to you that a cigarette could be used as a weapon. Also, a driver who appears agitated IS a potential danger to other drivers.

I think the cop needs to take some personal responsibility in this case - oh wait, you don't believe in that.....

Pfffftttt ... projection at it's finest. This is just another thing on a long list of many that you do not understand ... human emotions and reasoning.

Being arrested is far down on the list of the worst things that can ever happen to a person.


New member
Hall of Fame
Instead, he ordered her out of her car under threat of electrocution before he violently arrested her, never once providing a lawful reason for the arrest,
law doesnt require him to provide a reason she was being arrested.

later falsifying a report that she had kicked him, which we can see in the video, never took place.

Since a great part of the incidence happened off camera, how do you know she didn't kick him?