This Black WAS abused by cops.. Sandra Bland


New member
TOL's cop-hating duo have reunited once again.

Do tell us some of the conspiracy theories floating around fellas (i.e. "she may have been set up").

No need for conspiracy theories.

The Church and Crown started out owning 1/3 of all North American lands
pre-allocated via projected confiscation from Natives.

police constables started out as thugs hired by City of London merchants
to protect their markets from petty thieves.

Nothing much has changed.

Police know their priorities are determined by who pays their salaries,
and its not the public tax-payer except indirectly by force.

The banks and uber-corporations pay the cops,
and who owns those? Oh yeah, the Vatican, Royalty, Banksters,
and the 500 top richest families of Europe (all pedophile cultists)
and now also include the Saudis and other 'royal' cabals.

So its no surprise that although police are instructed to and like to
"keep the peace", they know they're doing for the uber-rich cartels,
who run the three most lucrative businesses in the world economy:

(1) Guns, (2) Drugs, (3) Prostitution (which has now morphed into
child trafficking via the government-controlled CAS/CPS).

What aCulturalWarrior won't tell you is that things are mostly controlled
by Roman Catholic Jesuit cronies, corrupted atheistic Jews, and all the
homosexual pedophile-lawyers that continue to blackmail one another
and control it all through their Masonic German cults.

Who needs a conspiracy theory, when these duckcheese scum openly
boast about it?

Everybody knows.

(1) Everybody knows the drug cartels are CIA operated for the Great White North.

(2) Everybody knows the guns are marketed to the 3rd world by the
same Military-Industrial complex
that will murder them with drones and a-bombs.

(3) Everybody knows the international pedo-rings are run by European
and North American homosexual lawyers
who happen to be politicians,
judges, prosecutors, and murdering pedophiles.

(4) Everybody knows its all about the sustained racial genocide that hasn't
changed since the Germans started selling guns and alcohol to the 'indians'.

What insight can you possibly add to all that historical fact,
about who the cops work for, and why they are the biggest,
best bankrolled and most organized crime network that ever


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

You might want to check with your now Lieutenant homicide detective brother in law and find out if failing to comply with a lawful order (extinguishing a cigarette which can be used as a weapon as well as covering up the odor of alcohol or drug use) is grounds for arrest.

Never mind, it sounds like he was never really a cop.


But then, you liberals don't give a hoot about Sandra Bland, you're attacking the Judeo-Christian based American criminal justice system. I've stated that to you in various other threads where you've attacked the police.
Well, I'm not a liberal, nor do I have anything against the justice system, except when it is corrupt.


I don't know if she committed suicide in the jail cell or was murdered, but i do know that that cop was WAY out of line making her get out of the car just because of a neglect to use turn signal.

Don't do that... don't get out of your car for a routine traffic stop (unless you have cocaine on the passenger seat or something.. then you may have to obey)

I don't believe this is a racist incident. And by the way, doesn't only God know a person's heart? Why all this calling people Racist when only God knows... but anyway...

Again, a lot of cops are against EVERYONE, not just Blacks... well, maybe that is a Trumpism... :hammer:. What i meant to say was that many cops are on a power trip and just... maybe want to take their frustrations out on people.. doesn't mean they are racist... but you know how it is... whenever it is White on Black, it is racism... ho hum... bored w/ that...

What is more important is that this woman may have ended it all b/c that cop was such a creep

really sad

We are all being bombarded with news of police racism, discrimination and violence toward African Americans.

It is getting harder and harder to ignore, isn't it?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
You heard it here black whatever the man tells you, and you'll be just fine. Oh, wait....

Can I seen your license please

This is a great example of a cop that shouldn't be a cop.
He tells the guy to get his license.
The guy goes to get his license.
He tells the guy to get out of the car.
He gets out of the car.

The cop deserves time for that.

Absolutely! Notice at about 10 seconds into the video, the black man has his empty hands raised high above him, but the cop still fires two additional shots!


Well, I'm not a liberal, nor do I have anything against the justice system, except when it is corrupt.

I see that your cop-hating friend is off his meds again and on one of his nutty conspiracy theories.

When you liberals were defending Trayvon Martin, you couldn't have cared less about the thug, it was all about overturning 2nd Amendment based Florida gun laws.

When you liberals were defending Michael Brown, you couldn't have cared less about the thug, it was all about putting the blame on local police depts. and their "racist" policies.

Again: you and your fellow God-hating liberals couldn't care less about Sandra Bland, you're using this incident (like you've used others) to put more restraints (via a federal investigation of civil rights violations) on local law enforcement.


New member
I see that your cop-hating friend is off his meds again and on one of his nutty conspiracy theories.

When you liberals were defending Trayvon Martin, you couldn't have cared less about the thug, it was all about overturning 2nd Amendment based Florida gun laws.

When you liberals were defending Michael Brown, you couldn't have cared less about the thug, it was all about putting the blame on local police depts. and their "racist" policies.

Again: you and your fellow God-hating liberals couldn't care less about Sandra Bland, you're using this incident (like you've used others) to put more restraints (via a federal investigation of civil rights violations) on local law enforcement.
No, I'm not a liberal - I just cared about her as a fellow-cigarette smoker. :wave2:


New member
We are all being bombarded with news of police racism, discrimination and violence toward African Americans.

It is getting harder and harder to ignore, isn't it?

you can't prove its racism and it hardy matters. What the issue is is that the cop did NOT follow proper procedure (unless this was taped in Russia... Iran?)



New member

No need for conspiracy theories.

The Church and Crown started out owning 1/3 of all North American lands
pre-allocated via projected confiscation from Natives.

police constables started out as thugs hired by City of London merchants
to protect their markets from petty thieves.

if hadn't mentioned the Church, i might have bought it.. Instead, i stopped reading..



New member
David Clarke must be off his meds

In the United States of America, you are innocent unti proven guilty... and there is the 4th amendment against ureasonable searches/seizures (i guess your whole self being seized counts?)

that cop was WRONG. They have to have probable cause to believe you are in the process of committing a crime b4 they can do anything..

It is getting to the point that the little people cannot do ANYTHING wrong, can't even look @ a cop cross-eyed or this will happen..

Yet the mighty Hellary.. gets away w/ eveything

@ ths point she is probably thinking "Hm... if i had known i could get away with all this stuff, i mighta considered getting rid of the hub-meister..."



you can't prove its racism and it hardy matters. What the issue is is that the cop did NOT follow proper procedure (unless this was taped in Russia... Iran?)

You might have noticed that conservatives, particularly, will hardly EVER admit to prejudice, racism or white privilege.

Your intentions seem to yourselves so good that you are blind to the not-so-good EFFECTS of those "good intentions."

Any native speaker of English who was raised correctly by their parents knows provable racism when they see it. The deluge of police violence on blacks that is assaulting us daily cannot be ignored and excused any longer.

We need to wake up and smell the hypocrisy and the violence.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If she would have been courteous, it would have been a warning ticket and she would be out of there. She chose to do it another way.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Give it a rest chick, you're being sucked in by the race baiting-cop hating liberal media. Step back and look at the big picture.

I see that you're clueless as to what I'm talking about.

Follow the posts of the God-hating liberal GFR7 and you'll see a pattern and then hopefully you'll know what I'm talking about.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Give it a rest chick, you're being sucked in by the race baiting-cop hating liberal media. Step back and look at the big picture.

I see that you're clueless as to what I'm talking about.

Follow the posts of the God-hating liberal GFR7 and you'll see a pattern and then hopefully you'll know what I'm talking about.
She's seen and commented on my socially conservative posts. Anyone who sees my threads knows I am no liberal, so sod off with your delusions.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Follow the posts of the God-hating liberal GFR7 and you'll see a pattern and then hopefully you'll know what I'm talking about.

She's seen and commented on my socially conservative posts. Anyone who sees my threads knows I am no liberal, so sod off with your delusions.

I exposed you numerous times in my recriminalization of homosexuality thread (refer to the numerous table of contents links), and now I'm exposing you (again) on your out and out hatred of the police.

Case in point: Five days after the shooting of Ferguson MO thug St. Michael Brown (in those 5 days video footage of his strong armed robbery was shown throughout the media, so it was obvious that Brown wasn't the Saint that you liberals made him out to be) you posted this in response to what one of TOL's most outspoken cop hating atheists said:

Originally Posted by Granite
A militarized police force that sees the public as the enemy will act accordingly. About the only thing about Ferguson that surprises me is how brazen the cops are acting. I guess something like this was inevitable.

It was inevitable. The police are becoming enemies of the people instead of protectors and defenders. Doesn't really have to do with race in that aspect.

"Enemies of the people", that's straight out the Communist Manifesto comrade GFR7.