"Therefore, Abortion Must Remain Legal"


Well-known member
Under natural conditions it will not, theoretical miracles of science notwithstanding.
It WILL become technologically possible soon, it probably is already. You'll have to deal with the ethics of it sooner or later. Pluripotent stem cells have already been generated from skin cells. Should they be protected?

A skin cell is not an organism. A zygote is.
What makes it so? (aside from your declaration).

A quadruple amputee is a human with an incomplete body much like the embryo is a human with an underdeveloped body.
Apples to oranges. A zygote is one cell. A quadruple amputee has a nervous, skeletal excretory system etc. A zygote has none of those, it's one undifferentiated cell.

Should it be illegal for a caretaker to electively kill a quadruple amputee? This is rhetorical of course.
The limbs aren't what makes a person, this is settled law. However, someone that is "brain dead" while having a complete body may not be considered to be a person anymore.

Your logic seems equally perilous if we are using it to determine what qualities (or parts) a human must possess in order to be granted right to life legal protection.
It's already done so that we can tell a dead body from a live human. It's required to deal with biological life.

Perhaps "complete" is not the best term. The zygote is whole, given it's state of development. Im not sure even this best conveys my point. Without getting bogged down in semantics I hope you understand my point when differentiating between a toenail and a zygote.
Again a toenail isn't a good analogy since it isn't a cell, it IS a part of a whole in a much clearer sense than a single cell.

But a skin cell is whole as well, complete and capable of cell division. You understand that you can take cells a few cell divisions after a zygote and form multiple people from it?

It comes down to composition. The skin cell or toenail is a part of a whole, a zygote is the (not yet fully developed) whole.
It's instructions to build a whole. All of the mass and energy to build the rest of the whole must come from outside of the zygote. A skin cell has all of those same instructions as the zygote, the only difference is the physiological state.

Let's conduct a red herring test. Would you be in favor of granting all embryos legal protection?
What do you define as an embryo?


What are your rationalizations? How do you justify legal abortion? If you're pro-choice, let me know why! ;)

What would it take to change your mind?
Criminalising abortion does not have an effect on the instance of abortion. All it serves to do is to push abortion underground, to make it less affordable, and to make it less safe. 210 million women become pregnant around the world every year.

It is estimated that one in five pregnancies end in abortion; half of these are thought to be unsafe. Globally, these abortions result in 68,000 maternal deaths; an additional five million women will be hospitalised due to complications. Unsafe abortions tend to be performed in countries where the termination of pregnancies is illegal or severely restricted. In the developing world, where abortion is generally illegal, 55% of abortions are thought to be unsafe; in the developed world, only 8% of abortions are unsafe.

Statistics from around the world show that legalising abortion makes the procedure safer. This is because the vast majority of illegal abortions are performed by the women herself or by an unskilled provider, generally using dangerous methods.

In Romania, for example, following the Criminalising abortion does not have an effect on the instance of abortion. Since the reversal of those rulings in 1989, the number of abortions performed annually has fallen from 992,000 in 1990 to under 150,000 in 2006.

The question is not whether you are "pro life" or "pro choice" because in the real world young women have already clearly demonstrated that they will continue to seek abortions - irrespective of whether they have been crimminalized by the state or not.

The only real question is whether these women have access to "safe" abortions using proper medical proceedures - or will they be forced to undergo the other kind.

The irony is that countries with the lowest rates of abortion (Western Europe) are in nations where it is readily available. The one determing factor in establishing low abortion rates appears to be ease of access to contraception.

Given that America already has 4% of the world's population and 25% of its prison population, just how many millions of young American women would the "pro-life" supporters be prepared to incarcerate - if Roe v Wade were to be repealed?
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New member
Want to address this

Want to address this

There are "grave consequences" with any line we choose - that is the essence of choosing the lesser of two evils. There isn't a real moral high ground - only subjective value judgements.

Please describe the "grave consequences" at play when a woman is not legally able to obtain an abortion.

And/or define "grave consequence". The dramatization involved here is silly. Unless you're describing rape, the "grave consequence" is the ultimately the mirror of any pregnant female.

Which is why we choose the lesser of the two evils.

Under what scenario is the lesser of two evils abortion?


New member
Under what scenario is the lesser of two evils abortion?

If criminalising abortions removes any possibility of legal counselling to women unwillingly pregnant, then fewer will be persuaded to continue to delivery. The abortion count will go up along with maternal fatality rates.

In this case, while making abortion illegal might help campaigners to salve their own consciences, suffering and death will have increased.

Which is the lesser of these two evils?

1. Accepting the legality of abortion, but gain the ability to try and properly counsel women as to future choices, reducing abortions. (as happened in Romania)
2. Abandon any controls by pushing women to back street abortions or going abroad, but sit back back with the warm glow that you have tried and failed? (as happens in Ireland)


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
If criminalising abortions removes any possibility of legal counselling to women unwillingly pregnant, then fewer will be persuaded to continue to delivery. The abortion count will go up along with maternal fatality rates.
Yeah, criminalizing abortion will remove any possibility of counseling for such women.:rolleyes:

Give me a break!

Are you trying to say the stupidest thing you can think of to say?

If I ever openly question your intelligence in the future and you wonder why, this is an example of why.


New member
Yeah, criminalizing abortion will remove any possibility of counseling for such women.:rolleyes:

Give me a break!

Are you trying to say the stupidest thing you can think of to say?

If I ever openly question your intelligence in the future and you wonder why, this is an example of why.

So you really think that a scared young woman going to procure an illegal abortion would be offered a counsellor? Counsellors can easily be offered by legal abortion clinics, and if not it should be mandatory. How are the counsellors going to find these women otherwise?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
So you really think that a scared young woman going to procure an illegal abortion would be offered a counsellor? Counsellors can easily be offered by legal abortion clinics, and if not it should be mandatory. How are the counsellors going to find these women otherwise?
Women are incapable of seeking out counselors when they find themselves pregnant when they had not planned to be? I was unaware of this; thank you for bringing it to light.

Learn to spell.


New member
Women are incapable of seeking out counselors when they find themselves pregnant when they had not planned to be? I was unaware of this; thank you for bringing it to light.

Learn to spell.

You seem to have ONE special skill: criticising comments that only happened in your own head.

Instead of incapable of finding a councellor, try unlikely to ever look for a councellor. The outcome of making abortion illegal is bound to be women trying not to draw attention to their illegal behaviour.

p.s. it's you Yanks that buggered up perfectly good English spelling.


New member
Women are incapable of seeking out counselors when they find themselves pregnant when they had not planned to be? I was unaware of this; thank you for bringing it to light.
If you were somewhat more aware of real life LH or could empathise then you would know that when a woman finds herself with an unwanted pregnancy and that in law she had no other option but to remain that way, then a counsellor is not going to change that and therefore will hardly be high on her to-do list.

Learn to spell.
Learn how to spell in international English.


If she consented to have sex and gets pregnant she consented to the possibility of becoming pregnant whether you want to concede the point or not. That is the risk she took.

On the other hand, if a woman wants to stop having sex and says no, the sex should stop immediately. This is not an either/or scenario like becoming pregnant is. Either a person is pregnant or they are not.

See above. If a woman consented to have sex and gets pregnant she consented to the possibility of becoming pregnant. Having sex is the possibility that she is consenting to ...
Countries where abortion illegal in all circumstances or permitted only to save a woman's life.

Approximately 25% of the world's population lives in countries with highly restrictive abortion laws - mostly in Latin America, Africa and Asia. In some countries, such as in Chile, women still go to prison for having an illegal abortion, and abortion is not allowed even in cases of rape or when the pregnancy endangers the life of the woman.

Central and South America
Chile - abortion illegal under all circumstances
Dominican Republic - abortion illegal under all circumstances
El Salvador - abortion illegal under all circumstances
Nicaragua - abortion illegal under all circumstances

Central African Rep.
Côte d'Ivoire,
Dem. Rep. of Congo,
Guinea- Bissau,

Asia and Pacific
Papua New Guinea,
Sri Lanka,
United Arab Emirates,

Malta - abortion illegal under all circumstances

Countries where abortion legally permitted only to save a woman's life or protect her physical health.

Central and South America
Costa Rica,

Burkina Faso,

Asia and Pacific
Saudi Arabia
South Korea,


Countries that "WizardofOz" would have America join in its approach to abortion - a rather select group!
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Hall of Fame
The only problem is that women don't accept your argument and throughout history have resorted to abortions irrespective of the law and the risks.

When all is said and done, women will continue to make the personal decision as to whether or not to continue with a full term pregnancy - irrespective of someone else's moral code.

A person's moral view or acceptance of an argument should not be the deciding factor in whether or not they are allowed to kill another human being.

That *personal decision* isn't merely personal when it robs an unborn child of their life and a father of their child.


New member
A person's moral view or acceptance of an argument should not be the deciding factor in whether or not they are allowed to kill another human being.

That *personal decision* isn't merely personal when it robs an unborn child of their life and a father of their child.

The point is, that accepting or not accepting isn't saving pregnancies. Allowing abortions may actually give you a chance to save more by introducing counselling.


Hall of Fame
The point is, that accepting or not accepting isn't saving pregnancies. Allowing abortions may actually give you a chance to save more by introducing counselling.

Women are able to receive counseling without relying on abortion as their method of birth control.

There are also organizations such as Crisis Pregnancy Center and Foundation for Life that women may utilize rather than basing their decision on selfishness and convenience.


A person's moral view or acceptance of an argument should not be the deciding factor in whether or not they are allowed to kill another human being.

That *personal decision* isn't merely personal when it robs an unborn child of their life and a father of their child.
Many women simply refuse to accept the premise that the government can force them to have a child against their will. Studies around the world have shown that passing laws against abortion has no impact on their rate.

If millions of women are willing to have an abortion, even if Roe v Wade was repelled, is the America government really prepared to follow Chile's example and send them all to prison?


Hall of Fame
Many women simply refuse to accept the premise that the government can force them to have a child against their will.

In a perfect world, we wouldn't *need* laws in order for a woman to not intentionally kill her unborn baby. It should be a matter of doing the right thing and protecting her child. THAT is what mothers are suppose to do.

BTW ... did the government impregnate these women against their will? Who is responsible for the pregnancy? Abortion, as well as a ban AGAINST abortion, is a *response* to a condition. Who is responsible for causing the condition ... of pregnancy?

Studies around the world have shown that passing laws against abortion has no impact on their rate.

Laws against murder and rape have not stopped murderers and rapists from committing their crimes either. Using your logic, these laws should become null and void.

If millions of women are willing to have an abortion, even if Roe v Wade was repelled, is the America government really prepared to follow Chile's example and send them all to prison?

They wouldn't. Making abortion illegal would also make it *unsafe*. Women are much less likely to have a procedure done if they knew they might end up the same way as their unborn baby: dead.


In a perfect world, we wouldn't *need* laws in order for a woman to not intentionally kill her unborn baby.

I've got some news for you about the world.

It should be a matter of doing the right thing and protecting her child. THAT is what mothers are suppose to do.

I know, let us just force people to give birth to a baby they didn't want, were not prepared for and will most likely remind them of the trauma that initially put the process into motion.

I'll assume you're not against abortions in the case of rape, nobody is that stupid, but we can talk about the others, I think you have a fair point there.

In a case where a woman wants an abortion simply because she didn't use contraceptives - I find that stupid. But there's another solution to preventing stupidity and it's called education, if you're so vehemently against abortion - then you must be in favour of teaching kids and young adults how to avoid unwanted pregnancies? Or there's the absolutely brilliant idea of teaching abstinence only (which has an effectiveness around 0).

BTW ... did the government impregnate these women against their will? Who is responsible for the pregnancy? Abortion, as well as a ban AGAINST abortion, is a *response* to a condition.

Who is responsible for causing the condition ... of pregnancy?

If it was a female's choice to have sex that resulted in an unwanted pregnancy (without being coerced) do you think they would do that for a good ol' laugh? The majority would do it because they don't fully understand the risk involved. Hey - some may be stupid and do it anyway, nobody is going to argue that - but are you really going to say that the majority do it with cognizance?

Laws against murder and rape have not stopped murderers and rapists from committing their crimes either. Using your logic, these laws should become null and void.

I'd be very surprised if laws against murder and rape have much of a deterring effect, they will most likely have some - but it'd be foolish to imbue murderers and rapists with apparent rationality.

The difference is, we PUNISH rapists and murderers because they hurt other people (who have human rights)*, we don't punish victims of rape or women who made bad choices, whether they were warned otherwise or not.

You seem pretty keen on bureaucratically separating people by only offering them help after a trial like process to determine how their unwanted pregnancy came about, kick someone when they're down why don't you?

They wouldn't. Making abortion illegal would also make it *unsafe*. Women are much less likely to have a procedure done if they knew they might end up the same way as their unborn baby: dead.

That's the ticket, you really want to force women to give birth to children they don't want? How do you think that child will turn out? Oh you probably think every single one will get adopted by another family - and you won't have to deal with unwanted unwanted pregnancies. Maybe when they get pregnant too because they will barely have enough money to work and learn (as their parent's career most likely didn't go anywhere due to pregnancy) then they'll have another unwanted child. How lovely that would be.

You've got to love the classic kid who licks an icecream to prevent sharing mentality going on there. Good luck with it.

*left you a gift, there - don't waste it.


New member
I'll assume you're not against abortions in the case of rape, nobody is that stupid

You know what happens when you assume...

You discover that consent is a red herring, and that the compassion of the radical pro-life is replaced by fundamentals.


Hall of Fame
I've got some news for you about the world.


I know, let us just force people to give birth to a baby they didn't want,

Are there or are there not ways to remain pregnancy free? Who is forcing women to *get* pregnant?

were not prepared for and will most likely remind them of the trauma that initially put the process into motion.

Do you consider consensual sex to be traumatic? :think:

I'll assume you're not against abortions in the case of rape,

Actually I am.

nobody is that stupid, but we can talk about the others, I think you have a fair point there.

Apparently they are ... after all, certain people believe it is fine to punish a child for the actions of his father. THAT is pretty stupid.

In a case where a woman wants an abortion simply because she didn't use contraceptives - I find that stupid.

Stupid yes ... however, you haven't stated you don't believe it shouldn't be allowed. :think:

But there's another solution to preventing stupidity and it's called education, if you're so vehemently against abortion - then you must be in favour of teaching kids and young adults how to avoid unwanted pregnancies?


Or there's the absolutely brilliant idea of teaching abstinence only (which has an effectiveness around 0).

Just how *brilliant* is it of you to assume I hold a view that I do not? BTW, abstinence DOES work. Any sex education teacher who doesn't have the IQ of a nail will tell you so.

If it was a female's choice to have sex that resulted in an unwanted pregnancy (without being coerced) do you think they would do that for a good ol' laugh?

Of course ... don't you? Have you ever heard the phrase "if you ask a dumb question ... "?

The majority would do it because they don't fully understand the risk involved.

In that case, they are too stupid to be having sex in the first place ...

Hey - some may be stupid and do it anyway, nobody is going to argue that - but are you really going to say that the majority do it with cognizance?

Yes ...

I'd be very surprised if laws against murder and rape have much of a deterring effect, they will most likely have some - but it'd be foolish to imbue murderers and rapists with apparent rationality.

Then *why* bother making such acts illegal?

The difference is, we PUNISH rapists and murderers because they hurt other people (who have human rights)*, we don't punish victims of rape or women who made bad choices, whether they were warned otherwise or not.

Since when does killing an unborn baby not qualify as "hurting other people". In regards to human rights, IF you don't feel the unborn is human, WHAT exactly are they? IF you don't believe they are deserving of the right to be protected against harm, then apparently you have no problem with FORCED abortion or with another person intentionally causing a woman to lose her unborn baby, correct? Also, what of those babies who are born drug addicted and permanently harmed? By your logic, it is within the mother's right to do so because her child had no rights.

You seem pretty keen on bureaucratically separating people by only offering them help after a trial like process to determine how their unwanted pregnancy came about, kick someone when they're down why don't you?

I never said a word about *kicking* anyone, especially a pregnant woman. The idea is that they have healthy baby.

That's the ticket, you really want to force women to give birth to children they don't want?

YES ... I do.

How do you think that child will turn out?


Oh you probably think every single one will get adopted by another family - and you won't have to deal with unwanted unwanted pregnancies.

Nope ... what *I* think is that unborn babies are deserving of life ... which means being allowed to ::: GASP ::: live. Who'd of thunk it ... babies who aren't killed while still in the womb will have a chance to live and thrive.

Maybe when they get pregnant too because they will barely have enough money to work and learn (as their parent's career most likely didn't go anywhere due to pregnancy) then they'll have another unwanted child. How lovely that would be.

Much lovelier than being ripped apart and taking away any chance they would have had at a life. But then again, I don't believe a parent's career should be valued more than a parent's child. I can always get another career because it is a THING.

You've got to love the classic kid who licks an icecream to prevent sharing mentality going on there. Good luck with it.

*left you a gift, there - don't waste it.

Actually what I *have got* is an expectation for MOTHERS to be held to a higher standard than children. Oddly enough, the ice cream scenario is more in line with your way of thinking and mentality. You approve of the *me-first* selfish-type thinking that promotes abortion.

I, OTOH, am for promoting responsibility and protecting children.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
There are "grave consequences" with any line we choose - that is the essence of choosing the lesser of two evils. There isn't a real moral high ground - only subjective value judgements.
What are the grave consequences with a woman being forced to share the use of her organs? Can you give us some examples from the many areas of the world where this is being done right now?

How does it compare to the grave consequence of an innocent human being intentionally killed?

Absolutely. Which is why we choose the lesser of the two evils.

But denying there is anything wrong with either choice is blindness - and it is something both radical pro-choicers and radical pro-lifers share.
And as I've stated before, you've changed my mind on this. For the good of society women should be forced to share their organs with their babies.

But you still haven't answered the question of consequences. Does intentionally killing an innocent human have consequences?

Which brings up a related point. Do you agree with Alate one that a zygote is not a human?

It is an informal fallacy. The fact that slopes exist does not mean they apply to this case.
What it means is that not all slopes are a fallacy. A slope is nothing but a cause/effect in an area where it is very hard to figure out causes and effects. How we tell if it applies here is by determining if it is an intrinsic wrong. If intentionally killing an innocent human is intrinsically wrong then promoting that intrinsic wrong will have bad effects on society.


You know what happens when you assume...

You caught me red herring handed, I just wanted to belittle the stance.


Now back to my good friend Rusha, could you tell me whether that handle was inspired by the carelessness of argument construction? I'd probably use it as an excuse too if I saw the back of people's hands so frequently.*

Do you consider consensual sex to be traumatic? :think:

If it's done correctly.

Actually I am.
(Against abortions for rape victims)

I'll avoid that, I don't have the patience for any intransigence excluding my own.

Who is forcing women to *get* pregnant?

Nobody is forcing women to get pregnant, I don't even think rapists are forcing women to get pregnant, perhaps some might - since they can get equal parenting rights in some states, how much fun is it to torture victims? If we persist we can make the old testament look like utopia! Yay.

Apparently they are ... after all, certain people believe it is fine to punish a child for the actions of his father. THAT is pretty stupid.

I agree, a child is never responsible for the misdeeds of their parents, no matter how far you go back - wait, what's that about how I was there myself nailing Jesus to the cross - nevermind then, that was a short lived argument due to it's inability to avoid religious hypocrisy.

I actually think that your concern for the life of a child is genuine and I reciprocate that, the problem is our knowledge (not opinions) differ on what constitutes one of those little love bundles, nobody can say that anyone who destroys an embryo or fetus is evil or wicked because our body naturally does it, and quite frequently I may add. It's termed "Spontaneous Abortion" and although that may seem like the favourite novel of a pro-lifer... *trails off into irrelevance*

I can't comment further and I don't want to assume, but without being all vague and self-fulfilling, at what point is a child so?

Just how *brilliant* is it of you to assume I hold a view that I do not? BTW, abstinence DOES work. Any sex education teacher who doesn't have the IQ of a nail will tell you so.

I apologise for my assumption, however it's no surprise your application of sanity to an issue caught me off guard, being against rape victim abortions but being for educating children on sex is like wanting to commit suicide via a tall structure yet not wanting to smash the window open.

I place abstinence in the same wonderful category as communism, wouldn't it be great if everyone shared the wealth and didn't have sex? Sign me up!

The problem is, as we've learnt with priests and pledges to celibacy... what people say and do are two very separate things - however, nobody is going to argue with you that not having sex reduces the number of unwanted pregnancies, let's also fill our culture with overtly sexual tones and messages - then let our sexually uneducated children have at it - talk about leaving your keys in the car in a rough neighbourhood.

Of course ... don't you? Have you ever heard the phrase "if you ask a dumb question ... "?

You got me there, but we agree on education so it's irrelevant now.

Then *why* bother making such acts illegal?
(After I said laws aren't solitarily to dissuade crimes like murder and rape)

In the land of the free, it's currently the belief that handguns and assault rifles prevent violent crimes and not laws, I don't think that we do enough to prevent violent crimes if anything we more than likely augment the problem through terrible "correctional" facilities.

So in my mind the purpose of laws is to protect the citizens from the offender in the future and also to either reform or punish the individual. Though personally, I think punishing offenders... quite pointless - I suppose you do too seeing as there's a hell?

Since when does killing an unborn baby not qualify as "hurting other people". In regards to human rights, IF you don't feel the unborn is human, WHAT exactly are they?

I'm glad you asked, we can't say that anything inside the female body related to sex is a child, otherwise men would be annihilating 39 million children most times they visit the WWW, so unless you want to imprison masturbaters (one way to solve exponential population growth), then you have to draw the line somewhere further than conception, you can't class anything potentially a child in the future as such otherwise women are going to be breastfeeding oranges and all other manner of foods, I define a child at the point of viability separate from the mother.

But even before then, I'd draw the limit for abortion exactly where it is (even though a fetus cannot feel pain up to 26 weeks due to the brain pathways not being completed until that point), so I suppose anything over 24 weeks does actually have human rights, however I'd allow a doctor to separate the baby from the mother to save her life at any point. (Okay, perhaps not 13 years, that's just irritation not life-threatening.)

IF you don't believe they are deserving of the right to be protected against harm, then apparently you have no problem with FORCED abortion or with another person intentionally causing a woman to lose her unborn baby, correct?

Correct. I don't use the rights of the fetus or baby to legally protect it in that situation, the rights of the mother will suffice because somebody is causing her harm and intruding upon her own free will. I'd happily allow anyone who'd do such a thing to be liable to harsher sentencing... I have a group in mind that seem to feel justified in causing miscarriages, there you got - you've got them too.

Also, what of those babies who are born drug addicted and permanently harmed? By your logic, it is within the mother's right to do so because her child had no rights.

By my logic, that's absolutely right - and I applaud you on your observation, but if you see it that way, I'm pretty sure any mother will consume (whether intentionally or unintentionally) something that may have a chemical impact on the baby/fetus. I don't think there's anything you can do about that (legally) although ethically, I totally agree that it's wrong, but if that happens due to inaccessibility to abortion... What can I say? I told you so?

Thank you for your time.

* = Facepalm not domestic abuse

Edit: I just realised I asked you to define a child before I answered you requesting the same from me, I apologise - however I'd still like your opinion.