ECT There is only one Gospel


TOL Subscriber
The Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and most importantly, the Reformed Protestants :))) ALL hold to replacement theology- Spiritual Israel is as fundamental to Christianity as the Trinity.
How does it feel to be wrong? The Body of Christ has neither replaced Israel or is spiritual Israel! The Body of Christ is two groups in one Body (twain) made one new man!


How does it feel to be wrong? The Body of Christ has neither replaced Israel or is spiritual Israel! The Body of Christ is two groups in one Body (twain) made one new man!

That's a bunch of unorthodox heresy, and there's plenty of reason why it was never conceived that way from the start. But you;ll never see it because you're in denial- you all think you have the codex ring to the Bible and the fact is that you just don't.


TOL Subscriber
First, let's see that in its' proper light, nang...


That out of the way, let's put this dishonesty of yours, in its proper perspective also, nang.

Moving on, let's bring in another witness against you, nang...

Let's add to that, your own witness - of your incompetence...

Just as, when asked the following; you lied...

What was it you replied?

The fact is, you lying incompetent, that the field of Medicine gets its' word "ORTHOdontics" from the same Greek word "orthos."

ORTHOdontics deals with the issue of making teeth STRAIGHT, RIGHT, or ARIGHTing them.

Just as the word ORTHOdox is the issue of that which is considered the normally accepted STRAIGHT, or RIGHT doctrine.

Further, in Medicine there is the word TricoTOMY, which is the issue in the practice of surgery, of a three-fold CUT, or DIVISION.

In 2 Timothy 2:15's Greek word "orthotomeo" the "ortho" part of the word is NOT, as you not only have incompetently asserted, but have also dishonestly asserted the Spirit led you to conclude, is the word "divide" or "expound."

Orthos is the word "right" or "straight" (as in what you proved yourself incapable of - of being STRAIGHT with us).

It is the word "tomeo" that refers to DIVIDING or CUTTING, you dishonest incompetent.

This is the STRAIGHT skinny about you, to you, by your own witness against the Spirit, you liar.

Yours is not RIGHT. You are not RIGHT.

Do RIGHT by yourself right about now - CUT to the chase; do the RIGHT thing; be STRAIGHT with yourself, and slap yourself into next week just after you read this.

Why right away?

Because it is the RIGHT thing to do...

"Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil" - Ecclesiastes 8:11.

Bah . . What an insulting and empty blowhard . . Exegeting Biblical usage of Greek using modern medical terms, rather than discerning the truth of scripture that is the same as comparing night and the light of day.

Ever heard of the "Morning Star?" That is promised to arise in the hearts of the saved?


New member
The Body of Christ has neither replaced Israel or is spiritual Israel! The Body of Christ is two groups in one Body (twain) made one new man!

Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. Jesus' kingdom is a spiritual kingdom and Jesus is the King of spiritual Israel, the Father's collective son. Jesus' church is the body of Christ. In fact, he is the head of the body.

Jesus' gospel is the invitation to become born of the Spirit into his family.

Paul's gospel provides the same invitation.


New member
Bah . . What an insulting and empty blowhard . . Exegeting Biblical usage of Greek using modern medical terms, rather than discerning the truth of scripture that is the same as comparing night and the light of day.

Ever heard of the "Morning Star?" That is promised to arise in the hearts of the saved?

You are dumber than I had thought.

You see this...

1 Thessalonians 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

That is describing a trichotomy.

Man is a trichotmous being.

You are just GT all over again.

There is simply no reasoning with you because you are simply too stupid to be reasoned with.

Did you actually respond as stupidly as you just did? Yeah, you did...

Anyone on here who sides with you who is nevertheless honest, would publicly agree that the definitions I gave were not only sound, but far from modern you stupid fool.

To not believe anyone could be as stupid as you have just now proven yourself to be once more, would be a denial of reality.

God but some people are stupid...

What - were dropped as a child?



Literal lunatic
Bah . . What an insulting and empty blowhard . . Exegeting Biblical usage of Greek using modern medical terms, rather than discerning the truth of scripture that is the same as comparing night and the light of day.

Ever heard of the "Morning Star?" That is promised to arise in the hearts of the saved?

I saw these guys open for Nazareth back in 79.

A Kansas City band named Morning Star.

Man, what I didn't know then.......



TOL Subscriber
You are dumber than I had thought.

You see this...

1 Thessalonians 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

That is describing a trichotomy.

Man is a trichotmous being.

I disagree. Man was created body and soul. Soul being synonymous with spirit.

You may disagree, but mine is a legitimate position taken by many scholars and fine theologians.

You are just GT all over again.

There is simply no reasoning with you because you are simply too stupid to be reasoned with.

Did you actually respond as stupidly as you just did? Yeah, you did...

Anyone on here who sides with you who is nevertheless honest, would publicly agree that the definitions I gave were not only sound, but far from modern you stupid fool.

To not believe anyone could be as stupid as you have just now proven yourself to be once more, would be a denial of reality.

God but some people are stupid...

What - were dropped as a child?


I have found the truly stupid people of this world, are those who like to call others "stupid." Doing so makes them feel smart, despite what they do not know or comprehend.


New member
I disagree. Man was created body and soul. Soul being synonymous with spirit.

You may disagree, but mine is a legitimate position taken by many scholars and fine theologians.

I have found the truly stupid people of this world, are those who like to call others "stupid." Doing so makes them feel smart, despite what they do not know or comprehend.

That is just your stupidity once more. I always acknowledge non Dispy's points on TOL whenever I agree with them and no matter who they might be.

That is not cultish behavior.

You are simply stupid.

But, as with GT, should you be right about something tomorrow, I will acknowledge it.

Only stupidity "one size fits all" things.


TOL Subscriber
That is just your stupidity once more. I always acknowledge non Dispy's points on TOL whenever I agree with them and no matter who they might be.

That is not cultish behavior.

You are simply stupid.

But, as with GT, should you be right about something tomorrow, I will acknowledge it.

Only stupidity "one size fits all" things.



TOL Subscriber
Jesus said his kingdom is not of this world. Jesus' kingdom is a spiritual kingdom and Jesus is the King of spiritual Israel, the Father's collective son. Jesus' church is the body of Christ. In fact, he is the head of the body.

Jesus' gospel is the invitation to become born of the Spirit into his family.

Paul's gospel provides the same invitation.
What a MUDdy mess! There is more than one church in the Bible, dear! The Body of Christ is not the "My church" of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and early Acts anymore than either of those churches are Moses' church in the wilderness! You need to study!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Some of the most strident opponents of dispensationalism on TOL have a few odd things in common. (a) They claim they were once hardcore dispies, even though (b) they clearly do not understand the basics of it, particularly of MAD, and so (c) they invariably misrepresent it while (d) claiming WE are the ones who are misrepresenting it.

Very strange phenomenon.

There's a reasonable possibility that they're LYING through their teeth or lack of them.