ECT There is only one Gospel


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Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
You are the one proving to be stubborn and stupid, for you are not responding rationally to the answers given you.

The attribute of a Just God is not contingent upon His creatures in any way. His Justice does not depend upon their volitional acts; nor does His election of particular souls for redemption in Christ Jesus, nullify His righteousness or moral standards (Law).

To grasp this, all must factor in that Adam was created good, but immediately subjected to the commands (Law) of God. Adam's rebellion against those commands (Law) explains all that has occurred since.

Open Theology ignores God's Law and thus does not see how all evolved therefrom.

God's Justice is His Being. The Law reflects His righteousness. He cannot and will not act in opposition to what He IS.

And man cannot either, without paying the consequences.

And so, as predicted, you are altering the meaning of the word "just".

In effect, you have, as Calvinist most often do, rendered the word meaningless when applied to God because whatever you say God has done is called just no matter how unjust it would be if He had actually done it.

If the Calvinist believed that God totured cats for fun, that would be declared just because God did it.
If the Calvinist believed that God had a man in heaven whom He used as a sex toy, that too would be just because God did it.
If the Calvinist believed that God created billions of creatures and sent them to burn alive forever for no reason at all, that would be declared just because God did it.

ANYTHING AT ALL - no matter how vile, masochistic, disgusting or actually unjust an action is, if God (supposedly) performed the action it is declared just by the Calvinist.

You see how easy it is to declare anything you want to be rational if you delete the rule that says you don't get to redefine words to mean whatever you need them to mean?!


Resting in Him,
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New member
There is more than one church in the Bible, dear! The Body of Christ is not the "My church" of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and early Acts anymore than either of those churches are Moses' church in the wilderness!

Yes, that's true, there are Jesus' people and there is the synagogue of Satan. Those the Father gives to Christ comprise his body and are individual members of his body.

"There is one body and one Spirit" (Ephesians 4:4)


Well-known member
Yes, that's true, there are Jesus' people and there is the synagogue of Satan. Those the Father gives to Christ comprise his body and are individual members of his body.

"There is one body and one Spirit" (Ephesians 4:4)

It's not true. You've got the 'saints' in Heb 11 and you've got the believers being resurrected in Mt 27. What Heir said is intended to fragment the Bible for no good reason.


TOL Subscriber
Yes, that's true, there are Jesus' people and there is the synagogue of Satan. Those the Father gives to Christ comprise his body and are individual members of his body.

"There is one body and one Spirit" (Ephesians 4:4)
I was speaking about three very real churches in the Bible (Acts 7:38 KJV, Matthew 16:18 KJV, Ephesians 1:22-23 KJV). All of them represented God, but there is only one of them today that believers are baptized by one Spirit into (1 Corinthians 12:13 KJV the one baptism of Ephesians 4:5 KJV) and that is the one Body you mentioned above in Ephesians 4:4 KJV which is the church, Body of Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23 KJV)!

For proof that the others are not in the "one Body", go search out baptisms. No other church has believers baptized "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body," (1 Corinthians 12:13 KJV).


New member
I was speaking about three very real churches in the Bible (Acts 7:38 KJV, Matthew 16:18 KJV, Ephesians 1:22-23 KJV). All of them represented God, but there is only one of them today that believers are baptized by one Spirit into (1 Corinthians 12:13 KJV the one baptism of Ephesians 4:5 KJV) and that is the one Body you mentioned above in Ephesians 4:4 KJV which is the church, Body of Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23 KJV)!

For proof that the others are not in the "one Body", go search out baptisms. No other church has believers baptized "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body," (1 Corinthians 12:13 KJV).

Jesus only purchased one bride, the church of God. (Acts 20:28-29)


Congratulations to Crucible, he's hit 600 Thanks finally. I was beginning to think he wasn't too popular around TOL.


People thank my posts for their theological significance, not for some outrageous personality such as yourself.

Every now and then though, it's because I say something rather funny about you few :chuckle:


Well-known member
There is one believer resurrected in Matthew 27. It was he who was crucified and entombed.

Sorry to surprise, you but you're missing something. v51. Not that I know much about it, but obviously believers from the past are one with those of the present.


TOL Subscriber
And so, as predicted, you are altering the meaning of the word "just".

How so?

In effect, you have, as Calvinist most often do, rendered the word meaningless when applied to God because whatever you say God has done is called just no matter how unjust it would be if He had actually done it.

Nonsense . . the definition of Just has to do with righteous character of God that only wills and performs good.

God's justice has nothing to do with any hypotheticals, corrupt man might conjure up.

A reasonable, logical man deals with reality . . not "what ifs."

A faithful man deals with the tangible history of what God has actually accomplished and done, and he worships the divine attributes of God, which includes perfect righteousness and perfect grace as well as justice dispensed upon mankind.

You are attempting to redefine an attribute of God, while blaming such a blasphemous horror on me.

I will not accept what you want to project upon me, nor will I ever admit to what unbelief and criticisms you harbor against God in your own heart. You will have to answer to God for your doubts and invented scenarios that attempt to put blame upon His holy Person . . not me.

no matter how vile, masochistic, disgusting or actually unjust an action is, if God (supposedly) performed the action it is declared just by the Calvinist.

No, the Calvinist does not believe God could or has a part with any of such sins.

What you are claiming, is that IF many sinners go to hell, it is God's fault. Calvinists teach it is the fault of the sinner if he is condemned to hell by God.

And even if God condemned all to hell, it would still be the fault of the sinners . . not God. God would be just to condemn all of us to hell because we have all fallen short of His glory.

But God, through the sacrifice of the life of His Son, saved many from their deserved fate and everlasting death.

Why do you not focus on His grace, rather than find fault with God for executing justice upon reprobates?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
How so?

Nonsense . . the definition of Just has to do with righteous character of God that only wills and performs good.

God's justice has nothing to do with any hypotheticals, corrupt man might conjure up.

A reasonable, logical man deals with reality . . not "what ifs."

A faithful man deals with the tangible history of what God has actually accomplished and done, and he worships the divine attributes of God, which includes perfect righteousness and perfect grace as well as justice dispensed upon mankind.

You are attempting to redefine an attribute of God, while blaming such a blasphemous horror on me.

I will not accept what you want to project upon me, nor will I ever admit to what unbelief and criticisms you harbor against God in your own heart. You will have to answer to God for your doubts and invented scenarios that attempt to put blame upon His holy Person . . not me.

No, the Calvinist does not believe God could or has a part with any of such sins.

What you are claiming, is that IF many sinners go to hell, it is God's fault. Calvinists teach it is the fault of the sinner if he is condemned to hell by God.

And even if God condemned all to hell, it would still be the fault of the sinners . . not God. God would be just to condemn all of us to hell because we have all fallen short of His glory.

But God, through the sacrifice of the life of His Son, saved many from their deserved fate and everlasting death.

Why do you not focus on His grace, rather than find fault with God for executing justice upon reprobates?

Your arrogance has no boundaries nor limitations Nangster. That's why I find you so fascinating.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

People thank my posts for their theological significance, not for some outrageous personality such as yourself.

Every now and then though, it's because I say something rather funny about you few :chuckle:

That's peculiar, I've never heard you say anything anywhere near, "Witty." And, it seems as if not too many posters think highly of your posts.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Hey, Cruc, do you actually believe that posters would thank me for my "outrageous personality?" How do you explain that? I believe it's because I preach the Grace Gospel (Paul's Gospel) with utter consistency and don't deviate from the truth of God's Grace towards humanity. There are likeminded members of the Body of Christ around TOL, however, the majority of posters, "reject" Paul's Gospel, which is the only Gospel that provides truth today in this Dispensation of Grace.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There are a handful of Members of the Body of Christ on TOL. Among them are, Tambora, Heir, Glorydaz, STP, John W, Steko and a number of others. These are the posters you people ought to be listening to.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There's an "Army" of false believers, false doctrines and false gospels being presented on TOL. They need to hear the Gospel (The Grace Gospel) and place ALL their faith in Christ.