There is no Hell

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I already know that according to the great Theologian Thomas Aquinas there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church. Therefore, all non-Catholics are going to hell. That's from "The Summa Theological."

That is hogwash and thus reveals your ignorance. You don't have the first clue what the proper understanding of that phrase means, and besides that Aquinas did not speak for the Magisterium of the Church.

Stick to Lox and Bagels, and not to things you obviously do not understand.


New member

The Hell There Is!

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If it is true that there will be people ALIVE in Hell, Then God lied, and the Serpent told the truth. The word "Hell" was added to scripture replacing the words grave, pit, and Gehenna. God is not a liar.

Genesis 2:17
...but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."

Genesis 3:4
"You will not surely die," the serpent said
to the woman.

Now who is telling the truth, God or the Serpent? According to scripture the Serpent is telling the truth. By adding the word Hell to scriptures it looks as if the Serpent is telling the truth. Hell is a place for God to torture LIVING BEINGS for all eternity.

The Hebrew word Sheol literally means grave, not Hell. Is there LIFE in Hell? God says that man will surely die, and the Serpent says that man will not surely die.

The Pagans teach that there is life in Hell. God says there is death. And Yahshua also said that God can destroy both body and spirit.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If it is true that there will be people ALIVE in Hell, Then God lied, and the Serpent told the truth. The word "Hell" was added to scripture replacing the words grave, pit, and Gehenna. God is not a liar.

Genesis 2:17
...but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."

Genesis 3:4
"You will not surely die," the serpent said
to the woman.

Now who is telling the truth, God or the Serpent? According to scripture the Serpent is telling the truth. By adding the word Hell to scriptures it looks as if the Serpent is telling the truth. Hell is a place for God to torture LIVING BEINGS for all eternity.

The Hebrew word Sheol literally means grave, not Hell. Is there LIFE in Hell? God says that man will surely die, and the Serpent says that man will not surely die.

The Pagans teach that there is life in Hell. God says there is death. And Yahshua also said that God can destroy both body and spirit.

Oh yeh! When you get there, I will be looking down at you, and you will know I was right saying, "I told you so."


Active member

re: "How can there be smoke arising from torment of souls which no longer exist."

How can smoke be generated from a soul/spirit in the first place?

re: "The torment continues forever or the smoke would cease."

New smoke, yes. Old smoke, no.


New member
Then Jesus taught paganism, according to you. He taught that hell is real.

Jesus did say that we should fear the one who can destroy both body and soul in hell.

(Jesus used the word "Gehenna" in Matthew 10:28, the valley outside Jerusalem)


Well-known member
If you choose to ignore all the evidence for eternal conscious torment in The Holy Scriptures, that's your choice. I choose to heed the warnings and so believe that what Scripture says is Truth: all those whose names are not found in The Lamb's Book of Life shall be tormented forever.


New member
If you choose to ignore all the evidence for eternal conscious torment in The Holy Scriptures, that's your choice. I choose to heed the warnings and so believe that what Scripture says is Truth: all those whose names are not found in The Lamb's Book of Life shall be tormented forever.

Okay, please show me the verse you are looking at, the one that says "all those whose names are not found in The Lamb's Book of Life shall be tormented forever". Thank you in advance for showing me this verse.

And may I ask you why you are choosing to ignore all of the evidence in the Holy Scriptures for the destruction of the unrepentant?


New member
If you choose to ignore all the evidence for eternal conscious torment in The Holy Scriptures, that's your choice. I choose to heed the warnings and so believe that what Scripture says is Truth: all those whose names are not found in The Lamb's Book of Life shall be tormented forever.

I have noticed that you have taken sides with the Serpent, and never acknowledge the scriptures that contradict your belief in Hell. I'm left to assume that you are a Pagan pretending to be a Christian.


Active member

re: "If you choose to ignore all the evidence for eternal conscious torment in The Holy Scriptures, that's your choice."

Please provide the scripture from the KJV that has to be interpreted to mean eternal conscious torture for anyone other than the devil.


Active member

re: "Because God casts...souls into hell."

Are you saying that a soul is composed of physically combustible material that somehow never runs out of material? That it is immortal inspite of fact that the Messiah says that it can be killed?


Well-known member
I have noticed that you have taken sides with the Serpent, and never acknowledge the scriptures that contradict your belief in Hell. I'm left to assume that you are a Pagan pretending to be a Christian.
I have noticed that you have taken sides with the Serpent, and never acknowledge the scriptures that contradict your belief in annihilationism. I'm left to assume that you are a Pagan pretending to be a Christian.


Well-known member
Are you saying that a soul is composed of physically combustible material that somehow never runs out of material? That it is immortal inspite of fact that the Messiah says that it can be killed?
Where did He say that, exactly? :think:


Well-known member

re: "If you choose to ignore all the evidence for eternal conscious torment in The Holy Scriptures, that's your choice."

Please provide the scripture from the KJV that has to be interpreted to mean eternal conscious torture for anyone other than the devil.
And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

They have 'torment' for ever and ever and 'no rest' day or night (conscious). Whosoever received the mark. What part of this verse do you not believe / understand?


Well-known member
Okay, please show me the verse you are looking at, the one that says "all those whose names are not found in The Lamb's Book of Life shall be tormented forever". Thank you in advance for showing me this verse.
And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

They have 'torment' for ever and ever and 'no rest' day or night (conscious). Whosoever received the mark. What part of this verse do you not believe / understand?