The Word has entered this forum.

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New member
Not one person in this forum will know who I am. It's possible someone might hear the truth and keep listening to him but other than that, everyone will be blind and deaf to the words I type in here.

I wasn't addressing that to you. I don't care what you think.

The Word

New member
Who are the "We"? In an earlier thread you said that no one else speaks truth except you.

Not one?

When you stated:

And when the Bible also states that those are also sins in Galatians 5...

...the Bible is wrong?

Are the Bible verses above lies?

The truth has nothing to do with what words are left out or in the story. I can write a million different stories with the truth in it and not one sentence will look the same. I have over 500 writings and you will have a hard time finding two sentences the same. This is one of the ways I detect a liar.

When they take scriptures out of context to combat the truth I write, I know them instantly as liars. If they had the truth in them, then they would agree with the truth in my writings, even though their stories are far from matching mine.

If you read Matthew, Mark and Luke, you will find several sentences that are the same in each account. This has nothing to do with God. The Romans made these gospels up by using copied sentences and adding pagan lies to them.

The only scriptures I use from the new testament is in 1 John about being born of God and never sinning again. Christians are sinners who think they are born of God so I use this to call them liars. I need to get them to confess they're only sinners and give them a chance to hear the truth.

What I have found in the past two years is they don't believe in their own scriptures. They make up their own truth and this is why there are over 40,000 denominations in the false religion of Christianity.


New member
Hall of Fame
God decided before creation that he would use my flesh to speak with. Don't mess with him or you won't like yourself later on.

You never cease to amaze and delight. You are a rose in a concrete world. I am so happy I have you to entertain me today! :)


Well-known member
He doesn't need a name. He can only be experienced but many people like the prophets, Jesus and the other saints have used many stories to try explain who he is. Do you know how difficult it is to describe something you can't see?

So which do you claim to be: a prophet, Jesus, or a saint? :think:

The Word

New member
Because God is a killer and hater of all things fun?

God has no emotions. He's only thoughts and he created us as images of thoughts within him. We never go anywhere but we need a physical body to experience our thoughts. The bodies in this age were given genetic sins to make us emotional beings. All these emotions are based of fear by the different sins in our flesh.

The love a sinner has is selfish and a fear that makes them seek attention. Whether they give love for attention or receive it, it makes no difference. As long as their fear is calmed when their attention is satisfied, then it's acceptable. Pride is the biggest fear producer that covers all these other sins.

By growing into these fears, sinners get used to them but they react to them in the same way most of their lives. The truth knows these sins by the absence of truth and how the sinner reacts to him. A jealous sinner says things to protect his pride to cover up the fact that he's not getting the attention he wants. The truth exposes these fears and the sinner becomes much more fearful.

A big part of preaching the gospel is to expose the lies of sinners in hopes to get someone to admit he's a sinner. Then he has a chance to listen to the gospel and receive the knowledge of God which is needed to remove all fear and keep it out forever.

The Word

New member
You never cease to amaze and delight. You are a rose in a concrete world. I am so happy I have you to entertain me today! :)

That's good. I'll make it your job to keep me from being banned. I don't normally go this long in a forum like this. If they didn't ban me, I would stick around and keep preaching. But the fear level is too great for most people to handle.

The Word

New member
So which do you claim to be: a prophet, Jesus, or a saint? :think:

A saint is the name of a man's flesh who became sinless. It doesn't really matter except for advertising purposes but since many Christians think they're saints, it becomes competitive.

A prophet is the name of man's flesh who came before Christ. Even though they spoke for God, they died as sinners so they didn't receive the knowledge of God to learn who they were. Only sinless people can get the knowledge, which is the truth.

So anyone calling themselves a modern day prophet is only a sinner who doesn't know God. He's a fake.

Jesus is a name that has deceived billions of Christians from the truth because they have no idea who he was. The Romans made his flesh look like God but that's a lie everyone believes. It's not our flesh that becomes God, it's our created image in God as thoughts that use our bodies to experience life with.

All God's created people have an image in him and a physical body to experience life with. Our thoughts come from our atoms in our body and the brain processes these thoughts into whatever we use them for. Once our body dies, we remain in God as thoughts until paradise comes.

The prophets, Jesus and us saints were created together in one image of God. Our image was created with all God's thoughts so we became like God but only to speak for him. God is still in total control of everything. Since we are God together, we are his voice and that's where these words I'm writing come from.


Well-known member
A saint is the name of a man's flesh who became sinless. It doesn't really matter except for advertising purposes but since many Christians think they're saints, it becomes competitive.

A prophet is the name of man's flesh who came before Christ. Even though they spoke for God, they died as sinners so they didn't receive the knowledge of God to learn who they were. Only sinless people can get the knowledge, which is the truth.

So anyone calling themselves a modern day prophet is only a sinner who doesn't know God. He's a fake.

Jesus is a name that has deceived billions of Christians from the truth because they have no idea who he was. The Romans made his flesh look like God but that's a lie everyone believes. It's not our flesh that becomes God, it's our created image in God as thoughts that use our bodies to experience life with.

All God's created people have an image in him and a physical body to experience life with. Our thoughts come from our atoms in our body and the brain processes these thoughts into whatever we use them for. Once our body dies, we remain in God as thoughts until paradise comes.

The prophets, Jesus and us saints were created together in one image of God. Our image was created with all God's thoughts so we became like God but only to speak for him. God is still in total control of everything. Since we are God together, we are his voice and that's where these words I'm writing come from.

That's not true - there were prophets after Jesus and it is prophesied that their will be more prophets. However, it is true that there are no more prophets amongst the Israelites.

So, you claim to be a prophet, but reject the title. You are a false prophet - got it!

Also, I detect some Gnosticism on your breath.


New member
Hall of Fame
That's good. I'll make it your job to keep me from being banned. I don't normally go this long in a forum like this. If they didn't ban me, I would stick around and keep preaching. But the fear level is too great for most people to handle.

My interest in keeping you from the Banned Cespool is because of your entertainment value.


New member
I was sent here by God to tell you Christians that the pagan Jews and Romans added all kinds of pagan beliefs and lies in the scriptures. We preach the gospel because every single word is directly from God and not from 2,000 year old words that have all been changed. Not one word in the Bible is the original inspired words of God.

Well if you were sent here by "God" the first thing He would have told you before you responded to me was that I am not a "christian". The second thing He would have told you was that He has already been leading me to "ask" "seek" and "find" what has been taken out and added in. And He still is. You don't even know what you think you know. But hey, anything to get more of Yahuweh's Words out to the people. They are all in the Scriptures, and HE has been writing THEM on my heart. You are writing on your own heart, your "own words". It is proven by the amount you have been quite wrong already. Folks who speak HIS WORDS are not wrong. It is our own words and vain imaginations that create wrongness in ourselves. I think I see where youhave come from but bubby, you skipped right past the finish line and since you missed it have created your own. See, unbeknownst to you, what you think you are, I have been waiting for, but are NOT one of the "two prophets" that are going to give back fire from the Temple steps. You may have been on the right track at one time but you slid into oblivion because of yourself. Just another self appointed messiah that has no light in them. I will have no fear of you...I fear Yah Himself, nothing you can do or say can scare me. You bark up the wrong tree with me, so "git along lil doggie" or shall I say "who let the dogs out, woof, woof woof?" I see the truth even out of what you have written, you are trying to copy the Prophets of Yahuweh with your own interpretations of them, I already see words from them in your own words. But I know who YOU aren't...any of them. You bring "God" low to the envy of your self, but not to the envy of His Elect. To the Elect you are becoming a fool who has not asked in order to hear. You may have once, but you have stopped and inflicted yourself with your own self resurrection.

So when you bark up my tree, know this, I do ask of Yahuweh, and He does send me the Teacher, and the Teacher verifies His Written Word that are already written upon my heart, with what has already been written in Scripture. Yah shows what has been done, and makes it right for all those who seek His Face with all their hearts, minds and souls. Back your truck up before your little flame is blown out..."Go back!"
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