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Why would I be jealous when I'm the Word of God?

No, you are a whore of satan. We were warned about the "war", and you sir, if not created in the flesh as you claim, are most probably one who has fallen from the heights of the heaven and knows that you "have but a short time". Oh yes, we know who and what you are. We who have believed the real Word made flesh and know without any doubt that you are NOT Him! Not only that, but we expect that in these last day they will be "as in the days of Noah" when the first set of god wannabees got thrown out and chained below. Keep it up and you will be one of them who goes to visit before the final throwing of your fannies into the lake of fire with death and hell.

Dear people out there, this thing makes it oh so very important to be totally abreast of what is in both the Old and New "WITNESSES". Not testaments, not covenants (although there are many involved), but WITNESSES. Oh how I tried to show you the relevance of that word being switched over to "testimonies" by the true reading of Psalm 119. Now I see even more importance of them who "delight in" the Torah of Yahuweh's Mouth and not the torahs of men's mouths!

I would be guessing at this point, but it sounds like a fallen angel writing that trash. "As in the days of Noah" and we all know that those days are here.


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Hall of Fame
A lot of Christians believe their Bibles can talk to them but I haven't noticed mine talking to me.

Hmmmm....that is almost word for word what the leader of the Incas said to the Spanish priests before he threw their bible to the ground.

I think both he and you probably know that when Christians say that the bible speaks to us, we do not mean with literal audible words. Clever of you to visit your elementary school days, however.

The Word

New member
I would be guessing at this point, but it sounds like a fallen angel writing that trash. "As in the days of Noah" and we all know that those days are here.[/QUOTE]

The created man is in God as thoughts so he's always in obedience but the flesh of man, in order to be at one with God, needed to obey his commands. The problem was that his flesh was formed with genetic sins in each cell that gave power to deceive his thoughts in God. So Adam and Eve were potential sinners as soon as they disobeyed God's commandments. God commanded them not to eat of the tree of good and evil because it would bring death to them. This death meant they would be blinded and deafened to the thoughts of God they were created with. This means they wouldn't be able to hear the truth the whole time they were alive in the flesh.

God said man's flesh was dust and to dust they shall return but their created image, the heart, mind and soul, would stay alive as thoughts in God for eternity. This death was never intended for the soul of a man, only his flesh. The sinful flesh is the battle against the Word of truth and the end of this age would be the biggest battle called the Battle of Armageddon, when all the rest of the flesh alive at that time will be killed in hot molten lava. This battle was the result of God's curse of Satan, which is the symbolic name for the sins of the flesh, against the Word, the created thoughts of Jesus, prophets and us saints.

Whenever the flesh of a prophet, Jesus or saint was living on earth, the Word was using them to give them life as all people in the flesh need. That's why we're all created as thoughts first. It's the only way we can function in the flesh as a living being. The prophets were born sinners like everyone else because of genetic sins but when they heard the spoken Word from their thoughts, they responded in obedience and God gave them faith. Now they could obey God's commandments so he could get them to speak for him.

God told the prophets about a messiah who would die for their sins so when they died, they knew they would be forgiven of their sinful flesh as promised. When Jesus came preaching the gospel, he needed to find one man to replace him and preach the same gospel after he died for the sins of all people. Peter happened to be the only disciple who God revealed himself to with a message. This gave Peter faith and he would recognize God when he came to give him commands to obey. After Jesus died, then the Word, or Holy Spirit began to give Peter commands to confess and repent of all his sins so he could be completely forgiven and become a sinless saint. Then Peter received the knowledge of God and began to preach the gospel. But this time, God would use Peter's voice since he was the voice of God. Potential saints had to obey this voice of Peter until they were mades sinless saints themselves and receive the knowledge to preach the gospel with.

This is how the true church of God was built and no sinner around them suspected anything. All they saw was a few men gathered together and talking about things they couldn't understand. These saints weren't out building physical churches or idols to look at. They never collected a penny of tithes and offerings because God kept them supplied with his miracles. God wanted them to keep preaching the gospel and not messing around with money the world loved more than him.

Now you can see how the true church of saints operated and the way God communicated his Word of truth through them. All these saints except me, so far, were killed by the Romans who were pagan worshippers. The Romans were sinners who didn't know or obey the true God. The curse by God was taking place with the killing of the saints by these sinners. Most of the prophets were killed by their own people who became pagan worshippers while they were captives of the Babylonians. Jesus was killed by both the jealousy of the Jews and the pride of the Romans who were pagan worshippers.

After all the saints were killed by the pagan worshipping Romans within the first three hundred years, there were many followers of the saints who were still in their sins but they had been obeying the gospel, which is the spoken Word. Those who were given faith by God would be created in the Word with the rest of us saints and prophets but the Romans didn't want them to become saints. They needed to keep them from having anything to do with the true God. Their leader Constantine, who was a pagan worshipper, was commissioned to figure out a way to keep these followers from the truth and they did it by mixing pagan beliefs with writings from the saints. Most of them were destroyed after the Romans confiscated them when they arrested the saints. They were trying to avoid any followers from reading them.

They introduced these followers to their pagan churches but they had to make idols that looked Christ-like to sell them of this major deception. No one had the truth in them so they were easily convinced by the Romans of their new church, which was called the Roman Catholic church. So the idols helped convince them but the main course was the new testament that was written by the Romans using some writings by the saints. This was a total rewritting so they could write in all their pagan beliefs and thoughts and remove anything that could help the followers from understanding the way to the Kingdom. That was the main reason for producing the new testament. This was not the original writings of the saints and far from the truth of God.

These followers were given the name, Christians, because that's what the pagan worshipping Romans called the true saints who would never did use a group name. They always used their first name with saint, christ, or any names describing who there created image of the Word was. This name of Christian was used for the name of the religion they started by using Christian and adding "ity" to it. Christianity had a nice ring to these pagan worshippers so that's what they called these followers as a group name.

At that time, the Roman government and all the leaders and people used in this scam, had to keep all this to themselves as much as they could. There were all kinds of lies involved in this deception of the true church of Christ so they would have killed anyone exposing them. Eventually, it was all in the past and not one new Christian became a new sinless saint after that deception. Any Christian who questioned the Vatican or religious leaders, would be tortured to stop him from asking or even killed if he didn't. The Romans ruled over this false religion very carefully and in time, the new generations learned the discipline of the Vatican and to keep quiet.

The Bible got in the hands of outsiders but the Romans killed them all because they didn't want anyone to figure out a way to being a sinless saint. They had great fear of these saints to make them kill so many people but that's how pagan worshippers maintain there power and control of people. The Protestant churches used different types of control such as the hell belief, Satan, the fruits of God which are all added into the scriptures to make God appear like a wimp who would never touch their sins. Their Jesus allows them to keep sinning if they want to. They use selfish love to love people into their churches and tell all their congregation that love is the way to heaven. These are all power trips to control people and have them fill their pockes with tithes and offerings that are a pagan belief. God doesn't need money because he knows how to perform miracles.

All of Christianity with it's 40,000+ denominations and all the other religions of the world are only pagan worshipping religions of man. They are all run by the sinful flesh that is selfish and disobedient to the spoken Word. Pagan worshipping keeps everyone in their sins and makes it almost impossible for them to hear the truth of God. These pagan religions may be helpful to the flesh while they're living but once they're dead, their created hearts, minds and souls will be eternally separated from the love of God. The love of God is knowledge and only the prophets, Jesus and us saints will understand this love, even though all the former sinners and pagan worshippers will get new bodies in paradise and live forever. They will never know what it's like to have all of God available to them but they will enjoy a life with a new language of truth to keep them from ever having fear again.

The Word

New member
Hmmmm....that is almost word for word what the leader of the Incas said to the Spanish priests before he threw their bible to the ground.

I think both he and you probably know that when Christians say that the bible speaks to us, we do not mean with literal audible words. Clever of you to visit your elementary school days, however.

God doesn't speak through the scriptures to sinners. That's a myth that religious people have believed. None of the prophets, Jesus or the other saints used the scripture to talk with. They were only meant for vocabulary words and prophesies that needed to be read so God had words to use to inspire before we spoke them. God doesn't have a brain, vocabulary, language, or anything except knowledge. He applies this knowledge with whatever we have to offer and then he inspires them.

These are the words we write down so he can teach us from it. We're also taught as we speak. The scriptures have way too many lies added to them to use them for preaching with. God chooses a few prophesies for him to use when he has us write new prophesies and a few to use to rebuke Christians interpretations. He also inspires these old scriptures to use in a writing but only for a specific purpose. He controls everything and all I do is write or speak the words he gives me.


New member
Feeding The Masochist

Feeding The Masochist

God doesn't need your lies to help him out.
People don’t keep doing things unless they get some kind of emotional or physical reinforcement in return. If “The Word” has a track record of quickly getting booted off forum after forum, and yet here he is, that says he gets some kind of psychological satisfaction out of the kind of reception he engenders. He actually likes being mocked, and the realization that even as a newby, he has captured the attention of a sizeable number of TOL regulars.

I fail to see that his continued participation in these forums is going to serve any purpose beyond showing that a really wide diversity of personality types are permitted here. But since he regularly interrupts the exchange of ideas in meaningful threads, I think in total he is a detriment to this site.


New member
Hall of Fame
I fail to see that his continued participation in these forums is going to serve any purpose beyond showing that a really wide diversity of personality types are permitted here. But since he regularly interrupts the exchange of ideas in meaningful threads, I think in total he is a detriment to this site.

You, I think you are right. It was fun at first, but now it's just dull.

The Word

New member
People don’t keep doing things unless they get some kind of emotional or physical reinforcement in return. If “The Word” has a track record of quickly getting booted off forum after forum, and yet here he is, that says he gets some kind of psychological satisfaction out of the kind of reception he engenders. He actually likes being mocked, and the realization that even as a newby, he has captured the attention of a sizeable number of TOL regulars.

I fail to see that his continued participation in these forums is going to serve any purpose beyond showing that a really wide diversity of personality types are permitted here. But since he regularly interrupts the exchange of ideas in meaningful threads, I think in total he is a detriment to this site.

If you keep lying like you're doing, of course you'll get me banned. All liars try ban me because they hate the truth.

I have my own threads going and you're the one who hasn't come close to following the topic. Not one of you people have followed the topics I have put in here so you don't need to lie to me about topic or interrupting. If I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut when you're around the truth because I'm going to expose your lies everytime. Go play in your thread. I sure don't need your complaining and lying in here.


New member
If you keep lying like you're doing, of course you'll get me banned. All liars try ban me because they hate the truth.

I have my own threads going and you're the one who hasn't come close to following the topic. Not one of you people have followed the topics I have put in here so you don't need to lie to me about topic or interrupting. If I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut when you're around the truth because I'm going to expose your lies everytime. Go play in your thread. I sure don't need your complaining and lying in here.
You actually regale in the attention you are getting here, don’t you? Like a dog lapping at vomit.

The Word

New member
You actually regale in the attention you are getting here, don’t you? Like a dog lapping at vomit.

What would please me is for once someone would listen to the gospel and become a sinless saint so I'm not the only one in the world. It would be great to know a friend of the Lords before I'm killed.


New member
What would please me is for once someone would listen to the gospel and become a sinless saint so I'm not the only one in the world. It would be great to know a friend of the Lords before I'm killed.

You're either joking or in need of professional counseling.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
God has no emotions.

Thoughts can't have emotion? I guess the prophets before you got it wrong when the recorded converstations with God. It is only out of lack of time to completely dismantle your antichrist posts, just as 1 John written to Kingdom believers that went through Pentecost and were impowered to resist sin during the tribulation. God has no emotion. Ok.

Funny that a liar like you would mention Noah, and this time is like that time for the emotionless God.

Genesis 6

6 And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.

Deuteronomy 5

9 you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God...

Deuteronomy 16

22 You shall not set up a sacred pillar, which the LORD your God hates.

Psalm 5

5 The boastful shall not stand in Your sight; You hate all workers of iniquity.

John 3

16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish

God hates, loves, and is jealous, but has no emotions according to you. I told you he doesn't believe what he writes. He is a hoaxer and just doesn't study the Bible enough. The liars and screwed up believe what they write and say, like beloved57.

some other dude

New member
What would please me is for once someone would listen to the gospel and become a sinless saint so I'm not the only one in the world. It would be great to know a friend of the Lords before I'm killed.

But you've repeatedly claimed that no one here will recognize you or hear the truth of what you have to say. Why are you wasting your time here?


New member
What would please me is for once someone would listen to the gospel and become a sinless saint so I'm not the only one in the world. It would be great to know a friend of the Lords before I'm killed.
I don’t want you to go into some orgiastic frenzy over the possibility that I might just be the one you are expecting to kill you. I have seen you often, lying in the gutter clutching that half-empty bottle of rot-gut. I pity you, not fear or hate you.


New member
Hall of Fame
If you keep lying like you're doing, of course you'll get me banned. All liars try ban me because they hate the truth.

I have my own threads going and you're the one who hasn't come close to following the topic. Not one of you people have followed the topics I have put in here so you don't need to lie to me about topic or interrupting. If I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut when you're around the truth because I'm going to expose your lies everytime. Go play in your thread. I sure don't need your complaining and lying in here.

And evil rears its ugly head. (Oh, and anger.)
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