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The Word

New member
What do you mean by "end this age"?

This age is only temporary until God's prophets, Jesus and us saints have been found in the flesh and spoke the necessary prophesies and the word to change things like the flood and the end of this age. I spoke the word last January to end this age so it won't be long from now when the earth goes into it's changes.

There's not enough room on this earth to hold all God's creation so it has to be changed to get rid of the mountains and oceans and make the polar caps as warm as the rest of the earth. So this means the earth's crust has to be melted with hot lava from deep within the earth.

The flood covered up most of the original cracks of the crust to start the buildup of pressure in the mantle layer of the earth. So we're sitting on a timebomb that's soon going to blow. This will destroy everything on earth but it's necessary to make paradise for us.

God created us as images of thoughts within him. His first creation was light energy so he could have his images created. This light energy is the Word of God and it's needed to take the thoughts of God and put them into action. This light energy was used to make all the atoms according to the information of our images. God didn't miss one atom in his perfect plans and if wasn't for his plans, nothing would exist.

Once we die, we remain in our living images but we can't experience life without a body so when we die, it will seem like seconds before we wake up in a new body. This time, our bodies won't have genetic sins to keep us from knowing who we are. God only did that during this age to keep everyone liars so his men could hear the spoken Word of truth. It's much easier to hear the truth when everyone else isn't.

All God'creation will end up in new bodies and live forever in paradise.


New member
Well, we know, unequivocally, that the bird is the word.

Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow!
Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow!

(you knew this was coming...)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I have many videos you can watch if you want. I don't listen to false prophets and the world is full of them.

How do you know who is or who is not a false prophet?

If you claimed that someone was a false prophet and that person claimed that you were a false prophet, how would anyone else know which of you were telling the truth (assuming one of you were)?

The Word

New member
How do you know who is or who is not a false prophet?

If you claimed that someone was a false prophet and that person claimed that you were a false prophet, how would anyone else know which of you were telling the truth (assuming one of you were)?

It usually only takes a couple written or spoken sentences to spot the lies of a man. Either what he doesn't understand or the fear I see in his words. The more he talks, the more sure my judgment is. I spotted Paul Washer as a false prophet within the first minute I watched his video. About 15 years ago I took my family to see Billy Graham and was amazed by him. Now I know he's a false prophet who's been lying to everyone since he was old enough to talk.

A true prophet only speaks for God and that's it. He doesn't get involved in church, bible reading, bible study, idol worshipping, choir, ministering or pastoring congregations, or any other pagan practices to make them look religious. They're just ordinary people like me who no one would suspect until they start preaching the gospel. Then most people reject us because of the truth.

The Word

New member
How will this "flesh" of yours do with a bullet hole in it as you say it will soon have?

I'll instantly die and then wake up with a new body in a new world. The million years inbetween my death and the time I wake up in a new body can't be experienced. We all remain in God as thoughts while the earth is changing into a paradise for us. Then when it's ready and our bodies are formed by God, we will start living in them for the rest of eternity.


New member
Hall of Fame
It usually only takes a couple written or spoken sentences to spot the lies of a man.

Wait a minute.

Why would it take a couple written or spoken sentences to spot a lie? If there is no truth, then everything is a lie...right?

The Word

New member
So when you say speaking through do you mean?

We're basically God's puppets and they can only speak because of the thoughts that came from the mind of God. This world is the greatest puppet show in the universe and when it's through, they will all be burned up so we can start the best show ever in paradise. Since we'll live forever, we won't understand that we're only puppets.

The Graphite

New member
Uhm... question.

Are you "the word" as in "rhema?"

Or as in "logos?"


Thank goodness you got here when you did. We are in such terrible need of correction by someone who just got here and barely knows what's going on here, and barely knows anyone here, at all.

Please proceed to "straighten us out." :dunce:

The Word

New member
Uhm... question.

Are you "the word" as in "rhema?"

Or as in "logos?"


Thank goodness you got here when you did. We are in such terrible need of correction by someone who just got here and barely knows what's going on here, and barely knows anyone here, at all.

Please proceed to "straighten us out." :dunce:

I'm the only thoughts that exist and where all things came from.
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