The Word has entered this forum.

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New member
I'm not talking about of him. I'm talking about speaking the words he gives me.

It seems THE WORD denounces The Word...

Isa 8:20-22 To the Torah and to the witness! If they do not speak according to this Word, it is because they have no daybreak. And they shall pass through it hard pressed and hungry. And it shall be, when they are hungry, that they shall be wroth and curse their sovereign and their Elohim, looking upward. And they shall look to the earth and see distress and darkness, gloom of hard times, and be driven into thick darkness.

No light in the latter one that's for sure.


New member
Specifically, who do you say Jesus Christ is? The wrong answer puts you outside of biblical, historical, orthodox Christianity.

Then, who do you say you are?:rolleyes: Take me to your leader.

Seems the one who is calling themself "The Word" has a severe case of delusions of grandeur. "Themself" get it? Hee hee...eeek...not so funny.


New member
With your pride in the way, most likely you will never know who I am.

Haa haa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa HA HA HA HA HA! Oh we know who you are alright, or at least what spirit resides in you...the same one that Abba Yahuweh threw out of heaven for doing the same thing! That's ok though, you ain't got much time left here anyway. Grasping at straws you can't grab on to there bub.


New member
You've figured it out. Why enable this person?

You would probably be surprised at the amount of folks that would buy into a self proclaimed false god. If I go after a goofball like this it isn't for it's benefit but the benefit of others who do not know where the facts really are in Scriptures. Now they do though in regard to it's remarks. And maybe, just maybe, they will read the rest of the story:)

King Ogre

New member
Another unauthorized psychiatrist working under the table on the internet.

And another unauthorized 'prophet'. This 'ministry' you have, is it on street corners? Do you have a large sign constructed out of cardboard and a sharpie? Bonus points are awarded if you appear disheveled.


New member
And another unauthorized 'prophet'. This 'ministry' you have, is it on street corners? Do you have a large sign constructed out of cardboard and a sharpie? Bonus points are awarded if you appear disheveled.

:madmad: I HATE you, The Word!

The Word is the biggest enemy to the lord

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
You need to stop watching movies. They have you very confused.

No. You are a fraud and a hoaxer. You don't believe what you are posting, you just do it because this is a theology site and you are laughing when you do it.

But I mocked your idiotic post for fun.

The Word

New member
Well you are a flat out liar stating that which is only your own vain imaginings...Luk 24:27 And beginning at Mosheh and all the Prophets, He was explaining to them in all the Scriptures the matters concerning Himself.

What was that you were here to show me?

I was sent here by God to tell you Christians that the pagan Jews and Romans added all kinds of pagan beliefs and lies in the scriptures. We preach the gospel because every single word is directly from God and not from 2,000 year old words that have all been changed. Not one word in the Bible is the original inspired words of God.

The Word

New member
It seems THE WORD denounces The Word...

Isa 8:20-22 To the Torah and to the witness! If they do not speak according to this Word, it is because they have no daybreak. And they shall pass through it hard pressed and hungry. And it shall be, when they are hungry, that they shall be wroth and curse their sovereign and their Elohim, looking upward. And they shall look to the earth and see distress and darkness, gloom of hard times, and be driven into thick darkness.

No light in the latter one that's for sure.

Jesus didn't come speaking the scriptures. He spoke the words God gave him to speak and that's why the religious Jews didn't understand him. They got jealous and had him killed by the Romand government. There's no difference today with the same gospel being preached by me. You Christians have been deceived by the scriptures that have been changed.

The Word

New member
Haa haa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa HA HA HA HA HA! Oh we know who you are alright, or at least what spirit resides in you...the same one that Abba Yahuweh threw out of heaven for doing the same thing! That's ok though, you ain't got much time left here anyway. Grasping at straws you can't grab on to there bub.

You're won't have a very good time with the truth in here.

The Word

New member
You've figured it out. Why enable this person?

Not one person in this forum will know who I am. It's possible someone might hear the truth and keep listening to him but other than that, everyone will be blind and deaf to the words I type in here.

The Word

New member
You would probably be surprised at the amount of folks that would buy into a self proclaimed false god. If I go after a goofball like this it isn't for it's benefit but the benefit of others who do not know where the facts really are in Scriptures. Now they do though in regard to it's remarks. And maybe, just maybe, they will read the rest of the story:)

You don't have any power to go after me with. All you have is the sins of pride and jealousy that will speak loud and clear if you engage in a battle against the truth I preach.

The Word

New member
And another unauthorized 'prophet'. This 'ministry' you have, is it on street corners? Do you have a large sign constructed out of cardboard and a sharpie? Bonus points are awarded if you appear disheveled.

God decided before creation that he would use my flesh to speak with. Don't mess with him or you won't like yourself later on.

The Word

New member
No. You are a fraud and a hoaxer. You don't believe what you are posting, you just do it because this is a theology site and you are laughing when you do it.

But I mocked your idiotic post for fun.

I don't have fun anymore after God made me his slave to speak for him.

The Word

New member
God sent you to an internet forum? Some men he sends on great crusades, others on long pilgrimages throughout savage lands. But you, he sends here.

Where else can I speak to hundreds of people a week throughout the whole world? God planned this electronic age for me to use when I got here. What a way to preach to the whole world before the end comes. You can find this prophecy in Matthew 24.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I was sent here by God to tell you Christians that the pagan Jews and Romans added all kinds of pagan beliefs and lies in the scriptures. We preach the gospel because every single word is directly from God and not from 2,000 year old words that have all been changed. Not one word in the Bible is the original inspired words of God.

Who are the "We"? In an earlier thread you said that no one else speaks truth except you.

Not one?

When you stated:

Out of these sins will come alcoholics, thiefs, prostitutes, sex offenders, drug addicts, rapists, murderers etc. Other problems will be beauty, financial success, obesity, ugliness, homosexuality, lesbianism, beastiality, religiosity, etc. The sins of pride, jealousy, envy, greed, gluttony, laziness, lust and many other sins cause people to love their own flesh rather than love God and his neighbors.

And when the Bible also states that those are also sins in Galatians 5...

Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

...the Bible is wrong?

Are the Bible verses above lies?
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