I'm back, thanx for asking Chil. I'll be out for a week + starting Friday, doing our
annual "northern arc" visiting relatives in Mich, Wis, and Ind...
Lots of good "justice," "rebuke," and "forgiveness" discussions going on.
As always, we're lobbing scripture at each other, and trying to defend our positions
based on "our" fav scriptures. What we're not doing is looking for understanding that
accommodates "all" scripture.
Demand mercy and not sacrifice, this is scriptural. Rebuke is scriptural as well. So is
the story of the good Samaritan. So is Jesus forgiving those who were nailing Him to
the Cross. So is "love your enemies," So is "eye for an eye." Hence this discussion.
I proposed a scenario where "eye for an eye" fits with the "mercy and not sacrifice,"
picture of God presented through Christ. If the sacrifice of an eye is required of the
offender such that the offender understands the suffering that he / she causes
another, this scenario seems to fit all scripture.
Should we rebuke, such that those that hurt us, offend us, hurt others, sin, are made
aware of the hurt they are causing themselves and others? Absolutely.
If someone offends me, offense is a burden I carry. Forgiving helps me to unburden
myself. Then, rebuking does not serve to make me feel better, I don't turn
to vengence to resolve my issues. If I forgive first, then rebuke is left solely for the
purpose of helping the offender understand how (s)he is hurting (her)himself and others.
And that's what its meant for. Not a grudge to carry for a lifetime, but a loving
admonision to stop hurting self and others, to stop sinning.
Hey, I'm not perfect, when I'm hurt, I carry grudges for awhile. Sometimes I lash back
in hurt and anger as well. But its my experience that when I do this, it never serves
to heal, it only makes things worse.
However, when I can let the hurt go, when I can forgive, then I can rationally tell an
offender how they hurt me, and how they are hurting themselves, then there is a chance
for understanding, a chance for healing.
If we seperate the concepts of forgiveness and rebuke, we can find understanding
which accomodates all scripture. Rebuke offerred in love is meant to help the offender,
rebuke offerred out of defensiveness just furthers sin, 2 wrongs don't make anything