The White House's Problem Is Dishonesty, Not Chaos

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It appears as if, Exminister and his ilk are of the belief, they have the ability to read the heart and mind of our President and assume, he is lying about most everything. I wonder how they achieved such a 'Super-human' ability?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
EVERYTHING that has occurred since Hillary's election loss is all connected. I mean; the violence in the streets, obstruction, celebrity verbal attacks, negative media involvement, phoney accusations, the Russia collusion debacle, etc, etc. It's all connected to the election outcome.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There's good reason to believe, no matter which Republican won the election, they would have been aggressively attacked by the far-left zealots. Trump just happened to have won the Presidency. The Democrats are sore losers and no matter WHO would have won, they still would have complained and caused trouble, because, Hillary was THEIR choice for President. According to the Polls, then, she was a "Shoe-in" for the Presidency. Yet, they lost and will never get over it. Lord Willing, Trump will have a second term and be followed by another Republican.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
By the way, I consider myself to be a "Conservative Independent", however, the Republican Party is the only Party I can choose because of my beliefs. The Democratic Party stands for most everything I disagree with.

The Barbarian

Was Barack Obama a Black Panther?
A 1998 photograph purportedly showing a young Barack Obama as a member of the Black Panther Party is a fake.

Here's the original before they photoshopped Obama's face into it:

About now, you should be asking yourself a basic question:

"If my message is true, why do I feel it necessary to lie?"

Shame on you.


The fumbling of domestic-violence accusations against Rob Porter is a story about the administration’s inability to tell the truth, not its disorganization.

The White House’s response to allegations of domestic violence against former Staff Secretary Rob Porter has so stunned reporters that the whole episode has become an exemplar of the total disorganization of the Trump administration...It’s strange because the focus on disorder has overshadowed the more salient feature of the moment: Insofar as the administration is engulfed in chaos, it is a result of its inability to tell the truth. The Trump team doesn’t have a chaos problem so much as it has a dishonesty problem...The president, with his prodigious capacity for pumping out nonsense, may be the wellspring of the White House’s honesty problem, but he is not alone.

So it’s a cosmos of winning. Cosmos meaning the organization of chaos like cosmetics for women.

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Well-known member
I really don't believe the 'far-left' has any interest in doing the Will of God. They are predominantly made up of people who mainly possess 'Carnal/fleshly interests.' Spiritual matters have no interest to them. That's why I can't imagine why a TRUE member of the "Body of Christ" would have any desire to align themselves with the far-left Democratic Party? Perhaps you need to re-think where you stand and why?

I see you have a PHD - Piled High and Deep.

patrick jane


Such lies and being Christian. Don't get it.
For Obama and Hillary I post funny memes, like jgarden's Trump cartoons and images and barbie's funny Trump images. Did I say it was real? Did I lie? Liberals conveniently "forget" what they do. Libs love to whine and be the "victim" in this day and age. Not even true liberal thinkers, just a mob of brainwashed babies.


New member
For Obama and Hillary I post funny memes, like jgarden's Trump cartoons and images and barbie's funny Trump images. Did I say it was real? Did I lie? Liberals conveniently "forget" what they do. Libs love to whine and be the "victim" in this day and age. Not even true liberal thinkers, just a mob of brainwashed babies.

Apparently, you didn't fool anyone but [MENTION=15326]intojoy[/MENTION]

patrick jane

So, in your bizarro world every single photo taken from space showing a globe earth is fake but you accept this photo as real?
Yeah Wiz, I believed it wholeheartedly. It consumed me, just like the genuine and proven and admitted Fake Pictures from "Outer Space". Enjoy yourself a little bit Wiz. Wow. :chuckle:


Oh shucks, that ruins my day. Yep, you win. Enjoy the next seven long years of President Trump.

Sick. The close relatives of those just gunned down, like SO MANY before them, and no doubt more to come - their lives will be RUINED. And you just crack jokes... geez.


For Obama and Hillary I post funny memes, like jgarden's Trump cartoons and images and barbie's funny Trump images. Did I say it was real? Did I lie? Liberals conveniently "forget" what they do. Libs love to whine and be the "victim" in this day and age. Not even true liberal thinkers, just a mob of brainwashed babies.

Get this simple fact PJ - NOT FUNNY - and not just because of the latex Trump/NRA debacle.