The Trinity

The Trinity

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God's Truth

New member
Because he's old (85, iirc) and set in his ways, thinking he knows better than what a church teaches.

There is something more sinister going on and I do not believe it is about age at all.

I have seen this kind of stubbornness from all ages.

The Bible says that the devil causes people to misunderstand, and also ensnares people to do his will.


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There is something more sinister going on and I do not believe it is about age at all.

I have seen this kind of stubbornness from all ages.

The Bible says that the devil causes people to misunderstand, and also ensnares people to do his will.
That's a fair assessment.

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Well-known member
Matt 3:16 (AKJV/PCE)
(3:16) And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:

And the SPIRIT of God

Mark 1:10 (AKJV/PCE)
(1:10) And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him:

Spirit like a dove

Luke 3:22 (AKJV/PCE)
(3:22) And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.

The Holy Ghost is not Jesus

John 1:32 (AKJV/PCE)
(1:32) And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.


Every one of the four accounts says UPON Him and NOT into Him.


You're a heretic and a liar.

Matthew 3:16 AENT
And when Y'shua was immersed, he arose at once from the water and heaven was opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of Elohim which was decending like a dove and it came upon him.

This is the express image, spirit son on God that decended on Jesus, This is when Jesus was given the power of his Father. Jesus was NOT born the Christ, he became the Christ when Christ when in him. Acts 10:38.

You have no clue about who the only son of man is. I will tell you aqain, the only one who came down is the spirit son, NOT Jesus.

You should read before you call people names for you only make yourself look bad.

God's Truth

New member
That's a fair assessment.

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I have seen young Catholics, Mormons, and Atheists, etc, have just as much defiance over what is plainly written.
We are told not to lean on our own understanding. That means be humble and ready to learn. We are told to acknowledge God's words, and He will make straight our path. God gives understanding to those who obey that, and all His words. We have to trust God's word completely.


Well-known member
Because he's old (85, iirc) and set in his ways, thinking he knows better than what a church teaches.

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Wrong, I am only 81 and I do know more than most churches about some things.

I have no traditional chains to tie me down to the fables of my forefathers. The world is round, not flat. God has blessed me with knowledge that most will not understand because it does not fit their Sunday school lessons. I am the one who will face the Master and tell him I did my best Lord, deal with me as you will.

God's Truth

New member
I will try my friend, but you have to let go of a lot of baggage to see what I will tell you.

The Father is not the Son and the Son is not the Father. Want to start there?

That is what I am trying to discuss with you but you would not discuss the scripture John 14:23.

I understand exactly what your beliefs are. You make two Sons and that is not Biblical.

Let's try again:

They are the same Spirit.

Tell me, how does the Father and Jesus make their home with the saved if you are only given one Spirit when you are saved?

John 14:23 23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.

Right Divider

Body part
I have learned over the years that you can not argue with stupid. Name calling is an idiot's way of not showing me when I go wrong. You fit that pattern perfectly. Congrats RD.
Calling someone that lies a liar is not "name calling", it is called telling the truth.

Liars don't like that.

God's Truth

New member
Wrong, I am only 81 and I do know more than most churches about some things.

I have no traditional chains to tie me down to the fables of my forefathers. The world is round, not flat. God has blessed me with knowledge that most will not understand because it does not fit their Sunday school lessons. I am the one who will face the Master and tell him I did my best Lord, deal with me as you will.

He isn't so wrong, as you said. You are old and he was not off by far.

You cannot teach because you will not discuss what the scriptures plainly say.

Tell us how there is one 'Divine' Spirit and yet you say there are more?

Ephesians 4:4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called;

Ephesians 2:18
For through Him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.

Right Divider

Body part
I share what I have been given, no one knows it all RD, especially you and I. But some of us do have an understanding of some parts of scripture, and we take it and share. You have no idea why I think as I do and you never will. You have stopped learning.
You're a poor confused old man that thinks that he's found truth, but instead has believed a lie.

You've been shown many times by many people the error of your way, but you love it more than the truth. So be it.


Well-known member
That is what I am trying to discuss with you but you would not discuss the scripture John 14:23.

I understand exactly what your beliefs are. You make two Sons and that is not Biblical.

Let's try again:

They are the same Spirit.

Tell me, how does the Father and Jesus make their home with the saved if you are only given one Spirit when you are saved?

John 14:23 23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.

Realize that there came be more than one spirit in a person.
Did not Jesus Christ send a Legion of them into the swine from one man?
Demons are spirits.

Right Divider

Body part
And the SPIRIT of God

Spirit like a dove

The Holy Ghost is not Jesus



Matthew 3:16 AENT
And when Y'shua was immersed, he arose at once from the water and heaven was opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of Elohim which was decending like a dove and it came upon him.

This is the express image, spirit son on God that decended on Jesus, This is when Jesus was given the power of his Father. Jesus was NOT born the Christ, he became the Christ when Christ when in him. Acts 10:38.

You have no clue about who the only son of man is. I will tell you aqain, the only one who came down is the spirit son, NOT Jesus.

You should read before you call people names for you only make yourself look bad.
Your confused idea of what "express image of His person" means it your fundamental problem.

You've been shown what it means, but you refuse the truth.

You ALWAYS try to disconnect IMAGE from EXPRESS. It a SINGLE word meaning CHARACTER. The LORD Jesus Christ is NOT a created "spirit son" as you falsely claim.

God's Truth

New member
Realize that there came be more than one spirit in a person.
Did not Jesus Christ send a Legion of them into the swine from one man?
Demons are spirits.

I am speaking about the Divine, about God. That is the Spirit we are speaking of.

Of course there are many evil spirits.

Even all humans have their own spirit living inside them that never dies; and you reject that truth too.


Well-known member
You're a poor confused old man that thinks that he's found truth, but instead has believed a lie.

You've been shown many times by many people the error of your way, but you love it more than the truth. So be it.

It should be no problem for you to prove me wrong then. Show me who the son of man is Jesus. I will show you that only the spirit came down from heaven. I will show you that God provided a body for that spirit. And it is that spirit that is the son of man and is the ONLY one who has seen God. He is also the express image of his creator, but you do not seem to see that.

God's Truth

New member
It should be no problem for you to prove me wrong then. Show me who the son of man is Jesus. I will show you that only the spirit came down from heaven. I will show you that God provided a body for that spirit. And it is that spirit that is the son of man and is the ONLY one who has seen God. He is also the express image of his creator, but you do not seem to see that.

WE ALL ARE our spirit!

We all have our own spirit living inside of us.


God's Truth

New member
Not so, the Holy Ghost came down from the Father, not Jesus.

The Holy Spirit came into a flesh body and was that person's Spirit.

We all have our own spirit, and we receive the Holy Spirit to live with us when we are saved; BUT Jesus' Spirit is the Holy Spirit.