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What was vain about what you quoted that she said?
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Selective hearing. Gotta love it. :chuckle:
What was vain about what you quoted that she said?
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You must be God if you can know such things. I cannot read your mind, so I have no idea what you think my "contradiction" is. Just tell us.Me telling you your contradiction won't work, just like me pinpointing how you are misrepresenting me won't work; you have to conclude such for yourself I believe.
Say what the contradiction is, instead of being vague.I'm not trying to incriminate you; I just want you to open your eyes, ears, and heart.
I am not against you though you percieve me to be.
I'm sorry; I believe it to be factual that there is and was and ever will be one Gospel of salvation, through hearing and believing the Word of GOD.You don't seem to realize the children of Israel were God's chosen people, and that their Messiah was to be believed, not rejected, when He came. He came to set up a Kingdom on earth, and that's the Gospel He preached while He walked among us.
Matthew 15:24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
When He was rejected, God turned to the Gentiles, and the Risen Ascended Lord gave Paul the Gospel of Grace which was preached to the Jews and the Gentiles. It's only "outlandish" to those who refuse to listen to those basic facts when they're presented.
You said NO ONE knew that the gospel of grace would come some time after the gospel of the Spirit. (Roughly)You must be God if you can know such things. I cannot read your mind, so I have no idea what you think my "contradiction" is. Just tell us.
Say what the contradiction is, instead of being vague.
I'm sorry; I believe it to be factual that there is and was and ever will be one Gospel of salvation, through hearing and believing the Word of GOD.
There are different types of "salvation" in the Bible. Not every gospel is just about eternal life.I'm sorry; I believe it to be factual that there is and was and ever will be one Gospel of salvation, through hearing and believing the Word of GOD.
And by believing, I do mean doing as a result of belief which is a result of the gift of faith given through the grace of GOD.
When I said "everyone", I was NOT including the LORD FROM HEAVEN that knows all things.You said NO ONE knew that the gospel of grace would come some time after the gospel of the Spirit. (Roughly)
Then you said Jesus, as a man, indeed knew everything.
"Jesus knows all things."
That's Paul's Gospel.
I see no "Repent and be baptised" there, which is the Gospel Jesus and the Apostles preached.
Think about it.
There are different types of "salvation" in the Bible. Not every gospel is just about eternal life.
The gospel of the kingdom was about the restoration of the kingdom of Israel and was a type of salvation for them.
Just read it and believe it:
Luke 1:67-80 (AKJV/PCE)(1:67) And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied, saying, (1:68) Blessed [be] the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people, (1:69) And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David; (1:70) As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began: (1:71) That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us; (1:72) To perform the mercy [promised] to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant; (1:73) The oath which he sware to our father Abraham, (1:74) That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, (1:75) In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life. (1:76) And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways; (1:77) To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins, (1:78) Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us, (1:79) To give light to them that sit in darkness and [in] the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. (1:80) And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his shewing unto Israel.
You abuse the term "spiritual". Spiritual understanding does not change God's plans with Israel.You should know that the vast majority of the OT is to be read with a spiritual understanding. And as such, is in no way limited to a past time or a physical nation.
Someone?Someone said the Jews were GOD'S people, past tense....but none corrected them.
We do indeed repent of knowing wrong, and this is indeed the beginning of faith in GOD.
also we grow in faith and wisdom and repent of sin knowingly, with effort, not due to the written law of blessed Moses and Arron, but through belief and growth is spirit and the genuine want to be follow the guidance and will of GOD.
I'm sorry; I believe it to be factual that there is and was and ever will be one Gospel of salvation, through hearing and believing the Word of GOD.
We do indeed repent of knowing wrong, and this is indeed the beginning of faith in GOD.
also we grow in faith and wisdom and repent of sin knowingly, with effort, not due to the written law of blessed Moses and Arron, but through belief and growth is spirit and the genuine want to be follow the guidance and will of GOD.
So you think the man Jesus literally was all knowing (omniscient) while He walked the Earth?When I said "everyone", I was NOT including the LORD FROM HEAVEN that knows all things.
When the Bible says that "God wills that all men be saved", that does NOT mean that all will be saved. It is a GENERALIZATION.
Now I understand your problem, which is not a problem at all.
P.S. I believe that when Jesus said "no man knows the day or the hour", I think that He was also using a GENERALIZATION and was NOT including Himself in that generalized group.
Since the Spirit of God was in the man Jesus, YES... He literally knew everything.So you think the man Jesus literally was all knowing (omniscient) while He walked the Earth?
100% God as well!!!And you admit that Jesus was 100% man, and did indeed have a birth and grew and learned as a human does?
Learn what a GENERALIZATION is, so that you can understand the use of it in the English language.You said no one, Jesus was someone.
Because we all come to God through Christ.So if Jesus was all knowing then He knew His Spirit would return and come to St. Paul and preach what you say is another Gospel. So why would He say that there is one way to GOD and no other way?
Because God hid this information from mankind.... why is that so hard for you to believe?Why would He specify a narrow path and a side door? Why would he say that not one character of the law would is abolished?
Of course he does.... Paul was given a gospel to preach called the gospel of the grace of God.St. Paul doesn't preach another Gospel.
The new testament that Paul mentions is NOT the new covenant between God and IsraelIf he did then he would say that hey came with a new gospel and a new new testament.
"Were", as in past tense.You abuse the term "spiritual". Spiritual understanding does not change God's plans with Israel.
The Bible consistently shows God assuring Israel that they will be restored.... the remnant, of course.
What is "The Gospel"?I'm sorry; I believe it to be factual that there is and was and ever will be one Gospel of salvation, through hearing and believing the Word of GOD.
And by believing, I do mean doing as a result of belief which is a result of the gift of faith given through the grace of GOD.
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"Were" does refer to the past. Nowhere does God say that He has abandoned Israel."Were", as in past tense.
Mr. Vague is in the building....That is not the truth.
That's what scripture says....Israel will be restored.
The faithful followers need no restoration. That's just silly.That is to say, those faithful followers of GOD, and those who believe the Word of GOD will be restored unto GOD.
Since the Spirit of God was in the man Jesus, YES... He literally knew everything.
100% God as well!!!
Learn what a GENERALIZATION is, so that you can understand the use of it in the English language.
Because we all come to God through Christ.
Because God hid this information from mankind.... why is that so hard for you to believe?
Of course he does.... Paul was given a gospel to preach called the gospel of the grace of God.
The new testament that Paul mentions is NOT the new covenant between God and Israel
That has happened already."Were" does refer to the past. Nowhere does God say that He has abandoned Israel.
Mr. Vague is in the building....
That's what scripture says....
The faithful followers need no restoration. That's just silly.
The nation of Israel will be restored and purged with fire per scripture.
This may help:What is "The Gospel"?