I'm sorry; I do not agree that the physical man Jesus is the first cause. That isn't saying that I do not think all was created through the Word of GOD.
That is not what scripture says.
It says that Jesus is God.
To me the Word is from and of GOD, and the first thing brought about which all else was formed through.
So you reject John 1:1?
There is a difference in the Word of GOD and the physical temple of GOD
though, to me.
Jesus tabernacled among us (John 1:14).
I would be happy to discuss it and it most certainly isn't a thing that I won't reconsider; but it will take within context scripture and logic in order for that to happen.
I appreciate your efforts so far and in no way mean disrespect to our Lord GOD.
You disrespect Him by denying His (Jesus') Deity.
If the first cause is without beginning
GOD is without beginning.
then how can something with a noted beginning be synonymous with GOD almighty (first cause)?
You're basing your position on the false assumption that Jesus had a beginning.