ECT The Rebellion that Desolates

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Well-known member
The Bible is mere putty in the hands of the master IP.

No, I said the 490 years, the cutting off, the end with a flood was exact enough for me. I'm not twisting anything.

I certainly don't think that when those features are as clear as they are in Mt24A that I have to stop everything for a misunderstood phrase in Dan 11.

I see your group is still applauding an abusive person who talks publically about the mental health of others when the 1st rule of being mentally healthy is that you don't. I'll be having to mass ignore you unless you can show that you have the Spirit of God in you somewhere. I appreciated a little bit of STP on this earlier, but his dithering with what RD did yesterday and thinking I was 'cracking up' shows his mettle.


Well-known member
I guess that IP thinks that God just put some fluff in His Word, as if He's a fiction author.

What I said is the exact opposite. Most of it is totally clear; that I'm not going to sweat a few lines in Dan 11 when Christ is perfectly clear about 8-9.

The club is soon to be ignored anyway because of the number of great people I've found here to research with.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
What I said is the exact opposite. Most of it is totally clear; that I'm not going to sweat a few lines in Dan 11 when Christ is perfectly clear about 8-9.

The club is soon to be ignored anyway because of the number of great people I've found here to research with.

Are you saying that you do not know the identity of the prince of the covenant, chapter 11?
But, you are adamant that it is all in the past?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Daniel 9
9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

Daniel 11
11:22 And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.

How can anyone miss that this is not the LORD Jesus Christ?


Well-known member
You found some people to take part in your faulty translations? You're leaving the "club" behind?

Name one.

I did make the wrong expression choice about Lk 24/Acts 1 recently when I said that Jesus had not been talking about the kingdom of God in the 40 days. I meant kingdom of Israel. He had not been talking about that, that's why their question in Acts 1 is about the first question a person would ever ask, and he hadn't even covered it!

Missing the meaning of the whole passage is what makes it such clawing on chalkboard to listen to STP, RD, Tam, Heir and yourself. You lift one line out and milk it, but as far as the whole thing going on.

The classic was yesterday when RD thought he was correcting me for saying that Christ in Lk 24:26 was talking about the coming kingdom on earth. I wasn't. I thought Christ was doing what it says there. What I hear from the club though, is that is that Christ was talking about the kingdom of Israel on earth there in the 40 days. It was a paradox I have pointed out for months, but for the first time RD twisted it into a criticism of me.

In other words, the passage itself decimates what 2P2P is about, but because he is a zealot for abusing and shaming people, he tried to turn it into: IP is saying it was about the kingdom of Israel. I said that's what 2P2P thinks the 40 days is about.

btw, for Christ to be glorified and then send the Spirit, requires the enthronement of Christ. That is what Lk 24-Acts 1 are saying on the subject. that is why the term 'power' in 'power of the Spirit' in 1:8 is a kingdom/royal word choice. He didn't mean an explosion. He meant that something overwhelmingly and unstoppably powerful would happen through the Spirit. Which was the launch of the Christian Gospel mission.

Since that was my interest, no, I would not be saying that Christ was talking about the kingdom of Israel during the 40 days, but about the suffering and enthronement of Christ. RD thinks, stupidly, that I was talking about the kingdom of Israel.
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Right Divider

Body part
Name on.

I did make the wrong expression choice about Lk 24/Acts 1 recently when I said that Jesus had not been talking about the kingdom of God in the 40 days. I meant kingdom of Israel. He had not been talking about that, that's why their question in Acts 1 is about the first question a person would ever ask, and he hadn't even covered it!
You just keep spouting nonsense.

Missing the meaning of the whole passage is what makes it such clawing on chalkboard to listen to STP, RD, Tam, Heir and yourself. You lift one line out and milk it, but as far as the whole thing going on.
Instead, we should be like IP and see things that are NOT THERE.

The classic was yesterday when RD thought he was correcting me for saying that Christ in Lk 24:26 was talking about the coming kingdom on earth. I wasn't. I thought Christ was doing what it says there. What I hear from the club though, is that is that Christ was talking about the kingdom of Israel on earth there in the 40 days. It was a paradox I have pointed out for months, but for the first time RD twisted it into a criticism of me.
You are lying constantly and falsely accusing others of lying when they tell you the truth. You are a despicable poser.

I NEVER said that Luke 24:26 is "about the kingdom", you LIAR.

I was pointing out the OBVIOUS (which is well beyond your comprehension), that what they were being called fools for is NOT WHAT YOU CLAIM.

HERE (AGAIN) is what Jesus TOLD them as CLEARLY recorded in SCRIPTURE:

Luke 24:25-26 (AKJV/PCE)
(24:25) Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: (24:26) Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?

They, as most of Israel (including the twelve), did NOT understand was that the Christ had to DIE and be RESURRECTED before His kingdom could be established on the earth.

Your story is continuous FICTION.

In other words, the passage itself decimates what 2P2P is about, but because he is a zealot for abusing and shaming people, he tried to turn it into: IP is saying it was about the kingdom of Israel. I said that's what 2P2P thinks the 40 days is about.

btw, for Christ to be glorified and then send the Spirit, requires the enthronement of Christ. That is what Lk 24-Acts 1 are saying on the subject. that is why the term 'power' in 'power of the Spirit' in 1:8 is a kingdom/royal word choice. He didn't mean an explosion. He meant that something overwhelmingly and unstoppably powerful would happen through the Spirit. Which was the launch of the Christian Gospel mission.
Pure fantasy. Did you invent this or did you get is from some other fiction author?

Since that was my interest, no, I would not be saying that Christ was talking about the kingdom of Israel during the 40 days, but about the suffering and enthronement of Christ. RD thinks, stupidly, that I was talking about the kingdom of Israel.
The kingdom of God on earth is the kingdom of Israel with CHRIST as KING.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Daniel 9
9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

Daniel 11
11:22 And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.

How can anyone miss that this is not the LORD Jesus Christ?

This is a fair question that should be addressed.


New member
Those are from Daniel 8-9 (the R/AofD making them a unit distinct from the 11-12) and Christ's own identification. He would not have been talking Maccabbean period.

Your blindness is due to your often stated approach - your erroneous and life-long habit, long made habit "by reason of use."

Your error in having attempted to solve for Daniel through writers of history.

The true Bible student is to solve for ALL things through the Scripture ALONE - and FIRST.

Because the issues, and identities of the various players depicted, say, in Daniel, are of a "spiritual" nature.

They are thus, not properly understood through world history.

Let alone, through relying on said history first.

Or worse, thru over relying on history, as is your case.

In fact, if anything, the Scripture both emphatically as well as repeatedly emphasizes the fact that the world is both continually fooled by, and proven a fool by, the spiritual.

And that is one of the very points of both Daniel's visions, and of his writings about them.

Thus, only after that is solved for - through - the - Scripture - should one look to any sort of a world history.

For only then, can one hope to safely navigate both the waters of one's own ideas, and those of "history."

In this, your over reliance on "the history first" has ended you up not only in the dark about what Daniel had been talking about, but no better off then those who look to "today's headlines for the continuing fulfilment of prophecy - thank you, Jack" Van Impe :chuckle:

Nevertheless, Romans 5:8 towards you.


New member
Daniel 9
9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

Daniel 11
11:22 And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.

How can anyone miss that this is not the LORD Jesus Christ?

I was just thinking that very same thing on those passages, earlier this morning.

Good post :thumb:

And nevertheless, Romans 5:8 towards ya, IP.
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